Formation of Collaborative System of Systems Through Belonging Choice Mechanisms
The designation System of Systems (SoS) applies to many types of system structures. We consider a collaborative SoS, which forms through the apparent voluntary decisions of its component systems. However, many collaborative SoS do not possess the ...
Service Value Networks: Humans Hypernetwork to Cocreate Value
Service is about value cocreation between customers and providers. Cocreation builds on human networking: people connecting fluidly with each other as customers, providers, and resources to pursue common values. This paper develops a new analysis of ...
A Hierarchical Decision Model to Select Quality Control Strategies for a Complex Product
A hierarchical decision model is proposed to select the optimal quality control strategies among various alternatives to pursue the most satisfying quality improvement for the supply chain in producing a complex product, such as an aircraft, warship, or ...
Optimal Advertising and Pricing Strategies for Luxury Fashion Brands With Social Influences
In marketing, it is well known that social needs play an important role in the purchase of conspicuous products such as high-end luxury fashion labels. In this paper, we analytically study the optimal advertising and pricing decisions for luxury fashion ...
Information Technology Skill Management Strategies for Implementing New Technologies: A Case of Service-Oriented Architecture
Managing human resources and skills for information technology (IT) presents a challenging task for executives, more so when new ITs are involved. Lack of familiarity with the technology, the learning curve associated with its incorporation, and the ...
Model Checking Analysis of Semantically Annotated Business Processes
Semantic business processes require new analysis techniques able to deal with behavioral properties that also consider semantic aspects. In this paper, a model checking method is introduced including semantic aspects in both the model description and ...
Impacts of Minimum Order Quantity on a Quick Response Supply Chain
In this paper, we study the impacts of imposing a minimum order quantity (MOQ) on a two-echelon supply chain implementing quick response (QR) and consider the issue of coordination for such a system. By exploring the QR-MOQ supply chain system, we ...
Walking to Grasp: Modeling of Human Movements as Invariants and an Application to Humanoid Robotics
Concurrent advancements in mechanical design and motion planning algorithms allow state-of-the-art humanoid robots to exhibit complex and realistic behavior. In face of this added complexity and the need for humanlike behavior, research has begun to ...
Fast Patrol Route Planning in Dynamic Environments
Proper patrol route planning increases the effectiveness of police patrolling and improves public security. In this paper, we present a new approach for real-time patrol route planning in dynamic environments. We first build a mathematical formulation ...
Temporal Awareness in Teleoperation of Conversational Robots
Awareness of time is particularly important for teleoperation of conversational robots, both for controlling the robot and for estimating interaction success, because people have a low tolerance for long pauses in conversation. Findings have shown that ...
Simultaneity in Perception of Knocking
—“Knock, knock—who's there?” Here, we do not address this question but rather the underlying mechanism behind the perception of knocking impacts. When one knocks on a surface, her hand makes a forward-backward motion and, at the point of reversal, the ...
Design and Identification of Stochastic and Deterministic Stochastic Petri Nets
In this paper, we consider the identification problem of stochastic and deterministic stochastic Petri nets (PNs). The approach herein proposed consists of inferring a PN structure and identifying its parameters. Hence, the first step leads to the ...
Warranty Cost Analysis for $k\hbox{-}out\hbox{-}of\hbox{-}n$ Systems With 2-D Warranty
This paper presents new warranty cost models subject to two types of warranty periods (warranty and postwarranty periods), minimal repairs, and various types of warranty policies including free repair/replacement warranty and prorata warranty for $k$ -...
Effects of Uncertainty in Both Component Reliability and Load Demand on Multistate System Reliability
Considerable studies have been done on system reliability estimation under uncertainty. Most of these studies focus on binary-state systems, and the uncertainty source is only admitted in the component reliability estimation. The studies on multistate ...
Fault Diagnosis of Discrete-Event Systems Using Continuous Petri Nets
When discrete-event systems are used to model systems with a large number of possible (reachable) states, many problems such as simulation, optimization, and control, may become computationally prohibitive because they require some enumeration of such ...
SPEED: An Inhabitant Activity Prediction Algorithm for Smart Homes
This paper proposes an algorithm, called sequence prediction via enhanced episode discovery (SPEED), to predict inhabitant activity in smart homes. SPEED is a variant of the sequence prediction algorithm. It works with the episodes of smart home events ...
The World of Connections and Information Flow in Twitter
Information propagation in online social networks like Twitter is unique in that word-of-mouth propagation and traditional media sources coexist. We collect a large amount of data from Twitter to compare the relative roles different types of users play ...
Fusion of Multiple Behaviors Using Layered Reinforcement Learning
This study introduces a method to enable a robot to learn how to perform new tasks through human demonstration and independent practice. The proposed process consists of two interconnected phases; in the first phase, state-action data are obtained from ...
Hypergraph Models for System of Systems Supervision Design
This paper deals with model-based supervision of a class of system of systems (SoS). The SoS is modeled using hypergraphs, where their architectural representation allows the application of a supervision strategy, from ascending or descending directions ...
A Study of Lifetime Optimization of Transportation System
The operation process or environment usually has a significant influence on system lifetime. In this paper, a lifetime optimization approach based on linear programming (LP) is proposed to maximize the transportation system lifetime, in which a semi-...
On the Steady States of Uncertain Genetic Regulatory Networks
This correspondence addresses the analysis of the steady states of uncertain genetic regulatory networks (GRNs). The uncertainty is represented as a vector constrained in a given set that affects the coefficients of the mathematical model of the GRN. It ...