Issue Downloads
Example-guided physically based modal sound synthesis
Linear modal synthesis methods have often been used to generate sounds for rigid bodies. One of the key challenges in widely adopting such techniques is the lack of automatic determination of satisfactory material parameters that recreate realistic ...
Synthesizing waves from animated height fields
Computer animated ocean waves for feature films are typically carefully choreographed to match the vision of the director and to support the telling of the story. The rough shape of these waves is established in the previsualization (previs) stage, ...
Synthesis of tiled patterns using factor graphs
Patterns with pleasing structure are common in art, video games, and virtual worlds. We describe a method for synthesizing new patterns of tiles on a regular grid that are similar in appearance to a set of example patterns. Exemplars are used both to ...
Topology-driven vectorization of clean line drawings
Vectorization provides a link between raster scans of pencil-and-paper drawings and modern digital processing algorithms that require accurate vector representations. Even when input drawings are comprised of clean, crisp lines, inherent ambiguities ...
Reconstructing surfaces of particle-based fluids using anisotropic kernels
In this article we present a novel surface reconstruction method for particle-based fluid simulators such as Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. In particle-based simulations, fluid surfaces are usually defined as a level set of an implicit function. We ...
O-snap: Optimization-based snapping for modeling architecture
In this article, we introduce a novel reconstruction and modeling pipeline to create polygonal models from unstructured point clouds. We propose an automatic polygonal reconstruction that can then be interactively refined by the user. An initial model ...
Progressive photon relaxation
We introduce a novel algorithm for progressively removing noise from view-independent photon maps while simultaneously minimizing residual bias. Our method refines a primal set of photons using data from multiple successive passes to estimate the ...
Procedural facade variations from a single layout
We introduce a framework to generate many variations of a facade design that look similar to a given facade layout. Starting from an input image, the facade is hierarchically segmented and labeled with a collection of manual and automatic tools. The ...
Edge-aware point set resampling
Points acquired by laser scanners are not intrinsically equipped with normals, which are essential to surface reconstruction and point set rendering using surfels. Normal estimation is notoriously sensitive to noise. Near sharp features, the computation ...
Spectral appearance changes induced by light exposure
The fading of materials due to light exposure over time is a major contributor to the overall aged appearance of man-made objects. Although much attention has been devoted to the modeling of aging and weathering phenomena over the last decade, ...