Issue Downloads
Perceptual models of viewpoint preference
The question of what are good views of a 3D object has been addressed by numerous researchers in perception, computer vision, and computer graphics. This has led to a large variety of measures for the goodness of views as well as some special-case ...
Toric degenerations of Bézier patches
The control polygon of a rational Bézier curve is well-defined and has geometric significance; there is a sequence of weights under which the limiting position of the curve is the control polygon. For a rational Bézier surface patch, there are many ...
VolCCD: Fast continuous collision culling between deforming volume meshes
We present a novel culling algorithm to perform fast and robust continuous collision detection between deforming volume meshes. This includes a continuous separating axis test that can conservatively check whether two volume meshes overlap during a ...
Realistic perspective projections for virtual objects and environments
Computer graphics systems provide sophisticated means to render virtual 3D space to 2D display surfaces by applying planar geometric projections. In a realistic viewing condition the perspective applied for rendering should appropriately account for the ...
Online reconstruction of 3D objects from arbitrary cross-sections
We describe a simple algorithm to reconstruct the surface of smooth three-dimensional multilabeled objects from sampled planar cross-sections of arbitrary orientation. The algorithm has the unique ability to handle cross-sections in which regions are ...
Robust adaptive photon tracing using photon path visibility
We present a new adaptive photon tracing algorithm which can handle illumination settings that are considered difficult for photon tracing approaches such as outdoor scenes, close-ups of a small part of an illuminated region, and illumination coming ...
Razor: An architecture for dynamic multiresolution ray tracing
Recent work demonstrates that interactive ray tracing is possible on desktop systems, but there is still much debate as to how to most efficiently support advanced visual effects such as soft shadows, smooth freeform surfaces, complex shading, and ...
Steady affine motions and morphs
We propose to measure the quality of an affine motion by its steadiness, which we formulate as the inverse of its Average Relative Acceleration (ARA). Steady affine motions, for which ARA=0, include translations, rotations, screws, and the golden ...
Naive ray-tracing: A divide-and-conquer approach
We present an efficient ray-tracing algorithm which, for the first time, does not store any data structures when performing spatial subdivisions, and directly computes intersections inside the scene. This new algorithm is often faster than comparable ...
Modal-space control for articulated characters
We present a novel control algorithm for simulating an articulated character performing a given reference motion and its variations. The unique feature of our controller is its ability to make a long-horizon plan at every time step. Our algorithm ...
Interactive surface modeling using modal analysis
We propose a framework for deformation-based surface modeling that is interactive, robust, and intuitive to use. The deformations are described by a nonlinear optimization problem that models static states of elastic shapes under external forces which ...
A Framework for content-adaptive photo manipulation macros: Application to face, landscape, and global manipulations
We present a framework for generating content-adaptive macros that can transfer complex photo manipulations to new target images. We demonstrate applications of our framework to face, landscape, and global manipulations. To create a content-adaptive ...
Fast simulation of skeleton-driven deformable body characters
We propose a fast physically-based simulation system for skeleton-driven deformable body characters. Our system can generate realistic motions of self-propelled deformable body characters by considering the two-way interactions among the skeleton, the ...
Fast oriented bounding box optimization on the rotation group SO(3,ℝ)
An exact algorithm to compute an optimal 3D oriented bounding box was published in 1985 by Joseph O'Rourke, but it is slow and extremely hard to implement. In this article we propose a new approach, where the computation of the minimal-volume OBB is ...