Feature-based surface parameterization and texture mapping
Surface parameterization is necessary for many graphics tasks: texture-preserving simplification, remeshing, surface painting, and precomputation of solid textures. The stretch caused by a given parameterization determines the sampling rate on the ...
On C2 triangle/quad subdivision
In this article, we present a subdivision scheme for mixed triangle/quad meshes that is <i>C</i><sup>2</sup> everywhere except for isolated, extraordinary points. The rules that we describe are the same as Stam and Loop's scheme [2003] except that we ...
Simulating the dynamics of auroral phenomena
Simulating natural phenomena has always been a focal point for computer graphics research. Its importance goes beyond the production of appealing presentations, since research in this area can contribute to the scientific understanding of complex ...
On the optimality of spectral compression of mesh data
Spectral compression of the geometry of triangle meshes achieves good results in practice, but there has been little or no theoretical support for the optimality of this compression. We show that, for certain classes of geometric mesh models, spectral ...
Stable but nondissipative water
This article presents a physically-based technique for simulating water. This work is motivated by the "stable fluids" method, developed by Stam [1999], to handle gaseous fluids. We extend this technique to water, which calls for the development of ...
A physically-based motion retargeting filter
This article presents a novel constraint-based motion editing technique. On the basis of animator-specified kinematic and dynamic constraints, the method converts a given captured or animated motion to a physically plausible motion. In contrast to ...
Perceptual photometric seamlessness in projection-based tiled displays
Arguably, the most vexing problem remaining for multi-projector displays is that of photometric (brightness) seamlessness within and across different projectors. Researchers have strived for <i>strict photometric uniformity</i> that achieves identical ...
Controllable smoke animation with guiding objects
This article addresses the problem of controlling the density and dynamics of smoke (a gas phenomenon) so that the synthetic appearance of the smoke (gas) resembles a still or moving object. Both the smoke region and the target object are represented as ...
Adaptation of performed ballistic motion
Adaptation of ballistic motion demands a technique that can make required adjustments in anticipation of flight periods when only some physically consistent changes are possible. This article describes a numerical procedure that adjusts a physically ...