Registration of the Cone Beam CT and blue-ray scanned dental model based on the improved ICP algorithm
Multimodality image registration and fusion has complementary significance for guiding dental implant surgery. As the needs of the different resolution image registration, we develop an improved Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm that focuses on ...
A framework for the objective assessment of registration accuracy
Validation and accuracy assessment are themain bottlenecks preventing the adoption of image processing algorithms in the clinical practice. In the classical approach, a posteriori analysis is performed through objective metrics. In this work, a ...
High-Speed GPU-Based fully three-dimensional diffuse optical tomographic system
We have developed a graphics processor unit (GPU-) based high-speed fully 3D system for diffuse optical tomography (DOT). The reduction in execution time of 3D DOT algorithm, a severely ill-posed problem, is made possible through the use of (1) an ...
MRI volume fusion based on 3D shearlet decompositions
Nowadays many MRI scans can give 3D volume data with different contrasts, but the observers may want to view various contrasts in the same 3D volume. The conventional 2D medical fusion methods can only fuse the 3D volume data layer by layer, which may ...
Detection of melanoma metastases in resected human lymph nodes by noninvasive multispectral photoacoustic imaging
- Gerrit Cornelis Langhout,
- Diederik Johannes Grootendorst,
- Omgo Edo Nieweg,
- Michel Wilhelmus Jacobus Maria Wouters,
- Jos Alexander van der Hage,
- Jithin Jose,
- Hester van Boven,
- Wiendelt Steenbergen,
- Srirang Manohar,
- Theodoor Jacques Marie Ruers
Objective. Sentinel node biopsy in patients with cutaneous melanoma improves staging, provides prognostic information, and leads to an increased survival in node-positive patients. However, frozen section analysis of the sentinel node is not reliable ...
Accelerometer-Based method for extracting respiratory and cardiac gating information for dual gating during nuclear medicine imaging
Both respiratory and cardiac motions reduce the quality and consistency of medical imaging specifically in nuclear medicine imaging. Motion artifacts can be eliminated by gating the image acquisition based on the respiratory phase and cardiac ...
Automatic labeling of vertebral levels using a robust template-based approach
Context. MRI of the spinal cord provides a variety of biomarkers sensitive to white matter integrity and neuronal function. Current processing methods are based on manual labeling of vertebral levels, which is time consuming and prone to user bias. ...
Automatic characterization of the physiological condition of the carotid artery in 2D ultrasound image sequences using spatiotemporal and spatiospectral 2D maps
A novel method for characterizing and visualizing the progression of waves along the walls of the carotid artery is presented. The new approach is noninvasive and able to simultaneously capture the spatial and the temporal propagation of wavy patterns ...
Fiber visualization with LIC maps using multidirectional anisotropic glyph samples
Line integral convolution (LIC) is used as a texture-based technique in computer graphics for flow field visualization. In diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), LIC bridges the gap between local approaches, for example directionally encoded fractional ...
Nonlocal intracranial cavity extraction
Automatic and accurate methods to estimate normalized regional brain volumes from MRI data are valuable tools which may help to obtain an objective diagnosis and followup of many neurological diseases. To estimate such regional brain volumes, the ...
A weighted two-level bregman method with dictionary updating for nonconvex MR image reconstruction
Nonconvex optimization has shown that it needs substantially fewer measurements than l1 minimization for exact recovery under fixed transform/overcomplete dictionary. In this work, two efficient numerical algorithms which are unified by the method named ...
Application of temperature-dependent fluorescent dyes to the measurement of millimeter wave absorption in water applied to biomedical experiments
Temperature sensitivity of the fluorescence intensity of the organic dyes solutions was used for noncontact measurement of the electromagnetic millimeter wave absorption in water. By using two different dyes with opposite temperature effects, local ...
Robust initialization of active shape models for lung segmentation in CT scans: a feature-based atlas approach
Model-based segmentation methods have the advantage of incorporating a priori shape information into the segmentation process but suffer from the drawback that the model must be initialized sufficiently close to the target. We propose a novel approach ...
A comparative study of contemporary color tongue image extraction methods based on HSI
Tongue image with coating is of important clinical diagnostic meaning, but traditional tongue image extraction method is not competent for extraction of tongue image with thick coating. In this paper, a novel method is suggested, which applies ...
Coronary plaque boundary enhancement in IVUS image by using a modified perona-malik diffusion filter
We propose a modified Perona-Malik diffusion (PMD) filter to enhance a coronary plaque boundary by considering the conditions peculiar to an intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) image. The IVUS image is commonly used for a diagnosis of acute coronary ...
Real-Time evaluation of breast self-examination using computer vision
- Eman Mohammadi,
- Elmer P. Dadios,
- Laurence A. Gan Lim,
- Melvin K. Cabatuan,
- Raouf N. G. Naguib,
- Jose Maria C. Avila,
- Andreas Oikonomou
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide and breast self-examination (BSE) is considered as the most cost-effective approach for early breast cancer detection. The general objective of this paper is to design and develop a computer ...
Microwave radar imaging of heterogeneous breast tissue integrating a priori information
Conventional radar-based image reconstruction techniques fail when they are applied to heterogeneous breast tissue, since the underlying in-breast relative permittivity is unknown or assumed tobe constant. This results in a systematic error during the ...
Computer-Assisted segmentation of videocapsule images using alpha-divergence-based active contour in the framework of intestinal pathologies detection
Visualization of the entire length of the gastrointestinal tract through natural orifices is a challenge for endoscopists. Videoendoscopy is currently the "gold standard" technique for diagnosis of different pathologies of the intestinal tract. Wireless ...
Ischemic stroke detection system with a computer-aided diagnostic ability using an unsupervised feature perception enhancement method
We propose an ischemic stroke detection system with a computer-aided diagnostic ability using a four-step unsupervised feature perception enhancement method. In the first step, known as preprocessing, we use a cubic curve contrast enhancement method to ...