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- article
Design and exploitation of a high-performance SIMD floating-point unit for Blue Gene/L
- S. Chatterjee,
- L. R. Bachega,
- P. Bergner,
- K. A. Dockser,
- J. A. Gunnels,
- M. Gupta,
- F. G. Gustavson,
- C. A. Lapkowski,
- G. K. Liu,
- M. Mendell,
- R. Nair,
- C. D. Wait,
- T. J. C. Ward,
- P. Wu
March 2005IBM Journal of Research and Development, Volume 49, Issue 2 - article
IBM PowerPC 440 FPU with complex-arithmetic extensions
March 2005IBM Journal of Research and Development, Volume 49, Issue 2 - Article
A High-Performance SIMD Floating Point Unit for BlueGene/L: Architecture, Compilation, and Algorithm Design
- Leonardo Bachega,
- Siddhartha Chatterjee,
- Kenneth A. Dockser,
- John A. Gunnels,
- Manish Gupta,
- Fred G. Gustavson,
- Christopher A. Lapkowski,
- Gary K. Liu,
- Mark P. Mendell,
- Charles D. Wait,
- T. J. Chris Ward
September 2004PACT '04: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques - Article
An overview of the BlueGene/L Supercomputer
- NR Adiga,
- G Almasi,
- GS Almasi,
- Y Aridor,
- R Barik,
- D Beece,
- R Bellofatto,
- G Bhanot,
- R Bickford,
- M Blumrich,
- AA Bright,
- J Brunheroto,
- C Caşcaval,
- J Castaños,
- W Chan,
- L Ceze,
- P Coteus,
- S Chatterjee,
- D Chen,
- G Chiu,
- TM Cipolla,
- P Crumley,
- KM Desai,
- A Deutsch,
- T Domany,
- MB Dombrowa,
- W Donath,
- M Eleftheriou,
- C Erway,
- J Esch,
- B Fitch,
- J Gagliano,
- A Gara,
- R Garg,
- R Germain,
- ME Giampapa,
- B Gopalsamy,
- J Gunnels,
- M Gupta,
- F Gustavson,
- S Hall,
- RA Haring,
- D Heidel,
- P Heidelberger,
- LM Herger,
- D Hoenicke,
- RD Jackson,
- T Jamal-Eddine,
- GV Kopcsay,
- E Krevat,
- MP Kurhekar,
- AP Lanzetta,
- D Lieber,
- LK Liu,
- M Lu,
- M Mendell,
- A Misra,
- Y Moatti,
- L Mok,
- JE Moreira,
- BJ Nathanson,
- M Newton,
- M Ohmacht,
- A Oliner,
- V Pandit,
- RB Pudota,
- R Rand,
- R Regan,
- B Rubin,
- A Ruehli,
- S Rus,
- RK Sahoo,
- A Sanomiya,
- E Schenfeld,
- M Sharma,
- E Shmueli,
- S Singh,
- P Song,
- V Srinivasan,
- BD Steinmacher-Burow,
- K Strauss,
- C Surovic,
- R Swetz,
- T Takken,
- RB Tremaine,
- M Tsao,
- AR Umamaheshwaran,
- P Verma,
- P Vranas,
- TJC Ward,
- M Wazlowski,
- W Barrett,
- C Engel,
- B Drehmel,
- B Hilgart,
- D Hill,
- F Kasemkhani,
- D Krolak,
- CT Li,
- T Liebsch,
- J Marcella,
- A Muff,
- A Okomo,
- M Rouse,
- A Schram,
- M Tubbs,
- G Ulsh,
- C Wait,
- J Wittrup,
- M Bae,
- K Dockser,
- L Kissel,
- MK Seager,
- JS Vetter,
- K Yates
November 2002SC '02: Proceedings of the 2002 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing