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- research-articleJune 2024
Detecting Low-Degree Truncation
STOC 2024: Proceedings of the 56th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of ComputingPages 1027–1038https://doi.org/10.1145/3618260.3649633We consider the following basic, and very broad, statistical problem: Given a known high-dimensional distribution D over ℝn and a collection of data points in ℝn, distinguish between the two possibilities that (i) the data was drawn from D, versus (ii) ...
- research-articleJune 2020
Fooling Gaussian PTFs via local hyperconcentration
STOC 2020: Proceedings of the 52nd Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of ComputingPages 1170–1183https://doi.org/10.1145/3357713.3384281We give a pseudorandom generator that fools degree-d polynomial threshold functions over n-dimensional Gaussian space with seed length d O(logd) · logn. All previous generators had a seed length with at least a 2 d dependence on d.
The key new ...
- research-articleSeptember 2020
Simple and efficient pseudorandom generators from gaussian processes
CCC '19: Proceedings of the 34th Computational Complexity ConferenceArticle No.: 4, Pages 1–33https://doi.org/10.4230/LIPIcs.CCC.2019.4We show that a very simple pseudorandom generator fools intersections of k linear threshold functions (LTFs) and arbitrary functions of k LTFs over n-dimensional Gaussian space. The two analyses of our PRG (for intersections versus arbitrary functions ...
- research-articleJune 2019
Degree-𝑑 chow parameters robustly determine degree-𝑑 PTFs (and algorithmic applications)
STOC 2019: Proceedings of the 51st Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of ComputingPages 804–815https://doi.org/10.1145/3313276.3316301The degree-d Chow parameters of a Boolean function are its degree at most d Fourier coefficients. It is well-known that degree-d Chow parameters uniquely characterize degree-d polynomial threshold functions (PTFs) within the space of all bounded ...
- research-articleJune 2018
A PRG for boolean PTF of degree 2 with seed length subpolynomial in ϵ and logarithmic in n
CCC '18: Proceedings of the 33rd Computational Complexity ConferenceArticle No.: 2, Pages 1–24We construct and analyze a pseudorandom generator for degree 2 boolean polynomial threshold functions. Random constructions achieve the optimal seed length of [EQUATION], however the best known explicit construction of [8] uses a seed length of O(log n ·...
- research-articleJanuary 2018
The Power of Asymmetry in Constant-Depth Circuits
SIAM Journal on Computing (SICOMP), Volume 47, Issue 6Pages 2362–2434https://doi.org/10.1137/16M1064477The threshold degree of a Boolean function $f$ is the minimum degree of a real polynomial $p$ that represents $f$ in sign: $f(x)\equiv {sgn}~ p(x)$. Introduced in the seminal work of Minsky and Papert [Perceptrons: An Introduction to Computational Geometry, ...
- research-articleJanuary 2018
Breaking the Minsky--Papert Barrier for Constant-Depth Circuits
SIAM Journal on Computing (SICOMP), Volume 47, Issue 5Pages 1809–1857https://doi.org/10.1137/15M1015704The threshold degree of a Boolean function $f$ is the minimum degree of a real polynomial $p$ that represents $f$ in sign: $f(x)\equiv {sgn}\ p(x)$. In a seminal 1969 monograph, Minsky and Papert constructed a polynomial-size constant-depth $\{\wedge,\vee\}$-...
- research-articleJune 2017
A polynomial restriction lemma with applications
STOC 2017: Proceedings of the 49th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of ComputingPages 615–628https://doi.org/10.1145/3055399.3055470A polynomial threshold function (PTF) of degree d is a boolean function of the form f=sgn(p), where p is a degree-d polynomial, and sgn is the sign function. The main result of the paper is an almost optimal bound on the probability that a random ...
- research-articleMay 2014
Breaking the minsky-papert barrier for constant-depth circuits
STOC '14: Proceedings of the forty-sixth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computingPages 223–232https://doi.org/10.1145/2591796.2591871The threshold degree of a Boolean function f is the minimum degree of a real polynomial p that represents f in sign: f(x) ≡ sgn p(x). In a seminal 1969 monograph, Minsky and Papert constructed a polynomial-size constant-depth {∧, ∨)-circuit in n ...
- ArticleOctober 2010
Bounded Independence Fools Degree-2 Threshold Functions
FOCS '10: Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE 51st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer SciencePages 11–20https://doi.org/10.1109/FOCS.2010.8For an $n$-variate degree–$2$ real polynomial $p$, we prove that $\E_{x\sim \mathcal{D}}[\sgn(p(x))]$ is determined up to an additive $\eps$ as long as $\mathcal{D}$ is a $k$-wise independent distribution over $\bits^n$ for $k = \poly(1/\eps)$. This ...
- ArticleSeptember 2010
Learning and lower bounds for AC0 with threshold gates
In 2002 Jackson et al. [JKS02] asked whether AC0 circuits augmented with a threshold gate at the output can be efficiently learned from uniform random examples. We answer this question affirmatively by showing that such circuits have fairly strong ...
- articleOctober 2008
Polynomials that Sign Represent Parity and Descartes' Rule of Signs
Computational Complexity (COCO), Volume 17, Issue 3Pages 377–406https://doi.org/10.1007/s00037-008-0244-2A real polynomial P ( X 1 , ... , X n ) sign represents f : A n {0, 1} if for every ( a 1 , ... , a n ) A n , the sign of P ( a 1 , ... , a n ) equals $$(-1)^{f(a_{1}, \ldots ,a_{n})}$$ . Such sign representations are well-studied in computer ...
- articleJune 2004
Learning intersections and thresholds of halfspaces
Journal of Computer and System Sciences (JCSS), Volume 68, Issue 4Pages 808–840https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcss.2003.11.002We give the first polynomial time algorithm to learn any function of a constant number of halfspaces under the uniform distribution on the Boolean hypercube to within any constant error parameter. We also give the first quasipolynomial time algorithm for ...
- ArticleJune 2003
New degree bounds for polynomial threshold functions
STOC '03: Proceedings of the thirty-fifth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computingPages 325–334https://doi.org/10.1145/780542.780592We give new upper and lower bounds on the degree of real multivariate polynomials which sign-represent Boolean functions. Our upper bounds for Boolean formulas yield the first known subexponential time learning algorithms for formulas of superconstant ...