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Scholars in the humanities have long paid attention to spatial theory and cartographic outputs. Moreover, in recent years, new technologies and methods have lead to the emergence of a field that is now commonly known as the Spatial Humanities. Methods from the standard toolset of geographic information systems (e.g., computation of viewsheds and zones of influence, least-cost path analysis, mass-preserving areal weighting and dasymetric mapping, terrain classification according to land coverage or land use, different types of thematic cartography techniques, etc.) have been successfully employed to analyze the geographies of human cultures, both past and present, and to address research questions posed by humanities-based fields. However, many challenges persist in the application of more recent technical developments in the geographical information sciences, which have been showcased in venues such as ACM SIGSPATIAL (e.g., high performance computing methods for analyzing increasingly larger datasets, intelligent techniques based on machine learning for developing and tuning models making use of multiple sources of auxiliary data, the usage of volunteered geographical information to complement traditional data sources, or methods from the geo- spatial semantic web to ease interoperability across datasets and services).
Proceeding Downloads
Is There Space for Violence?: A Data-driven Approach to the Exploration of Spatial-Temporal Dimensions of Conflict
With recent increases in incidences of political violence globally, the world has now become more uncertain and less predictable. Of particular concern is the case of violence against civilians, who are often caught in the crossfire between armed state ...
NameSampo: A Linked Open Data Infrastructure and Workbench for Toponomastic Research
This paper presents a series of projects where one of the main sources for toponomastic research in Finland, the corpora of 2.7 million place names in the Names Archive database of the Institute for the Languages of Finland, was digitized, enriched, and ...
Putting User Reputation on the Map: Unsupervised Quality Control for Crowdsourced Historical Data
In this paper we propose a novel method for quality assessment of crowdsourced data. It computes user reputation scores without requiring ground truth; instead, it is based on the consistency among users. In this pilot study, we perform some explorative ...
Social class and taste in the context of US cities: Validating Bourdieu's theory of distinction using restaurant reviews
In this study, we intend to validate Bourdieu's theory of distinction in the context of United States by using crowdsourced restaurant reviews from Yelp. Bourdieu argues that cultural capital was employed and reinforced by people of higher class to ...
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
GeoHumanities '20 | 8 | 5 | 63% |
GeoHumanities '19 | 8 | 6 | 75% |
GeoHumanities '18 | 5 | 4 | 80% |
Overall | 21 | 15 | 71% |