On behalf of the 1958 Western Joint Computer Conference, I welcome you, and I hope your stay will be pleasant and profitable.
As most of you know, the conference is one of two Joint Computer Conferences held each year, sponsored jointly by AIEE, the Institute of Radio Engineers, and the Association for Computing Machinery. I think that you know that the Eastern Conference rotates among four cities, Washington, New York, Philadelphia, and Boston; and that this Western Conference will, at least by 1961, be alternating between San Francisco and Los Angeles.
I would like to call attention to a number of features of our conference; following the opening session, the technical program presents six invited panel discussions and six discussions of contributed papers. The topics of these several panels investigate a number of controversial subjects pertinent to our industry. The contributed sessions present papers in several areas of application and design for circuit systems; all significant discussions are incorporated in the proceedings of the conference.
Proceeding Downloads
The design and system aspects of the HD file drum
The HD File Drum was developed by the Computer Products Division of Laboratory for Electronics, Inc., to meet the ever-growing demands for fast, inexpensive and large-capacity random access memories. The initial application of the HD File Drum was its ...
Transistorized modular power supplies for digital computers
Power supplies for digital computers are characterized by unusually rigid reliability requirements. After reliability, size and cost are the next most important considerations. Simplicity of design and ease of servicing are considered as part of the ...
The Shiftrix-machine organization for high-speed digital computation
The need for higher speed computation demands continuous scrutiny of machine organization concurrent with the search for higher speed switching and storage elements.
A device to facilitate combined analog-digital computation
Many computing problems present characteristics which appear to call for both digital and analog-type computers. To the operator of a small computing facility, such problems present a dilemma, for the analog-digital conversion equipment available is ...