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Front Matter
Simulating the No Alternatives Argument in a Social Setting
This paper offers an initial investigation into how the number of choices available to individual agents may influence choice at the group level by formalizing and simulating a social version of the No Alternatives Argument (NAA). The Social NAA ...
Social Choice and the Problem of Recommending Essential Readings
We tackle the practical problem of finding a good rule to recommend a collective set of news items to a group of media consumers with possibly very disparate individual interest in the available items. For our analysis, we adapt a formal framework ...
Towards a 2-Multiple Context-Free Grammar for the 3-Dimensional Dyck Language
We discuss the open problem of parsing the Dyck language of 3 symbols, , using a 2-Multiple Context-Free Grammar. We attempt to tackle this problem by implementing a number of novel meta-grammatical techniques and present the associated software ...
Compositionality in Privative Adjectives: Extending Dual Content Semantics
Privative adjectives such as fake have long posed problems to theories of adjectives in a compositional semantics. In this paper, I argue that a theory like Del Pinal’s recent Dual Content semantics, which encodes lexical entries with both an ...
Definiteness with Bare Nouns in Shan
Shan, a Southwestern Tai language spoken in Myanmar, Thailand, and nearby countries, uses bare nouns to express both unique and anaphoric definiteness, a definiteness distinction identified by [15]. This novel data pattern from the author’s ...
The Challenge of Metafictional Anaphora
I argue that pronominal anaphora across mixed parafictional/metafictional discourse (e.g. In The Lord of the Rings,goes through an immense mental an intriguing fictional character!) poses a problem for current dynamic approaches to ...
Rule-Based Reasoners in Epistemic Logic
In this paper, we offer a balanced response to the problem of logical omniscience, whereby agents are modeled as non-omniscient yet still logically competent reasoners. To achieve this, we account for the deductive steps that form the epistemic ...
Free Relatives, Feature Recycling, and Reprojection in Minimalist Grammars
This paper considers how to derive free relatives—e.g. John eats [what Mary eats]—in Minimalist Grammars. Free relatives are string-identical to indirect questions—e.g. John wonders [what Mary eats]. An analysis of free relatives as nominalised ...
Playing with Information Source
In this paper I present a NetLogo simulation program which models human communication with indication of information source. The framework used is evolutionary game theory. Under different initial settings the individuals in the simulation either ...
Interpreting Intensifiers for Relative Adjectives: Comparing Models and Theories
Adjectives such as tall or late which can enter comparative constructions or be modified by intensifiers such as very are called gradable. They have received considerable attention in formal semantics and, more recently, in Bayesian pragmatics. ...
Index Terms
- At the Intersection of Language, Logic, and Information: ESSLLI 2018 Student Session, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 6–17, 2018, Selected Papers
The integration of french language processing in an information retrieval
RIAO '97: Computer-Assisted Information Searching on Internet - Volume 2Cet article décrit les approches que nous avons implantées dans le cadre d'une collaboration de recherche entre nos deux groupes. Ces approches visent à créer une représentation plus précise pour les documents et les requêtes dans un système de ...
Intersection Logic
CSL '01: Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Computer Science LogicThe intersection type assignment system IT uses the formulas of the negative fragment of the predicate calculus (LJ) as types for the λ-terms. However, the deductions of IT only correspond to the proper sub-set of the derivations of LJ, obtained by ...