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Front Matter
Efficient Automated Reasoning About Sets and Multisets with Cardinality Constraints
When reasoning about container data structures that can hold duplicate elements, multisets are the obvious choice for representing the data structure abstractly. However, the decidability and complexity of constraints on multisets has been much ...
Front Matter
An SMT Theory of Fixed-Point Arithmetic
Fixed-point arithmetic is a popular alternative to floating-point arithmetic on embedded systems. Existing work on the verification of fixed-point programs relies on custom formalizations of fixed-point arithmetic, which makes it hard to compare ...
Covered Clauses Are Not Propagation Redundant
Propositional proof systems based on recently-developed redundancy properties admit short refutations for many formulas traditionally considered hard. Redundancy properties are also used by procedures which simplify formulas in conjunctive normal ...
The Resolution of Keller’s Conjecture
We consider three graphs, , , and , related to Keller’s conjecture in dimension 7. The conjecture is false for this dimension if and only if at least one of the graphs contains a clique of size . We present an automated method to solve this ...
How QBF Expansion Makes Strategy Extraction Hard
In this paper we show that the QBF proof checking format QRAT (Quantified Resolution Asymmetric Tautologies) by Heule, Biere and Seidl cannot have polynomial time strategy extraction unless P=PSPACE. In our proof, the crucial property that makes ...
Removing Algebraic Data Types from Constrained Horn Clauses Using Difference Predicates
We address the problem of proving the satisfiability of Constrained Horn Clauses (CHCs) with Algebraic Data Types (ADTs), such as lists and trees. We propose a new technique for transforming CHCs with ADTs into CHCs where predicates are defined ...
Solving Bitvectors with MCSAT: Explanations from Bits and Pieces
We present a decision procedure for the theory of fixed-sized bitvectors in the MCSAT framework. MCSAT is an alternative to CDCL(T) for SMT solving and can be seen as an extension of CDCL to domains other than the Booleans. Our procedure uses BDDs ...
Monadic Decomposition in Integer Linear Arithmetic
Monadic decomposability is a notion of variable independence, which asks whether a given formula in a first-order theory is expressible as a Boolean combination of monadic predicates in the theory. Recently, Veanes et al. showed the usefulness of ...
Scalable Algorithms for Abduction via Enumerative Syntax-Guided Synthesis
The abduction problem in logic asks whether there exists a formula that is consistent with a given set of axioms and, together with these axioms, suffices to entail a given goal. We propose an approach for solving this problem that is based on ...
Front Matter
Deciding the Word Problem for Ground Identities with Commutative and Extensional Symbols
The word problem for a finite set of ground identities is known to be decidable in polynomial time, and this is also the case if some of the function symbols are assumed to be commutative. We show that decidability in P is preserved if we also ...
Combined Covers and Beth Definability
Uniform interpolants were largely studied in non-classical propositional logics since the nineties, and their connection to model completeness was pointed out in the literature. A successive parallel research line inside the automated reasoning ...
Deciding Simple Infinity Axiom Sets with One Binary Relation by Means of Superpostulates
Modern logic engines widely fail to decide axiom sets that are satisfiable only in an infinite domain. This paper specifies an algorithm that automatically generates a database of independent infinity axiom sets with fewer than 1000 characters. It ...
A Decision Procedure for String to Code Point Conversion
In text encoding standards such as Unicode, text strings are sequences of code points, each of which can be represented as a natural number. We present a decision procedure for a concatenation-free theory of strings that includes length and a ...
Politeness for the Theory of Algebraic Datatypes
Algebraic datatypes, and among them lists and trees, have attracted a lot of interest in automated reasoning and Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT). Since its latest stable version, the SMT-LIB standard defines a theory of algebraic datatypes, ...
Front Matter
A Knuth-Bendix-Like Ordering for Orienting Combinator Equations
We extend the graceful higher-order basic Knuth-Bendix order (KBO) of Becker et al. to an ordering that orients combinator equations left-to-right. The resultant ordering is highly suited to parameterising the first-order superposition calculus ...
A Combinator-Based Superposition Calculus for Higher-Order Logic
We present a refutationally complete superposition calculus for a version of higher-order logic based on the combinatory calculus. We also introduce a novel method of dealing with extensionality. The calculus was implemented in the Vampire theorem ...
Subsumption Demodulation in First-Order Theorem Proving
Motivated by applications of first-order theorem proving to software analysis, we introduce a new inference rule, called subsumption demodulation, to improve support for reasoning with conditional equalities in superposition-based theorem proving. ...
A Comprehensive Framework for Saturation Theorem Proving
We present a framework for formal refutational completeness proofs of abstract provers that implement saturation calculi, such as ordered resolution or superposition. The framework relies on modular extensions of lifted redundancy criteria. It ...
Front Matter
Possible Models Computation and Revision – A Practical Approach
This paper describes a method of computing plausible states of a system as a logical model. The problem of analyzing state-based systems as they evolve over time has been studied widely in the automated reasoning community (and others). This paper ...
SGGS Decision Procedures
SGGS (Semantically-Guided Goal-Sensitive reasoning) is a conflict-driven first-order theorem-proving method which is refutationally complete and model complete in the limit. These features make it attractive as a basis for decision procedures. In ...
Integrating Induction and Coinduction via Closure Operators and Proof Cycles
Coinductive reasoning about infinitary data structures has many applications in computer science. Nonetheless developing natural proof systems (especially ones amenable to automation) for reasoning about coinductive data remains a challenge. This ...
Logic-Independent Proof Search in Logical Frameworks: (Short Paper)
Logical frameworks like LF allow to specify the syntax and (natural deduction) inference rules for syntax/proof-checking a wide variety of logical systems. A crucial feature that is missing for prototyping logics is a way to specify basic proof ...
Layered Clause Selection for Theory Reasoning: (Short Paper)
Explicit theory axioms are added by a saturation-based theorem prover as one of the techniques for supporting theory reasoning. While simple and effective, adding theory axioms can also pollute the search space with many irrelevant consequences. ...
Index Terms
- Automated Reasoning: 10th International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2020, Paris, France, July 1–4, 2020, Proceedings, Part I