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UPPAAL Implementation Secrets
In this paper we present the continuous and on-going development of datastructures and algorithms underlying the verification engine of the tool UPPAAL. In particular, we review the datastructures of Difference Bounded Matrices, Minimal Constraint ...
Software Hazard and Safety Analysis
Safety is a system property and software, of itself, cannot be safe or unsafe. However software has a major influence on safety in many modern systems, e.g. aircraft and engine controls, railway signalling, and medical equipment.The paper outlines the ...
Real-Time Operating Systems: Problems and Novel Solutions
This work presents some methodologies for enhancing predictability in real-time computing systems, where explicit timing constraints have to be enforced on application processes. In order to provide an off-line guarantee of the critical timing ...
Real-Time UML
The UML (Unified Modeling Language) is a third-generation object-oriented modeling language recently accepted as a standard by the OMG (Object Management Group). The OMG is an association of over 800 leading technology companies that have banded ...
Eager Class Initialization for Java
We describe a static analysis method on Java bytecode to determine class initialization dependencies. This method can be used for eager class loading and initialization. It catches many initialization circularities that are missed by the standard lazy ...
Applications of Formal Methods in Biology
From the first introduction of the notion of "Reactive Systems" and development of specification languages (such as Temporal Logic and Statecharts) and verification methods for this class of systems, it has been stated that this notion encompasses a ...
An Overview of Formal Verification for the Time-Triggered Architecture
We describe formal verification of some of the key algorithms in the Time-Triggered Architecture (TTA) for real-time safety-critical control applications. Some of these algorithms pose formidable challenges to current techniques and have been formally ...
Scheduler Modeling Based on the Controller Synthesis Paradigm
The controller synthesis paradigm provides a general framework for scheduling real-time applications. Schedulers can be considered as controllers of the applications; they restrict their behavior so that given scheduling requirements are met.We study a ...
Component-Based Synthesis of Dependable Embedded Software
Standardized and reusable software (SW) objects (or SW components - in-house or pre-fabricated) are increasingly being used to reduce the cost of software (SW) development. Given that the basic components may not have been developed with dependability ...
From the Specification to the Scheduling of Time-Dependent Systems
This paper introduces and formalizes a new variant of Timed Automata, called Time Labeled Scheduling Automata. A Time Labeled Scheduling Automaton is a single clock implementation model expressing globally the time constraints that a system has to meet. ...
On Control with Bounded Computational Resources
We propose models that capture the influence of computation on the performance of computer-controlled systems, and make it possible to employ computational considerations in early stages of the design process of such systems. The problem of whether it ...
Decidability of Safety Properties of Timed Multiset Rewriting
We propose timed multiset rewriting as a framework that subsumes timed Petri nets and timed automata. In timed multiset rewriting, which extends multiset rewriting, each element of a multiset has a clock, and a multiset is transformed not only by usual ...
Extending Timed Automaton and Real-Time Logic to Many-Valued Reasoning
Past decade has witnessed a great advance in the field of dense-time formal methods for the specification, synthesis and analysis of real time systems. In this context timed automata and real-time temporal logics provide a simple, and yet general, way ...
Fault Diagnosis for Timed Automata
We study the problem of fault-diagnosis in the context of dense-time automata. The problem is, given the model of a plant as a timed automaton with a set of observable events and a set of unobservable events, including a special event modeling faults, ...
Verification of Timed Automata via Satisfiability Checking
In this paper we show how to translate bounded-length verification problems for timed automata into formulae in difference logic, a propositional logic enriched with timing constraints. We describe the principles of a satisfiability checker specialized ...
Take It NP-Easy: Bounded Model Construction for Duration Calculus
Following the recent successes of bounded model-checking, we reconsider the problem of constructing models of discrete-time Duration Calculus formulae. While this problem is known to be nonelementary when arbitrary length models are considered [Han94], ...
Towards Bounded Model Checking for the Universal Fragment of TCTL
Bounded Model Checking (BMC) based on SAT methods consists in searching for a counterexample of a particular length and to generate a propositional formula that is satisfiable iff such a counterexample exists. Our paper shows how the concept of bounded ...
A Typed Interrupt Calculus
Most real-time systems require responsive interrupt handling. Programming of interrupt handlers is challenging: in order to ensure responsiveness, it is often necessary to have interrupt processing enabled in the body of lower priority handlers. It ...
Parametric Verification of a Group Membership Algorithm
We address the problem of verifying clique avoidance in the TTP protocol. TTP allows several stations embedded in a car to communicate. It has many mechanisms to ensure robustness to faults. In particular, it has an algorithm that allows a station to ...
A Method for Testing the Conformance of Real Time Systems
The aim of conformance testing is to check whether an implementation conforms to a specification. We consider the case where the specification contains timing constraints and is described by a model called Timed Automata (TA). The state space of a TA ...
A Probabilistic Extension of UML Statecharts
This paper introduces means to specify system randomness within UML statecharts, and to verify probabilistic temporal properties over such enhanced statecharts which we call probabilistic UML statecharts. To achieve this, we develop a general recipe to ...
Eliminating Queues from RT UML Model Representations
This paper concerns analyzing UML based models of distributed real time systems involving multiple active agents. In order to avoid the time-penalties incurred by distributed execution of synchronous operation calls, it is typically recommended to ...
Model Checking - Timed UML State Machines and Collaborations
We describe a prototype tool, HUGO/RT, that is designed to automatically verify whether the timed state machines in a UML model interact according to scenarios specified by time-annotated UML collaborations. Timed state machines are compiled into timed ...
Partial Order Path Technique for Checking Parallel Timed Automata
In a parallel composition of timed automata, some transitions are independent to others. Generally the basic method generates one successors for each of the legal permutations of the transitions. These successors may be combined into one bigger symbolic ...
Constructing Test Automata from Graphical Real-Time Requirements
A semantics for a graphical specification language of real-time properties (Constraint Diagrams) is presented. The new semantics is given in terms of Timed Automata. A model in terms of Timed Automata satisfies the property given by a Constraint Diagram ...
Cited By
- Choppy C, Klai K and Zidani H (2011). Formal verification of UML state diagrams, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 36:1, (1-8), Online publication date: 24-Jan-2011.
- Damm W and Westphal B (2005). Live and let die, Science of Computer Programming, 55:1-3, (117-159), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2005.