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Color and texture fusion: application to aerial image segmentation and GIS updating
The paper describes an algorithm for combining color and texture information for the segmentation of color images. The algorithm uses maximum likelihood classification combined with a certainty based fusion criterion. The algorithm was validated using ...
Cartographic Indexing into a Database of Remotely Sensed Images
This paper aims to develop simple statistical methods for indexing into an aerial image database using a cartographic model. The images contained in the database are of urban and semi-urban areas. The cartographic model represents a road network known ...
Control of Scene Reconstruction Using Explicit Knowledge
Applications such as landscape planing, environmental monitoring, and flight and driving simulators have a high demand for realistic landscape models. Quantity, precision and the type of models ask for methods which automate the model generation by ...
Detecting suspicious background changes in video surveillance of busy scenes
Detecting background changes in scenes containing significant numbers of moving objects has several applications in video surveillance. One important example is the detection of suspicious packages left in busy airport terminals or train stations. The ...
A Computer Vision System to Detect 3-D Rectangular Solids
We present a computer vision system to detect 3-D rectangular objects. We first describe the method to detect rectangular solids in real video/images in arbitrary orientations, positions, distances from the camera and lighting. The method works by ...
Performance Evaluation of People Tracking Systems
A tracking system outputs a separate motion trajectory for each moving object in a scene. This paper presents a problem of performance evaluation and performance metrics for real-time systems that track people, or moving objects, in video sequences, and ...
Real-time recognition of activity using temporal templates
A new view based approach to the representation and recognition of action is presented. The basis of the representation is a motion history image (MHI)-a static image where intensity is a function of the recency of motion in a sequence. We develop a ...
Mosaicing of paintings on curved surfaces
The paper presents an approach for reconstructing images painted on curved surfaces. A set of monocular images is taken from different viewpoints in order to mosaic and represent the entire scene. By using a priori knowledge about the support surface of ...
Mosaic Image Generation on a Flattened Gaussian Sphere
Mosaicing of images is the task of fusing a collection of images with smaller fields of view to obtain an image with a larger field of view. In order to accomplish this task, images should be geometrically and radiometrically corrected. We propose a new ...
Efficient Image Warping and Super-Resolution
This paper introduces a new algorithm for enhancing image resolution from an image sequence. The approach we propose herein uses the integrating resampler proposed by Chiang and Boult as the underlying resampling algorithm. Moreover, it is a direct ...
Passive navigation using focus of expansion
The goal of this work is to propose a method to solve the problem of passive navigation with visual means. The method is a two stage approach: matching of feature extracted from 2D images of a sequence at different times and egomotion parameter ...
Cartographic Matching with Millimetre Radar Images
This paper describes an application of the EM (expectation and maximization) algorithm to the registration of incomplete millimetric radar images. The data used in this study consists of a series of non-overlapping radar sweeps. Our registration process ...
Placing observers to cover a polyhedral terrain in polynomial time
The Art Gallery Problem is the problem of determining the number of observers necessary to cover an art gallery room such that every point is seen by at least one observer. This problem is well known and has a linear solution for the 2 dimensional case, ...
Fast Range Image Segmentation Using High-Level Segmentation Primitives
In this paper we present a novel algorithm for very fast segmentation of range images into both planar and curved surface patches. In contrast to other known segmentation methods our approach makes use of high-level features (curve segments) as ...
Video Indexing Through Integration of Syntactic and Semantic Features
This paper proposes a content-based video indexing system which provides the functionalities necessary for automatic management of video data through integration of syntactic and semantic features. The proposed system has been applied to detection, ...
Histogram refinement for content-based image retrieval
Color histograms are widely used for content-based image retrieval. Their advantages are efficiency, and insensitivity to small changes in camera viewpoint. However, a histogram is a coarse characterization of an image, and so images with very different ...
Identifying nude pictures
This paper demonstrates an automatic system for telling whether there are naked people present in an image. The approach combines color and texture properties to obtain a mask for skin regions, which is shown to be effective for a wide range of shades ...
An automated visual inspection of solder joints using 2D and 3D features
In this paper, efficient techniques for solder joint inspection have been described. Using three layers of ring shaped LED's with different illumination angles, three frames of images are sequentially obtained. From these images the regions of interest (...
Automated Solder Joint Inspection System Using Optical 3-D Image Detection
- Yukio Matsuyama,
- Toshifumi Honda,
- Hisae Yamamura,
- Hideaki Sasazawa,
- Mineo Nomoto,
- Takanori Ninomiya,
- Ltd. Hitachi,
- Anton Schick,
- Ludwig Listl,
- Paul Koelensperger,
- Dieter Spriegel,
- Peter Mengel,
- Richard Schneider
An automated system has been developed for visually inspecting the solder joints of SMDs (Surface Mounted Devices). The system is capable of inspecting fine pitch components down to 0.3mm pitch QFPs (Quad Flat Packages). A unique image detection method ...
Real Time Tracking of Borescope Tip Pose
In this paper we present a technique for the real-time tracking of borescope tip pose. While borescopes are used on a regular basis to inspect machinery for wear or damage, knowing the exact location of a borescope is difficult due to its flexibility. ...
Object Recognition Using Multiple View Invariance Based on Complex Features
Geometric invariants from multiple views provide useful information for 3D object recognition. However, conventional object recognition methods using invariants based on point features cannot achieve efficient recognition because of large amount of ...
3-D Real-Time Gesture Recognition Using Proximity Spaces
A 3-D segment tracking approach to recognition of human pose and gestures is presented. In the past we have developed and refined a stereo based method, called the Proximity Space method, for acquiring and maintaining track of object surfaces in 3-...
A real-time face tracker
The authors present a real-time face tracker. The system has achieved a rate of 30+ frames/second using an HP-9000 workstation with a frame grabber and a Canon VC-Cl camera. It can track a person's face while the person moves freely (e.g., walks, jumps, ...
3L Fitting of Higher Degree Implicit Polynomials
Implicit polynomial 2D curves and 3D surfaces are potentially among the most useful object or data representations for use in computer vision and image analysis. That is because of their interpolation property, Euclidean and affine invariants, and ...
Position Estimation from Outdoor Visual Landmarks for Teleoperation of Lunar Rovers
This paper presents a new application of computer vision to space robotics: A teleoperation interface which analyzes images sent by a mobile robot in space missions and produces position estimates based on the images. The estimates are displayed to the ...
Based on 2D Spatio-Temporal Images
In this paper we present a novel approach using 2D spatio-temporal images for automatic traffic monitoring. A TV camera is mounted above the highway to monitor the traffic through two slice windows for each traffic lane. One slice window is along the ...
Detection of Obstacles on Runway using Ego-Motion Compensation and Tracking of Significant Features
This paper proposes a method for obstacle detection on a runway for autonomous navigation and landing of an aircraft. Detection is done in presence of extraneous features such as tire-marks. Suitable features are extracted from the image and warping ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV '96)