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Parallel lumigraph reconstruction
This paper presents three techniques for reconstructing Lumigraphs/Lightfields on commercial ccNUMA parallel distributed shared memory computers. The first method is a parallel extension of the software-based method proposed in the Lightfield paper. ...
Parallel visualization of large-scale aerodynamics calculations: a case study on the Cray T3E
This paper reports the performance of a parallel volume rendering algorithm for visualizing a large-scale unstructed-grid dataset produced by a three-dimensional aerodynamics simulation. This dataset, containing over 18 million tetrahedra, allows us to ...
Hybrid scheduling for parallel rendering using coherent ray tasks
Parallelising ray tracing with a data parallel approach allows rendering of arbitrarily large models, but the inherent load imbalances may lead to severe inefficiencies. To compensate for the uneven load distribution, demand-driven tasks may be split ...
Exploiting frame coherence with the temporal depth buffer in a distributed computing environment
In this paper we introduce the notion of a parallel temporal depth buffer (or t-buffer) to speed up the rendering process for ray-traced animations. The t-buffer is a conceptually simple data structure which stores knowledge about coherent pixel values ...
Transparent distributed processing for rendering
Rendering, in particular the computation of global illumination, uses computationally very demanding algorithms. As a consequence many researchers have looked into speeding up the computation by distributing it over a number of computational units. ...
Web based collaborative visualization of distributed and parallel simulation
This paper presents an interaction model to support collaborative scientific visualization. Relevant prior work is presented to contextualize the model and its import. An implementation of the model is presented within a collaborative system that ...
Scalable distributed visualization using off-the-shelf components
This paper describes a visualization architecture for scalable computer systems. The architecture is currently being prototyped for use in Beowulf-class clustered systems. A set of OpenGL frame buffers are driven in parallel by a set of CPUs. The ...
Interactive volume segmentation with the PAVLOV architecture
We propose a new paradigm for interactive volume visualization which allows enhanced exploration of datasets through the use of real-time volume processing (e.g., segmentation) tightly coupled with rendering. We show examples of how this paradigm ...
On the partitionability of hierarchical radiosity
The Hierarchical Radiosity Algorithm (HRA) is one of the most efficient sequential algorithms for physically based rendering. Unfortunately, it is hard to implement in parallel. There exist fairly efficient shared-memory implementations but things get ...
Overlapping multi-processing and graphics hardware acceleration: performance evaluation
Recently, multi-processing has been shown to deliver good performance in rendering. However, in some applications, processors spend too much time executing tasks that could be more efficiently done through intensive use of new graphics hardware. We ...
Dynamic view-dependent partitioning for structured grids with complex boundaries for object-order rendering techniques
Object-order rendering techniques present an attractive approach to run-time visualization of structured grid data, particularly when combined with a parallel rendering paradigm such as image composition. The ability of this combination to exploit ...
Parallel accelerated isocontouring for out-of-core visualization
In this paper we introduce a scheme for static analysis that allows us to partition large geometric datasets at multiple levels of granularity to achieve both load balancing in parallel computations and minimal access to secondary memory in out-of-core ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE symposium on Parallel visualization and graphics