No abstract available.
[Front cover]
Presents the front cover of the proceedings record.
[Title page i]
Presents the title page of the proceedings record.
[Title page iii]
Presents the title page of the proceedings record.
Message from the General Chairs of IEEE CSCloud 2015
Presents the introductory welcome message from the conference proceedings. May include the conference officers' congratulations to all involved with the conference event and publication of the proceedings record.
Message from the Program Chairs of IEEE CSCloud 2015
Presents the introductory welcome message from the conference proceedings. May include the conference officers' congratulations to all involved with the conference event and publication of the proceedings record.
Committee Members of IEEE CSCloud 2015
Provides a listing of current committee members and society officers.
Program Committee of IEEE CSCloud 2015
Provides a listing of current committee members and society officers.
Message from the Program Chairs of SSC 2015
Presents the introductory welcome message from the conference proceedings. May include the conference officers' congratulations to all involved with the conference event and publication of the proceedings record.
Committee Members of SSC 2015
Provides a listing of current committee members and society officers.
Efficiency-Aware Workload Optimizations of Heterogeneous Cloud Computing for Capacity Planning in Financial Industry
The broad implementation of cloud computing has brought a dramatic change to multiple industries, which derives from the development of the Internet-related technologies. This trend has enabled global enterprises to apply distributed computing ...
Game Theoretic Modeling to Enforce Security Information Sharing among Firms
Robust CYBersecurity information EXchange (CYBEX) infrastructure is envisioned to protect the firms from future cyber attacks via collaborative threat intelligence sharing, which might be difficult to achieve via sole effort. The executive order from ...
Enhancing Confidentiality and Privacy of Outsourced Spatial Data
The increase of spatial data has led organizations to upload their data onto third-party service providers. Cloud computing allows data owners to outsource their databases, eliminating the need for costly storage and computational resources. The main ...
Adaptive Resource Allocation Optimization in Heterogeneous Mobile Cloud Systems
Recent growth of cloud computing has driven the development of Heterogeneous Cloud Federation (HCF) that has been considered an approach of improving the diversity of cloud systems by enable cloud users to select resources provided by different service ...
Performance Metrics of Local Cloud Computing Architectures
Cloud Computing is a rapidly growing branch of distributed computing. There have been many proposed open source cloud architectures. The purpose of this paper is to look at three of the most popular open source architectures: Eucalyptus, OpenStack, and ...
Third-Party Auditor (TPA): A Potential Solution for Securing a Cloud Environment
The confidentiality and verification of customer's data at the cloud service provider (CSP) side becomes a critical issue in terms of both reliability (i.e., the trust aspect) and efficiency (i.e., the ease of performing such verifications). As data ...
Design of Detecting Botnet Communication by Monitoring Direct Outbound DNS Queries
Domain Name System is the most widely used protocol for domain name resolution in the Internet. Domain name resolution is necessary for most of Internet services and it is usually provided by DNS full resolvers. Unfortunately, many reports indicated ...
An Approach to Minimize Crossings in Phylogenetic Trees
Visualization of phylogenetic trees became popular and has been widely used in biology, taxonomy, cloud computing, and bioinformatics. Different phylogenetic trees can be built based on different measures and methods. As a result, the problem became ...
Privacy-Preserving Data Exfiltration Monitoring Using Homomorphic Encryption
Monitoring and encryption are essential to secure today's computer networks. Monitoring network traffic data can be especially useful to protect against data exfiltration by detecting signatures in file metadata to identify especially sensitive files ...
Implementing Migration-Aware Virtual Machines
Virtual Machines hosted in cloud systems are susceptible to migration usually without notifying the cloud consumer. This is generally undertaken to load balance user requests across multiple data centres, often without direct awareness of the user. ...
CPAV: Computationally Efficient Privacy Preserving Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
In this paper, we propose a computationally efficient privacy preserving anonymous authentication scheme based on the use of anonymous certificates and signatures for vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). Even though there were many existing schemes to ...
Integral Attack on Reduced-Round Rectangle
RECTANGLE is a 64-bit block cipher with 80 and 128-bit key length proposed by Zhang et al(Lightweight Cryptography Workshop 2015). Integral attack is one of the typical evaluation tools of block cipher. The designers showed 7-round integral ...
Anti-Counterfeit Scheme Using Monte Carlo Simulation for E-commerce in Cloud Systems
E-commerce using cloud-based trading platforms has become a popular approach with the growth of global development in recent years. However, the existence of counterfeits on the platform has threatened the benefits of all stakeholders. This paper ...
Using ELM Techniques to Predict Data Centre VM Requests
Data centre prediction models can be used to forecast future loads for a given centre in terms of CPU, memory, VM requests, and other parameters. An effective and efficient model can not only be used to optimize resource allocation, but can also be used ...
Search Engine: A Hidden Power for Virus Propagation in Community Networks
The propagation methods of viruses are diverse and studying the virus propagation is a hot topic. There appears a new way that the search engine quickly spreads network viruses, and many researches overlook its impact of propagation and few researches ...
The Software Design of Car Low-Speed Intelligent Braking System
This system is designed using modular method to design and program. The program is mainly composed of the system main program and interrupt program. The main program is to complete the MCU initialization, transmitting and receiving ultrasonic ultrasonic ...
Ontology-Based Knowledge Representation for Secure Self-Diagnosis in Patient-Centered Teleheath with Cloud Systems
The implementation of cloud computing in tele-health has enabled enormous benefits of improving health-care services as well as active health approaches, such as Patient-Centered Telehealth (PCT). Applying cloud systems enables healthcare users to ...
Access Control for Multi-tenancy in Cloud-Based Health Information Systems
Cloud technology can be used to support costeffective, scalable, and well-managed healthcare information systems. However, cloud computing, particularly multitenancy, introduces privacy and security issues related to personal health information (PHI). ...
Secure and Efficient Personal Health Record Scheme Using Attribute-Based Encryption
With the rapid development of the cloud computing, personal health record (PHR) has attracted great attention of many researchers all over the world recently. However, PHR, which is often outsourced to be stored at a third party, has many security and ...
DOGCP: A Domain-Oriented Government Cloud Platform Based on PaaS
Recently, cloud computing has been widely studied and applied in commercial area. However, it is still in exploratory stage in government area. One main reason is that government area usually involves complex and flexible business process and business ...