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Organizing Committee
Multilinear Motion Synthesis with Level-of-Detail Controls
Interactive animation systems often use a level-of-detail (LOD) control to reduce the computational cost by eliminating unperceivable details of the scene. Most methods employ a multiresolutional representation of animation and geometrical data, and ...
Rubber-like Exaggeration for Character Animation
Motion capture cannot generate cartoon-style animation directly. We emulate the rubber-like exaggerations common in traditional character animation as a means of converting motion capture data into cartoon-like movement. We achieve this using trajectory-...
Freeform Image
In this paper we present a technique for image deformation in which the user is given flexible control over what kind of deformation to perform. Freeform image extends available image deformation techniques in that it provides a palette of intuitive ...
Real-time BreakingWaves for Shallow Water Simulations
We present a new method for enhancing shallow water simulations by the effect of overturning waves. While full 3D fluid simulations can capture the process of wave breaking, this is beyond the capabilities of a pure height field model. 3D simulations, ...
Fast Hydraulic Erosion Simulation and Visualization on GPU
Natural mountains and valleys are gradually eroded by rainfall and river flows. Physically-based modeling of this complex phenomenon is a major concern in producing realistic synthesized terrains. However, despite some recent improvements, existing ...
Visualization of Dyeing based on Diffusion and Adsorption Theories
This paper describes a method for simulating and visualizing dyeing based on weave patterns and the physical parameters of the threads and the dye. We apply Fick's second law with a variable diffusion coefficient. We calculate the diffusion coefficient ...
Interactive Reaction-Diffusion on Surface Tiles
This paper proposes to perform reaction-diffusion on surface tiles. The square tiles fit nicely and cost-effectively in GPU memory, whereas we also apply distortion minimization on tiles so as to precisely reduce the unbalanced scale and resolution ...
Interactive Global Illumination Using Implicit Visibility
Rendering global illumination effects for dynamic scenes at interactive frame rates is a computationally challenging task. Much of the computation time needed is spent during visibility queries between individual scene elements, and it is almost ...
Global Illumination for Interactive Lighting Design Using Light Path Pre-Computation and Hierarchical Histogram Estimation
In this papel; we propose a fast global illumination solution for interactive lighting design. Using our method, light sources and the viewpoint are movable, and the characteristics of materials can be modijied (assuming low-frequency BRDF) during ...
Image-Based Proxy Accumulation for Real-Time Soft Global Illumination
We present a new, general, and real-time technique for soft global illumination in low-frequency environmental lighting. It accumulates over relatively few spherical proxies which approximate the light blocking and re-radiating effect of dynamic ...
Statistical Hypothesis Testing for Assessing Monte Carlo Estimators: Applications to Image Synthesis
Image synthesis algorithms are commonly compared on the basis of running times and/or perceived quality of the generated images. In the case of Monte Carlo techniques, assessment often entails a qualitative impression of convergence toward a reference ...
Fogshop: Real-Time Design and Rendering of Inhomogeneous, Single-Scattering Media
We describe a new, analytic approximation to the airlight integral from scattering media whose density is modeled as a sum of Gaussians. The approximation supports real-time rendering of inhomogeneous media including their shadowing and scattering ...
Model Composition from Interchangeable Components
Following the increasing demand to make the creation and manipulation of 3D geometry simpler and more accessible, we introduce a modeling approach that allows even novice users to create sophisticated models in minutes. Our approach is based on the ...
A Data-driven Approach to Human-body Cloning Using a Segmented Body Database
We present a data-driven approach to build a human body model from a single photograph by performing Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on a database of body segments. We segment a collection of human bodies to compile the required database prior to ...
Papercraft Models using Generalized Cylinders
We introduce an algorithm for approximating a 2-manifold 3D mesh by a set of developable surfaces. Each developable surface is a generalized cylinder represented as a strip of triangles not necessarily taken from the original mesh. Our algorithm is ...
Precomputed Visibility Cuts for Interactive Relighting with Dynamic BRDFs
This paper presents a novel PRT-based method that uses precomputed visibility cuts for interactive relighting with all-frequency environment maps and arbitrary dynamic BRDFs. Our method is inspired by the recent Lightcuts approach [24] and we ...
Illumination Brush: Interactive Design of All-Frequency Lighting
We present an appearance-based user interface for artists to efficiently design customized image-based lighting environments. 1 Our approach avoids typical iterations of parameter editing, rendering, and confirmation by providing a set of intuitive user ...
Image-Space Caustics and Curvatures
Caustics are important visual phenomena, as well as challenging global illumination effects in computer graphics. Physically caustics can be interpreted from one of two perspectives: in terms of photons gathered on scene geometry, or in terms of a pair ...
The Soft Shadow Occlusion Camera
A fundamental challenge for existing shadow map based algorithms is dealing with partially illuminated surfaces. A conventional shadow map built with a pinhole camera only determines a binary light visibility at each point, and this all-or-nothing ...
The Mental Canvas: A Tool for Conceptual Architectural Design and Analysis
We describe a computer graphics system that supports conceptual architectural design and analysis. We use as a starting point the traditional sketchbook drawings that architects use to experiment with various views, sections, and details. Rather than ...