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Trusted computing and provenance: better together
It is widely realised that provenance systems can benefit from greater awareness of security principles and the use of security technology. In this paper, we argue that Trusted Computing, a hardware-based method for establishing platform integrity, is ...
Towards a secure and efficient system for end-to-end provenance
Work on the End-to-End Provenance System (EEPS) began in the late summer of 2009. The EEPS effort seeks to explore the three central questions in provenance systems: (1) "Where and how do I design secure host-level provenance collecting instruments (...
Towards query interoperability: PASSing PLUS
We describe our experiences importing PASS [16] provenance into PLUS [7]. Although both systems import and export provenance that conforms to the Open Provenance Model (OPM) [14], the two systems vary greatly with respect to the granularity of ...
Provenance artifact identification in the atmospheric composition processing system (ACPS)
The Atmospheric Composition Processing System (ACPS) evolved from the heritage processing systems currently processing ozone data at NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center. The ACPS includes complete provenance tracking of the various artifacts related to ...
Towards practical incremental recomputation for scientists: an implementation for the Python language
Computational scientists often prototype data analysis scripts using high-level languages like Python. To speed up execution times, they manually refactor their scripts into stages (separate functions) and write extra code to save intermediate results ...
Using provenance to extract semantic file attributes
Rich, semantically descriptive file attributes are valuable in many contexts, such as semantic namespaces and desktop search. Descriptive attributes help users to find files placed in seemingly-arbitrary locations by different applications. However, ...
A graph model of data and workflow provenance
Provenance has been studied extensively in both database and workflow management systems, so far with little convergence of definitions or models. Provenance in databases has generally been defined for relational or complex object data, by propagating ...
A conceptual model and predicate language for data selection and projection based on provenance
Writing relational database queries over current provenance databases can be complex and error-prone because application data is typically mixed with provenance data, because queries may require recursion, and because the form in which provenance is ...
On the use of abstract workflows to capture scientific process provenance
Capturing provenance about artifacts produced by distributed scientific processes is a challenging task. For example, one approach to facilitate the execution of a scientific process in distributed environments is to break down the process into ...
Provenance-based belief
Provenance has been touted as a basis to establish trust in data. Intuitively, belief in a hypothesis should depend on how much one trusts the relevant data. However, current proposals to assess trust based solely on provenance are insufficient for ...
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
TaPP '22 | 17 | 10 | 59% |
Overall | 17 | 10 | 59% |