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Natural language dialog with a tutor system for mathematical proofs
- Christoph Benzmüller,
- Helmut Horacek,
- Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová,
- Manfred Pinkal,
- Jörg Siekmann,
- Magdalena Wolska
Natural language interaction between a student and a tutoring or an assistance system for mathematics is a new multi-disciplinary challenge that requires the interaction of (i) advanced natural language processing, (ii) flexible tutorial dialog ...
On the effectiveness of visualizations in a theory of computing course
We report on two tests we performed in Hong Kong and Shanghai to verify the hypothesis that one can learn better when being given access to visualizations beyond the standard verbal explanations in a classroom. The outcome of the first test at HKUST was ...
Some cognitive aspects of a turing test for children
Knowledge, cognition and intelligence are three tightly connected concepts. The Turing test is widely accepted as a test stone for machine intelligence. This paper analyzes experiences obtained in a research project on a Turing test for children and ...
Challenges in search and usage of multi-media learning objects
The definition, assembly and manipulation of learning objects is becoming more and more popular in learning environments. But despite standardization efforts their appropriate markup and practical usage still faces many difficulties, such as retrieval, ...
An intelligent platform for information retrieval
Information Retrieval (IR) has played a very important role in our modern life. However, the results of search engines are not satisfactory for human intelligent activities. The platform proposed in this paper tried to solve the problems from three ...
P-Terse: a peer-to-peer based text retrieval and search system
P-TERSE, a peer-to-peer (P2P) text retrieval and search prototype system is introduced in this paper. Compared with existing P2P systems, P-TERSE has three novel features: 1) The text content of the shared documents is searchable. 2) The system is open ...
Identifying semantic relations between named entities from chinese texts
COLLATE is a project dedicated to building up a German authority center for language technology in Saarbrücken. Under this project, a computational model with three-stage pipeline architecture for Chinese information extraction has been proposed. In ...
Research on English-Chinese bi-directional cross-language information retrieval
With the rapid growing amount of information available to us, the situations that a user needs to use a retrieval system to perform querying a multilingual document collection are becoming increasingly emerging and common. Thus an important problem is ...
Analyzing image texture from blobs perspective
We introduce in this article a blobs perspective for understanding image texture, and the subsequent motivation to characterize texture through analyzing the blobs in the textured image. Three texture description schemes arising from this motivation are ...
Access to content
Enabling everybody to access content in a very simple and user friendly way becomes an increasingly important topic as content availability still increases exponentially. In this paper we will first address the problem of content annotation. The core ...
Content-based image and video indexing and retrieval
This paper surveys some of the existing techniques and systems for content-based indexing and retrieval of two main types of multimedia data - images and videos. Furthermore, some of our recent work are reported. Specifically, in content-based image ...
Shape recognition with coarse-to-fine point correspondence under image deformations
Matching techniques are part-and-parcel of shape recognition. A coarse-to-fine method is presented which finds point correspondence between open or closed curves and is invariant to various image deformations, including affine transformation, ...
Towards efficient ranked query processing in peer-to-peer networks
P2P computing is gaining more and more attention from both academia and industrial communities for its potential to reconstruct current distributed applications on the Internet. However, the basic DHT-based P2P systems support only exact-match queries. ...