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Bridging the Gap: Enabling CBIR in Medical Applications
Content-based Image Retrieval (CBIR) for medical images has received a significant research interest over the past decade as a promising approach to address the data management challenges posed by the rapidly increasing volume of medical image data in ...
Ontology Support for Biomedical Information Resources
The increasing body of distributed and heterogeneous information and the autonomous, heterogeneous and dynamic nature of information resources are important issues hindering effective and efficient data access, retrieval and knowledge sharing. The ...
Automated Detection of Optic Disc Location in Retinal Images
This contribution presents an automated method to locate the optic disc in color fundus images. The method uses texture descriptors and a regression based method in order to determine the best circle that fits the optic disc. The best circle is chosen ...
Computerized Classification of Breast Tumors with Morphologic and Texture Features of Ultrasonic Images
A computerized classification based on morphologic and texture features is proposed to increase the accuracy of the ultrasonic diagnosis of breast tumors. Firstly, tumor boundaries are obtained with the gray-level threshold segmentation algorithm and ...
Noise Filtering Using Edge-Driven Adaptive Anisotropic Diffusion
This paper presents a method aimed to noise removal in MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). We propose an improvement of Perona and Malik's anisotropic diffusion filter. In our schema, the diffusion equation of the filter has been modified to take into ...
Semi-Automatic Segmentation and Volume Determination of Brain Mass-Like Lesion
In this paper, a semi-automatic segmentation technique for brain mass-like lesions in Magnetic Resonance (MR) image sequences is proposed. With the graphical user interface of ImageJ, the user can interactively determine the lesion volume. The user ...
Gradient Vector Flow Field and Mass Region Extraction in Digital Mammograms
Mass detection is one of the main computer-aided mammographic breast cancer detection techniques. Precisely selecting the regions that contain masses is an important step in mass segmentation using mammographic computer-aided detection. In this paper, ...
A Statistical Approach to Automatic Heart Segmentation and Modelling from Multiple Modalities
In this work, we consider a statistical approach to the fully automatic segmentation of heart walls from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data and the reconstruction of three-dimensional models from other modalities. The method is based on utilizing a ...
MRI Reconstruction Using SVD in the Least Square Sense
Magnetic Resonance Imaging is a very powerful tool for imaging structures or organs of the human body in a non-invasive manner. Having collected the raw data and discretized in the k-space, Fourier methods are the natural choice to reconstruct the MRI ...
Toward a Robust System to Monitor Head Motions during PET Based on Facial Landmark Detection: A New Approach
- Sergey Anishchenko,
- Vladislav Osinov,
- Dmitry Shaposhnikov,
- Lubov Podlachikova,
- Richard Comley,
- Xiaohong W. Gao
A new approach for the detection of head motions during PET scanning is presented. The proposed system includes 4 modules, which are: input module, face segmentation, facial landmark detection, and head movement estimation. The developed system is ...
Electroencephalogram (EEG) and Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) System for Rehabilitation of Stroke Patients
Stroke is the leading cause of adult disability, and training in voluntary movement has been shown to be effective in rebuilding motor skills. We propose an EEG-FES system that can assist in the reconstruction of a closed-loop between motor commands and ...
Extraction of the Mismatch Negativity on Two Paradigms Using Independent Component Analysis
We compare the efficiency of the independent component analysis (ICA) decomposition procedure against the difference wave (DW) procedure in the analysis of the mismatch negativity (MMN). The comparison was made using two different experimental paradigms ...
Separation of ERP and Noise Subspaces in EEG Data without Whitening
In this article, a method for separating linear subspaces of time-locked brain responses and other noise sources in multichannel electroencephalography data is proposed. The components related to time-locked and noise subspaces are distinguished by ...
Evaluating the Foot Electromyogram Signal as a Noise Reference for a Bathroom Scale Ballistocardiogram Recorder
A bathroom scale ballistocardiogram (BCG) recorder has been developed in our group as a potential home monitor for heart failure outpatients. While the signal quality obtained by this device is as high as elaborate table- and bed-based BCG systems ...
Local Hölder Regularity-Based Modeling of RR Intervals
We analyze the local regularity of RR traces from ECG through the computation of the so-called Hölder exponents. These exponents are at the basis of multifractal analysis, which has been shown to be relevant in the study of RR data. While multifractal ...
The Effect of the Shape and Location of the Light Source in Diffuse Reflectance Measurements
Optical measurements are fast and convenient mode to obtain information from human skin. However, the complicated interactions of light with skin may overwhelm our understanding of the measurements. Moreover, the high remittance from the surface of the ...
Analysis of Doppler Ultrasound Blood Flow Signals of Wrist Radial Artery for Discriminating Healthy People from 3 Kinds of Patients
Doppler Ultrasound Blood Flow Signal (DUBFS) is a non-stationary signal that is widely used in the study of the clinical diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. According to the theory of pulse diagnosis of Traditional Chinese Medicine, in this paper, a ...
Periodic Motion Detection on Patient with Motion Disorders
The proposed method serves for detecting and analysing translating and non-translating periodic motion with small oscillation from video data. Periodic motion in a video sequence is detected using principles of motion accumulation. Non-translating ...
A Self-Test to Detect a Heart Attack Using a Mobile Phone and Wearable Sensors
This paper describes a heart attack self-test application for a mobile phone that allows potential victims, without the intervention of a medical specialist, to quickly assess whether they are having a heart attack. Heart attacks can occur anytime and ...
Advanced Methods for Target Navigation using Microelectrode Recordings in Stereotactic Neurosurgery for Deep Brain Stimulation
This study describes novel methods for navigating and placing of electrodes into specific structures in the basal ganglia for deep brain stimulation (DBS), as it is common in the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Critical to these procedures in ...
A Telemedicine Network Using Secure Techniques and Intelligent User Access Control
This paper reports the development and design of the State of Santa Catarina's telemedicine network in Brazil. The resources concentration, like hospitals and clinical staff, in Brazilian large cities have been a problem in public healthcare policies ...
A State-Based Systemic View of Behavior for Safe Medical Computer Applications
The paper addresses safety issues involved in making ad hoc interconnections among medical devices in order to assemble more complex medical systems. The main problem is that the systemic view may be easily concealed by nowadays behavioral modeling ...