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Fuzzy Influence Maximization in Social Networks

Published: 15 April 2024 Publication History


Influence maximization is a fundamental problem in social network analysis. This problem refers to the identification of a set of influential users as initial spreaders to maximize the spread of a message in a network. When such a message is spread, some users may be influenced by it. A common assumption of existing work is that the impact of a message is essentially binary: A user is either influenced (activated) or not influenced (non-activated). However, how strongly a user is influenced by a message may play an important role in this user’s attempt to influence subsequent users and spread the message further; existing methods may fail to model accurately the spreading process and identify influential users. In this article, we propose a novel approach to model a social network as a fuzzy graph where a fuzzy variable is used to represent the extent to which a user is influenced by a message (user’s activation level). By extending a diffusion model to simulate the spreading process in such a fuzzy graph, we conceptually formulate the fuzzy influence maximization problem for which three methods are proposed to identify influential users. Experimental results demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed methods in determining influential users in social networks.


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    Published In

    cover image ACM Transactions on the Web
    ACM Transactions on the Web  Volume 18, Issue 3
    August 2024
    254 pages
    Issue’s Table of Contents


    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 15 April 2024
    Online AM: 01 March 2024
    Accepted: 18 December 2023
    Revised: 20 September 2023
    Received: 15 June 2022
    Published in TWEB Volume 18, Issue 3

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    Author Tags

    1. Influence maximization
    2. social network analysis
    3. information diffusion
    4. fuzzy set theory


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    • (2025)A theoretical review on multiplex influence maximization models: Theories, methods, challenges, and future directionsExpert Systems with Applications10.1016/j.eswa.2024.125990266(125990)Online publication date: Mar-2025
    • (2024)The Social Media Influence JourneyEnhancing Communication and Decision-Making With AI10.4018/979-8-3693-9246-1.ch003(65-98)Online publication date: 27-Sep-2024
    • (2024)Hypergraph-Based Influence Maximization in Online Social NetworksMathematics10.3390/math1217276912:17(2769)Online publication date: 7-Sep-2024
    • (2024)A cost-effective seed selection model for multi-constraint influence maximization in social networksDecision Analytics Journal10.1016/j.dajour.2024.10047411(100474)Online publication date: Jun-2024

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