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- Mariana P, Mihăiţă D and Marin P Modeling a Jackson networks with series queues using a temporise stochastic coloured Petri nets Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS international conference on Software engineering, parallel and distributed systems, (148-152)
- Puigjaner R Performance modelling of computer networks Proceedings of the 2003 IFIP/ACM Latin America conference on Towards a Latin American agenda for network research, (106-123)
- Hać A and Chew B (2001). ARCMA---adaptive request channel multiple access protocol for wireless ATM networks, International Journal of Network Management, 11:6, (333-363), Online publication date: 19-Nov-2001.
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HLA compliant network enabled distributed modeling and simulation infrastructure design
SEPADS'05: Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS International Conference on Software Engineering, Parallel & Distributed SystemsThis paper describes HLA Compliant Network Enabled Distributed Modeling and Simulation Infrastructure Design, which can be used for simulating large, complex distributed networks. HLA is an IEEE standard 1516 for distributed modeling and simulation, ...
Networking Modeling for the Network-in-the-Loop Training Simulation
ICCTD '09: Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Computer Technology and Development - Volume 01Network-in-the-loop is the direction that the military training simulation is advancing forward. Dynamic networking modeling is the key issue for constructing the network-in-the-loop training simulation. For this purpose, the fundamental architecture ...