This text recognizes that project management is a complex team-based activity where various types of technologies are an inherent part of the project management process. The author team has decades of experience in teaching and in the high tech sector. They offer students the knowledge and skills necessary to productively manage IS projects in todays technology-driven global economy. Key features include: -- Style and pedagogy consistent with this author teams best-selling books for other IS courses. -- A learn-by-doing approach that engages students in managing a project as part of the class. -- A focus on technologies including project management software, group support technology, and organization memory systems. -- Helps students master the Project Management Body of Knowledge.
Information Technology Management Roles: A Comparison of IT Executives and IT Project Managers
HICSS '02: Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'02)-Volume 8 - Volume 8This study investigates the emphasis placed on different managerial roles of information technology (IT) executives and IT project managers. Six managerial roles from Mintzberg's classic role model were applied in this research: resource allocator, ...
Stakeholder Challenges in Information Systems Project Offshoring: Client and Vendor Perspectives
This study of international information systems IS offshoring highlights the idea that project success or failure is often in the eye of the beholder and that proper attention needs to be provided to both client and vendor perspectives. This research ...