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- Casu M, Koutsomichalis M and Valle A Imaginary soundscapes Proceedings of the 9th Audio Mostly: A Conference on Interaction With Sound, (1-8)
- Black A, Bruce K and Noble J Panel Proceedings of the ACM international conference companion on Object oriented programming systems languages and applications companion, (201-204)
- Wrensch T and Schifman J An introduction to fly Companion of the 18th annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming, systems, languages, and applications, (292-293)
- Lorenz D and Vlissides J Pluggable reflection Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Software Engineering, (3-13)
- Jeffery C Goal-directed object-oriented programming in Unicon Proceedings of the 2001 ACM symposium on Applied computing, (306-308)
- De Pauw W, Lorenz D, Vlissides J and Wegman M Execution patterns in object-oriented visualization Proceedings of the 4th conference on USENIX Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies and Systems - Volume 4, (16-16)
- Sampogna A, Kaeli D, Green D, Silva M and Sniezek C Performance Modeling Using Object-Oriented Execution-Driven Simulation} Proceedings of the 29th Annual Simulation Symposium (SS '96)
- Griswold R and Griswold M History of the Icon programming language History of programming languages---II, (599-624)
- Budd T and Pandey R (2019). Never mind the paradigm, what about multiparadigm languages?, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 27:2, (25-30), Online publication date: 1-Jun-1995.
- Griswold R and Griswold M History of the Icon programming language The second ACM SIGPLAN conference on History of programming languages, (53-68)
- Griswold R and Griswold M (2019). History of the Icon programming language, ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 28:3, (53-68), Online publication date: 1-Mar-1993.
- Leavens G (1991). Introduction to the literature on object-oriented design, programming, and languages, ACM SIGPLAN OOPS Messenger, 2:4, (40-53), Online publication date: 1-Oct-1991.
- Pandey R (1990). Getting the languages for a programming languages course, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 22:4, (11-14), Online publication date: 1-Nov-1990.
Index Terms
- A little Smalltalk
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Programming with explicit metaclasses in Smalltalk-80
Special issue: Proceedings of the 1989 ACM OOPSLA conference on object-oriented programmingThis paper discusses the introduction of explicit metaclasses á la ObjVlisp into the Smalltalk-80 language. The rigidity of Smalltalk metaclass architecture motivated this work. We decided to implement the ObjVlisp model into the standard Smalltalk-80 ...
Programming with explicit metaclasses in Smalltalk-80
OOPSLA '89: Conference proceedings on Object-oriented programming systems, languages and applicationsThis paper discusses the introduction of explicit metaclasses á la ObjVlisp into the Smalltalk-80 language. The rigidity of Smalltalk metaclass architecture motivated this work. We decided to implement the ObjVlisp model into the standard Smalltalk-80 ...