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View all- Nguyen Dinh CDelalandre MConte DPham T(2021)Fast RT-LoG operator for scene text detectionJournal of Real-Time Image Processing10.1007/s11554-020-00942-718:1(19-36)Online publication date: 1-Feb-2021
Non-linear filtering is considered as a problem of cancelling non-Gaussian noise from the additive mixture of this noise and the initial signal. This task is formulated within the framework of the “black box” principle, when the non-linear filter ...
This correspondence presents the results of a numerical analysis of roundoff noise effects in cascade realizations or FIR filters. Minimum-noise realizations were designed through an exhaustive search over all possible subfilter orderings, although it ...
Texture segmentation involves subdividing an image into differently textured regions. Many texture segmentation schemes are based on a filter-bank model, where the filters, called Gabor filters, are derived from Gabor elementary functions. The goal is to ...
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