Geodesic Tracking via New Data-Driven Connections of Cartan Type for Vascular Tree Tracking
Geodesic Tracking of Retinal Vascular Trees with Optical and TV-Flow Enhancement in SE(2)
Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer VisionAbstractRetinal images are often used to examine the vascular system in a non-invasive way. Studying the behavior of the vasculature on the retina allows for noninvasive diagnosis of several diseases as these vessels and their behavior are representative ...
Vessel centerline tracking in CTA and MRA images using hough transform
CIARP'10: Proceedings of the 15th Iberoamerican congress conference on Progress in pattern recognition, image analysis, computer vision, and applicationsVascular disease is characterized by any condition that affects the circulatory system. Recently, a demand for sophisticated software tools that can characterize the integrity and functional state of vascular networks from different vascular imaging ...
Tracking of Lines in Spherical Images via Sub-Riemannian Geodesics in $${\text {SO(3)}}$$SO(3)
In order to detect salient lines in spherical images, we consider the problem of minimizing the functional $$\int \limits _0^l \mathfrak {C}(\gamma (s)) \sqrt{\xi ^2 + k_g^2(s)} \, \mathrm{d}s$$ź0lC(ź(s))ź2+kg2(s)ds for a curve $$\gamma $$ź on a sphere ...
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