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- Klein J, Kogel P and Glesner S Efficient State Estimation of Discrete-Timed Automata Formal Methods and Software Engineering, (85-105)
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- Zhou J, Qiu X, Li Z, Li Q, Tyson G, Duan J, Wang Y, Pan H and Wu Q (2023). A Machine Learning-Based Framework for Dynamic Selection of Congestion Control Algorithms, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 31:4, (1566-1581), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2023.
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- Kong D, Shen Y, Chen X, Cheng Q, Liu H, Zhang D, Liu X, Chen S and Wu C (2023). Combination Attacks and Defenses on SDN Topology Discovery, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 31:2, (904-919), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2023.
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Packetized voice transmission using RT-MAC, a wireless real-time medium access control protocol
RT-MAC is a simple, elegant, and robust medium access control (MAC) protocol for use in transmitting real-time data in point-to-point ad hoc wireless local area networks (WLANs). Our enhancement of IEEE 802.11, real-time MAC (RT-MAC), dramatically ...
Transmission Order Deducing MAC (TOD-MAC) protocol for CSMA/CA wireless networks
The increase in physical (PHY) layer transmission rates in IEEE WLAN does not necessarily give the corresponding increase of MAC layer throughput because of MAC overhead such as PHY headers and contention time. To improve MAC layer efficiency, we ...
Effect of Adaptive RTS/CTS ON/OFF Control Method for Mitigating Transmission Overhead of IEEE802.11DCF
BWCCA '10: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Broadband, Wireless Computing, Communication and ApplicationsIEEE802.11, the widely used wireless LAN standard, employs RTS/CTS handshake to avoid a packet collision with the transmissions from hidden terminals. Although RTS/CTS handshake effectively reduces packet collisions with hidden terminals, it also ...