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Querying log data with metric temporal logic

Published: 01 May 2018 Publication History


We propose a novel framework for ontology-based access to temporal log data using a datalog extension datalogMTL of the Horn fragment of the metric temporal logic MTL. We show that datalogMTL is EXPSPACE-complete even with punctual intervals, in which case full MTL is known to be undecidable. We also prove that nonrecursive datalogMTL is PSPACE-complete for combined complexity and in AC0 for data complexity. We demonstrate by two real-world use cases that nonrecursive datalogMTL programs can express complex temporal concepts from typical user queries and thereby facilitate access to temporal log data. Our experiments with Siemens turbine data and MesoWest weather data show that datalogMTL ontology-mediated queries are efficient and scale on large datasets.


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    cover image Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
    Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research  Volume 62, Issue 1
    May 2018
    871 pages
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    El Segundo, CA, United States

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    Published: 01 May 2018
    Published in JAIR Volume 62, Issue 1


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