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View all- Bouarroudj WBoufaida ZBellatreche L(2022)Named entity disambiguation in short texts over knowledge graphsKnowledge and Information Systems10.1007/s10115-021-01642-964:2(325-351)Online publication date: 1-Feb-2022
The vision of Semantic Web can be realized when there are masses of machine-processable semantic metadata. Manual construction of metadata is not feasible, methods for automated semantic annotation have been developed. Semantic annotation is the process ...
Due to homonyms, abbreviations, etc., name ambiguity is widely available in web and e-document. For example, when integrating heterogeneous literature databases, because there are different name specifications, different authors may be thought of as the ...
Coreference resolution involves finding antecedents for anaphoric discourse entities, such as definite noun phrases. But many definite noun phrases are not anaphoric because their meaning can be understood from general world knowledge (e.g., "the White ...
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