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An empirical analysis of factors influencing users' adoption and use of mobile services in China

Published: 01 August 2010 Publication History


This study examines factors that influence users' adoption of mobile services. Using data collected from mobile phone users in China, we compare adopters' and non-adopters' perceptions on mobile services using a general model. Structural equations modelling testing results show that perceived usefulness and perceived service cost affect mobile service adopters' and non-adopters' perceptions, while perceived trust and perceived trialability affect adopters' attitude towards continued usage and non-adopters' attitude towards usage differently. Our results have implications for mobile service providers in future product development and service improvements.


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    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image International Journal of Mobile Communications
    International Journal of Mobile Communications  Volume 8, Issue 5
    August 2010
    115 pages
    Issue’s Table of Contents


    Inderscience Publishers

    Geneva 15, Switzerland

    Publication History

    Published: 01 August 2010

    Author Tags

    1. TAM
    2. cell phones
    3. m-services
    4. mobile communications
    5. mobile phones
    6. mobile services
    7. perceptions
    8. service adopters
    9. service non-adopters
    10. structural equation modelling
    11. technology acceptance model
    12. trust


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