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Manufacturing planning and control in batch manufacturing industries: a multidimensional construct

Published: 01 September 2006 Publication History


Manufacturing activity plays a major role in the industrial and economic development of a country. Effective planning and control of manufacturing is the key to performance of the manufacturing firms. The research question addressed in this paper is what factors of manufacturing planning and control (MPC) system discriminate the high MPC performers from the low MPC performers. In order to find out this, significant factors of MPC system have been extracted by performing multivariate analysis of data collected from batch manufacturing firms in India. Further, a parsimonious representation of MPC performance of these firms through factor analysis has been carried out. Through a discriminant analysis using the MPC system factors and MPC performance factors, the significant discriminating factors have been obtained. Finally, a few hypotheses have been formulated and tested to identify the significant factors that have to be addressed while designing the MPC system in batch manufacturing firms.


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  1. Manufacturing planning and control in batch manufacturing industries: a multidimensional construct



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    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology
    International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology  Volume 27, Issue 1
    September 2006
    82 pages
    Issue’s Table of Contents


    Inderscience Publishers

    Geneva 15, Switzerland

    Publication History

    Published: 01 September 2006

    Author Tags

    1. India
    2. MPC performance variables
    3. MPC systems
    4. batch manufacturing
    5. manufacturing control
    6. manufacturing planning
    7. multivariate analysis


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