Evaluating the usefulness of the adapted thematic analysis in the process of design
Examining the use of thematic analysis as a tool for informing design of new family communication technologies
BCS-HCI '13: Proceedings of the 27th International BCS Human Computer Interaction ConferenceFrequently family members are geographically separated for large parts of the day. This separation, allied to a busy schedule, can make it difficult to share daily experiences and maintain the feeling of connectedness. This paper describes an ...
Context-Informed Scheduling and Analysis: Improving Accuracy of Mobile Self-Reports
CHI '19: Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing SystemsMobile self-reports are a popular technique to collect participant labelled data in the wild. While literature has focused on increasing participant compliance to self-report questionnaires, relatively little work has assessed response accuracy. In this ...
”The Dementia Diva Strikes Again!”: A Thematic Analysis of How Informal Carers of Persons with Dementia Use TikTok
MobileHCI '21: Adjunct Publication of the 23rd International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer InteractionInformal carers of persons with dementia often resort to social media to alleviate their sense of social isolation and cultivate their platform to share their experience in care. The present study performed a preliminary analysis on how TikTok creators ...
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BCS Learning & Development Ltd.
Swindon, United Kingdom
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