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An Evolutionary Frog Leaping Algorithm for Global Optimization Problems and Applications

Published: 01 January 2021 Publication History


Shuffled frog leaping algorithm, a novel heuristic method, is inspired by the foraging behavior of the frog population, which has been designed by the shuffled process and the PSO framework. To increase the convergence speed and effectiveness, the currently improved versions are focused on the local search ability in PSO framework, which limited the development of SFLA. Therefore, we first propose a new scheme based on evolutionary strategy, which is accomplished by quantum evolution and eigenvector evolution. In this scheme, the frog leaping rule based on quantum evolution is achieved by two potential wells with the historical information for the local search, and eigenvector evolution is achieved by the eigenvector evolutionary operator for the global search. To test the performance of the proposed approach, the basic benchmark suites, CEC2013 and CEC2014, and a parameter optimization problem of SVM are used to compare 15 well-known algorithms. Experimental results demonstrate that the performance of the proposed algorithm is better than that of the other heuristic algorithms.


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  • (2023)CO2 Emission-Constrained Short-Term Unit Commitment Problem Using Shuffled Frog Leaping AlgorithmJournal of Electrical and Computer Engineering10.1155/2023/23366892023Online publication date: 1-Jan-2023



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  • (2023)CO2 Emission-Constrained Short-Term Unit Commitment Problem Using Shuffled Frog Leaping AlgorithmJournal of Electrical and Computer Engineering10.1155/2023/23366892023Online publication date: 1-Jan-2023

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