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Text analysis and knowledge mining system

Published: 01 October 2001 Publication History


Large text databases potentially contain a great wealth of knowledge. However, text represents factual information (and information about the author's communicative intentions) in a complex, rich, and opaque manner. Consequently, unlike numerical and fixed field data, it cannot be analyzed by standard statistical data mining methods. Relying on human analysis results in either huge workloads or the analysis of only a tiny fraction of the database. We are working on text mining technology to extract knowledge from very large amounts of textual data. Unlike information retrieval technology that allows a user to select documents that meet the user's requirements and interests, or document clustering technology that organizes documents, we focus on finding valuable patterns and rules in text that indicate trends and significant features about specific topics. By applying our prototype system named TAKMI (Text Analysis and Knowledge Mining) to textual databases in PC help centers, we can automatically detect product failures; determine issues that have led to rapid increases in the number of calls and their underlying reasons; and analyze help center productivity and changes in customers' behavior involving a particular product, without reading any of the text. We have verified that our framework is also effective for other data such as patent documents.


1. O. Zamir, O. Etzioni, and R. Karp, "Fast and Intuitive Clustering of Web Documents," Proceedings of KDD-97 (1997), pp. 287-290.]]
2. W. Cohen and H. Hirsh, "Joins That Generalize: Text Classification Using WHIRL," Proceedings of KDD-98 (1998), pp. 169-173.]]
3. G. Salton and M. J. McGill, SMART and SIRE Experimental Retrieval Systems, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York (1983).]]
4. A. M. Hearst, "Untangling Text Data Mining," Proceedings of ACL-09 (1999), pp. 3-10.]]
5. K. Night, "Mining Online Text," Communications of the ACM42, No. 11, 58-61 (1999).]]
6. U. Hahn and K. Schnattinger, "Deep Knowledge Discovery from Natural Language Texts," Proceedings of KDD-97 (1997), pp. 175-178.]]
7. Information Extraction, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, M. T. Pazienza, Editor, Springer-Verlag, Rome (1997).]]
8. Message Understanding Conferences, see http://www. itl.nist.gov/iad/894.02/related_projects/muc/index.html.]]
9. R. Feldman and I. Dagan, "Knowledge Discovery in Textual Databases," Proceedings of KDD-95 (1995), pp. 112-117.]]
10. R. Feldman, W. Kloesgen, and A. Zilberstein, "Visualization Techniques to Explore Data Mining Results for Documents," Proceedings of KDD-97 (1997), pp. 16-23.]]
11. B. Lent, R. Agrawal, and R. Srikant, "Discovering Trends in Text Databases," Proceedings of KDD-97 (1997), pp. 227-230.]]
12. J. Mladenic, "Text-Learning and Related Intelligent Agents: A Survey," IEEE Intelligent Systems14, No. 4, 44-54 (1999).]]
13. V. Hatzivassiloglou and K. McKeown, "Predicting the Semantic Orientation of Adjectives," Proceedings of ACL-97 (1997), pp. 174-181.]]
14. H. Matsuzawa and T. Fukuda, "Mining Structured Association Patterns from Databases," Proceedings of the 4th Pacific and Asia International Corference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (2000), pp. 233-244.]]
15. The category of "fail" is very dependent on the domain. Thus, it should be defined in the semantic dictionary.]]
16. R. Agrawal, T. Imielinski, and A. Swami, "Mining Association Rules Between Sets of Items in Large Databases," Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD '93 (1993), pp. 207-216.]]
17. H. Nomiyama, Topic Analysis in Newspaper Articles, Technical Report TR-0129, IBM Tokyo Research Laboratory, Tokyo (1996).]]
18. M. Morohashi, K. Takeda, H. Nomiyama, and H. Maruyama, "Information Outlining--Filling the Gap Between Visualization and Navigation in Digital Libraries," Proceedings of the International Symposium on Digital Libraries (1995), pp. 151-158.]]
19. P. Xia, "Knowledge Discovery in Integrated Call Centers: A Framework for Effective Customer-Driven Marketing," Proceedings of KDD-97 (1997), pp. 279-282.]]
20. This category is contained in structured data, whereas calls on voiceType is were collected based on information in unstructured text.]]
21. The verb "use" is "tsukau" in Japanese.]]
22. Information on Medline can be found at http://www. nlm.nih.gov/.]]
23. H. Maruyama, A Formal Approach to Japanese Analysis in Japanese-to-English Machine Translation, Dissertation, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan (1995).]]
24. This is a result of analysis in a small set of sample data to demonstrate the capability of the system.]]

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cover image IBM Systems Journal
IBM Systems Journal  Volume 40, Issue 4
October 2001
196 pages


IBM Corp.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 October 2001


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