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Approximate mean value analysis algorithms for queuing networks: existence, uniqueness, and convergence results

Published: 01 July 1990 Publication History


This paper is concerned with the properties of nonlinear equations associated with the Scheweitzer-Bard (S-B) approximate mean value analysis (MVA) heuristic for closed product-form queuing networks. Three forms of nonlinear S-B approximate MVA equations in multiclass networks are distinguished: Schweitzer, minimal, and the nearly decoupled forms. The approximate MVA equations have enabled us to: (a) derive bounds on the approximate throughput; (b) prove the existence and uniqueness of the S-B throughput solution, and the convergence of the S-B approximation algorithm for a wide class of monotonic, single-class networks; (c) establish the existence of the S-B solution for multiclass, monotonic networks; and (d) prove the asymptotic (i.e., as the number of customers of each class tends to ∞) uniqueness of the S-B throughput solution, and (e) the convergence of the gradient projection and the primal-dual algorithms to solve the asymptotic versions of the minimal, the Schweitzer, and the nearly decoupled forms of MVA equations for multiclass networks with single server and infinite server nodes. The convergence is established by showing that the approximate MVA equations are the gradient vector of a convex function, and by using results from convex programming and the convex duality theory.


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  1. Approximate mean value analysis algorithms for queuing networks: existence, uniqueness, and convergence results



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    Published In

    cover image Journal of the ACM
    Journal of the ACM  Volume 37, Issue 3
    July 1990
    247 pages
    Issue’s Table of Contents


    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 July 1990
    Published in JACM Volume 37, Issue 3


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