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Data abstraction and information hiding

Published: 01 September 2002 Publication History


This article describes an approach for verifying programs in the presence of data abstraction and information hiding, which are key features of modern programming languages with objects and modules. This article draws on our experience building and using an automatic program checker, and focuses on the property of modular soundness: that is, the property that the separate verifications of the individual modules of a program suffice to ensure the correctness of the composite program. We found this desirable property surprisingly difficult to achieve. A key feature of our methodology for modular soundness is a new specification construct: the abstraction dependency, which reveals which concrete variables appear in the representation of a given abstract variable, without revealing the abstraction function itself. This article discusses in detail two varieties of abstraction dependencies: static and dynamic. The article also presents a new technical definition of modular soundness as a monotonicity property of verifiability with respect to scope and uses this technical definition to formally prove the modular soundness of a programming discipline for static dependencies.


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cover image ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems  Volume 24, Issue 5
September 2002
137 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 September 2002
Published in TOPLAS Volume 24, Issue 5


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  1. Abstract variables
  2. abstraction dependencies
  3. extended static checking
  4. modifies clauses
  5. modular verification
  6. object-oriented programming
  7. specifications


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