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The open PCA pump project: an exemplar open source medical device as a community resource

Published: 16 August 2019 Publication History


Building safe and secure interoperable medical devices with accompanying assurance artifacts is challenging. Many start-up companies have great ideas for innovation, but are not familiar with appropriate safety/security-critical engineering processes, architecture principles, risk management, and assurance techniques. Larger, more experienced, companies may face hurdles in re-engineering their devices for interoperability and greater security. In academia, researchers often have good techniques for addressing some of the issues above, but are not familiar with how a realistic medical device is developed and assured. Building a prototype medical device for a classroom project or research work to validate proposed techniques is often a huge effort.
The Open PCA Pump illustrates a full suite of realistic development artifacts including use cases, requirements, architecture models, verified source code, testing and simulation infrastructure, risk management artifacts, and assurance cases that can be used to develop shared understanding of medical device innovations across the academic, industry, and regulatory communities.1


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  1. The open PCA pump project: an exemplar open source medical device as a community resource



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    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image ACM SIGBED Review
    ACM SIGBED Review  Volume 16, Issue 2
    Special Issue on Medical Cyber-Physical Systems Workshop 2018 (MCPS'18)
    July 2019
    53 pages
    Issue’s Table of Contents


    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 16 August 2019
    Published in SIGBED Volume 16, Issue 2

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    Author Tags

    1. AADL
    2. BLESS
    3. PCA pump
    4. assurance case
    5. exemplary design artifacts
    6. formal specification
    7. interoperable
    8. medical device
    9. model-based engineering
    10. reference architecture
    11. requirements
    12. safety
    13. security
    14. software correctness proofs


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    • (2023)An AADL Contract Language Supporting Integrated Model- and Code-Level VerificationACM SIGAda Ada Letters10.1145/3591335.359133942:2(45-54)Online publication date: 5-Apr-2023
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