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Using concurrent relational logic with helpers for verifying the AtomFS file system

Published: 27 October 2019 Publication History


Concurrent file systems are pervasive but hard to correctly implement and formally verify due to nondeterministic interleavings. This paper presents AtomFS, the first formally-verified, fine-grained, concurrent file system, which provides linearizable interfaces to applications. The standard way to prove linearizability requires modeling linearization point of each operation---the moment when its effect becomes visible atomically to other threads. We observe that path inter-dependency, where one operation (like rename) breaks the path integrity of other operations, makes the linearization point external and thus poses a significant challenge to prove linearizability.
To overcome the above challenge, this paper presents <u>C</u>oncurrent <u>R</u>elational <u>L</u>ogic with <u>H</u>elpers (CRL-H), a framework for building verified concurrent file systems. CRL-H is made powerful through two key contributions: (1) extending prior approaches using fixed linearization points with a helper mechanism where one operation of the thread can logically help other threads linearize their operations; (2) combining relational specifications and rely/guarantee conditions for relational and compositional reasoning. We have successfully applied CRL-H to verify the linearizability of AtomFS directly in C code. All the proofs are mechanized in Coq. Evaluations show that AtomFS speeds up file system workloads by utilizing fine-grained, multicore concurrency.


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