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Providing Direct Answers in Search Results: A Study of User Behavior

Published: 19 October 2020 Publication History


To study the impact of providing direct answers in search results on user behavior, we conducted a controlled user study to analyze factors including reading time, eye-tracked attention, and the influence of the quality of answer module content. We also studied a more advanced answer interface, where multiple answers are shown on the search engine results page (SERP). Our results show that users focus more extensively than normal on the top items in the result list when answers are provided. The existence of the answer module helps to improve user engagement on SERPs, reduces user effort, and promotes user satisfaction during the search process. Furthermore, we investigate how the question type -- factoid or non-factoid -- affects user interaction patterns. This work provides insight into the design of SERPs that includes direct answers to queries, including when answers should be shown.

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MP4 File (3340531.3412017.mp4)
To study the impact of providing direct answers in search results on user behavior, we conducted a controlled user study to analyze factors including reading time, eye-tracked attention, and the influence of the quality of answer module content. We also studied a more advanced answer interface, where multiple answers are shown on the search engine results page (SERP). Our results show that users focus more extensively than normal on the top items in the result list when answers are provided. The existence of the answer module helps to improve user engagement on SERPs, reduces user effort, and promotes user satisfaction during the search process. Furthermore, we investigate how the question type ? factoid or non-factoid ? affects user interaction patterns. This work provides insight into the design of SERPs that includes direct answers to queries, including when answers should be shown.


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      CIKM '20: Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management
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      Published: 19 October 2020


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      1. answer module
      2. controlled user study
      3. eye-tracking
      4. question answering
      5. search behaviour
      6. user interaction
      7. web search


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