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SoundSemantics: exploiting semantic knowledge in text for embedded acoustic event classification

Published: 16 April 2019 Publication History


In this paper, we propose a fundamentally different approach to acoustic event classification that exploits knowledge from the textual domain to deal with a well-known pain point in audio event classification---i.e., the lack of adequate training examples. We show that by exploiting existing context-aware semantic representation of English words (e.g., Google's word-to-vector [33]) that is generated from a massive amount of English texts on the Internet, it is possible to classify acoustic events even when there are a few or no training examples for a wide variety of sounds. Our approach works in application scenarios where a system wants to learn a number of predefined categories of acoustic events, but it does not have enough training examples per category, and/or for some categories, it does not have any training examples at all. We solve this problem by combining a robust audio representation step, followed by a cross-modal projection of the audio representation onto textual representation. Our approach is different from techniques such as one-shot and data augmentation that do not consider the cross-domain knowledge transfers. We develop a generic mobile application for audio event detection where a user can input a list of desired sound types, along with training audio clips for some of those sound types, and the system is able to recognize all types of sounds (at varying level of accuracy depending on the number of classes that do not have any training examples), which is not achievable by any existing audio classifier that we are aware of. We evaluate the performance of the proposed system on an empirical dataset [41] as well as by deploying the application in two real-world scenarios. The accuracy of the classifier lies between 60%-90% for a 6--10 class problem when the number of classes that do not have any training examples is varied between 2--5.


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  1. SoundSemantics: exploiting semantic knowledge in text for embedded acoustic event classification



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      IPSN '19: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks
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      Published: 16 April 2019


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