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Hierarchical modularity

Published: 01 July 1999 Publication History


To cope with the complexity of very large systems, it is not sufficient to divide them into simple pieces because the pieces themselves will either be too numerous or too large. A hierarchical modular structure is the natural solution. In this article we explain how that approach can be applied to software. Our compilation manager provides a language for specifying where individual modules fit into a hierarchy and how they are related semantically. We pay particular attention to the structure of the global name space of program identifiers that are used for module linkage because any potential for name clashes between otherwise unrelated parts of a program can negatively affect modularity. We discuss the theoretical issues in building software hierarchically, and we describe our implementation of CM, the compilation manager for Standard ML of New Jersey.


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Michael G. Murphy

A hierarchical modular structure is usually viewed as the natural solution for handling the complexity of very large systems. In this paper, the authors provide a strategy for applying this approach to software. This work makes a significant contribution to the literature on software engineering and programming languages. The approach uses a compilation manager with a language for specifying where individual modules fit into a hierarchy together with semantic relationships. Particular attention is paid to the structure of the global name space. Software development and maintenance usually result in additions, refinements, and replacements of components; therefore, a modification in one component should not require modification in others that are not conceptually related. CM, the compilation manager described, provides a language for describing the semantics of a system divided into separate modules based on a group model. The group model specifies the hierarchy of modules and the scoping rules for references that cross module boundaries. The approach expects related sources to be kept together, unrelated sources to be kept apart, and generally useful components to be consolidated into libraries. Once semantic aspects are specified, CM calculates the compilation dependencies that result. It provides automatic dependency analysis, which eliminates the need for extensive programmer-supplied specifications. CM extends the programming language Standard ML of New Jersey. As the authors point out, general-purpose compilation managers cannot extend only one language. The issues are the tradeoff between versatility and complication, with respect to language-specific details, and the need for an enhanced notation.

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cover image ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems  Volume 21, Issue 4
July 1999
192 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 July 1999
Published in TOPLAS Volume 21, Issue 4


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  1. compilation management
  2. linking
  3. modularity
  4. modules
  5. name visibility
  6. program structure


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