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10.1145/3126908.3126954acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesscConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Scalable reduction collectives with data partitioning-based multi-leader design

Published: 12 November 2017 Publication History


Existing designs for MPI_Allreduce do not take advantage of the vast parallelism available in modern multi-/many-core processors like Intel Xeon/Xeon Phis or the increases in communication throughput and recent advances in high-end features seen with modern interconnects like InfiniBand and Omni-Path. In this paper, we propose a high-performance and scalable <u>D</u>ata <u>P</u>artitioning-based <u>M</u>ulti-<u>L</u>eader (DPML) solution for MPI_Allreduce that can take advantage of the parallelism offered by multi-/many-core architectures in conjunction with the high throughput and high-end features offered by InfiniBand and Omni-Path to significantly enhance the performance of MPI_Allreduce on modern HPC systems. We also model DPML-based designs to analyze the communication costs theoretically. Microbenchmark level evaluations show that the proposed DPML-based designs are able to deliver up to 3.5 times performance improvement for MPI_Allreduce for multiple HPC systems at scale. At the application-level, up to 35% and 60% improvement is seen in communication for HPCG and miniAMR respectively.


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cover image ACM Conferences
SC '17: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis
November 2017
801 pages
  • General Chair:
  • Bernd Mohr,
  • Program Chair:
  • Padma Raghavan
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 12 November 2017


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  1. MPI
  2. MPI_allreduce
  3. SHArP
  4. collectives
  5. data partitioning
  6. multi-leader


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