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Using Implicit Feedback for Neighbors Selection: Alleviating the Sparsity Problem in Collaborative Recommendation Systems

Published: 17 October 2017 Publication History


The most popular Recommender systems (RSs) employ Collaborative Filtering (CF) algorithms where users explicitly rate items. Based on these ratings, a user-item rating matrix is generated and used to select the items to be recommended for a target user. An important step in this process is to determine the neighborhood of a target user, i.e. a set of users who rate items similarly to this user. One of the limitations of CF is precisely the need of rating data provided voluntarily by users. The lack of interest of users to provide this kind of information increases the sparsity problem of the ratings matrix. In this paper, we propose the use of implicit feedback for neighbors selection to alleviate the sparsity problem in CF-based RSs. In this proposal, user profiles are built based on the characteristics of items that have been accessed or purchased, and not necessarily rated by the users. This user profile is used exclusively to the neighborhoods formation, which considers not how they have rated items, but by the characteristics of the items that they have accessed or purchased. Our technique was implemented with Apache Mahout Framework and evaluated across experiments in the domain of movies by using a dataset from Movielens project. The results demonstrated that our technique produces better quality recommendations when compared to the classic CF mainly in presence of sparsity of rating data.


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cover image ACM Other conferences
WebMedia '17: Proceedings of the 23rd Brazillian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web
October 2017
522 pages
© 2017 Association for Computing Machinery. ACM acknowledges that this contribution was authored or co-authored by an employee, contractor or affiliate of a national government. As such, the Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to publish or reproduce this article, or to allow others to do so, for Government purposes only.


  • SBC: Brazilian Computer Society
  • CNPq: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecn
  • CGIBR: Comite Gestor da Internet no Brazil
  • CAPES: Brazilian Higher Education Funding Council



Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 17 October 2017


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  1. collaborative filtering
  2. implicit feedback
  3. recommendation systems
  4. sparsity


  • Research-article

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Webmedia '17
  • SBC
  • CNPq
Webmedia '17: Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web
October 17 - 20, 2017
RS, Gramado, Brazil

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WebMedia '17 Paper Acceptance Rate 38 of 138 submissions, 28%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 270 of 873 submissions, 31%


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  • (2024)Collaborative Filtering and Content-Based SystemsRecommender Systems: Algorithms and their Applications10.1007/978-981-97-0538-2_3(19-30)Online publication date: 12-Jun-2024
  • (2021)Knowledge graph summarization impacts on movie recommendationsJournal of Intelligent Information Systems10.1007/s10844-021-00650-zOnline publication date: 22-Jun-2021
  • (2018)Hybrid Recommender System Based on Multi-Hierarchical OntologiesProceedings of the 24th Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web10.1145/3243082.3243106(149-156)Online publication date: 16-Oct-2018
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