Cited By
View all- Hosangadi AFallah FKastner RGielen G(2006)Optimizing high speed arithmetic circuits using three-term extractionProceedings of the conference on Design, automation and test in Europe: Proceedings10.5555/1131481.1131838(1294-1299)Online publication date: 6-Mar-2006
- Hosangadi AFallah FKastner R(2006)Optimizing High Speed Arithmetic Circuits Using Three-Term ExtractionProceedings of the Design Automation & Test in Europe Conference10.1109/DATE.2006.244103(1-6)Online publication date: 2006
- Yu ZYu MWillson ARabaey J(2001)Signal representation guided synthesis using carry-save adders for synchronous data-path circuitsProceedings of the 38th annual Design Automation Conference10.1145/378239.378560(456-461)Online publication date: 22-Jun-2001