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VeriBin: A Malware Authorship Verification Approach for APT Tracking through Explainable and Functionality-Debiasing Adversarial Representation Learning

Published: 16 August 2024 Publication History


Malware attacks are posing a significant threat to national security, cooperate network, and public endpoint security. Identifying the Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) groups behind the attacks and grouping their activities into attack campaigns help security investigators trace their activities thus providing better security protections against future attacks. Existing Cyber Threat Intelligent (CTI) components mainly focus on malware family identification and behavior characterization, which cannot solve the APT tracking problem: while APT tracking needs one to link malware binaries of multiple families to a single threat actor, these behavior or function-based techniques are tightened up to a specific attack technique and would fail on connecting different families. Binary Authorship Attribution (AA) solutions could discriminate against threat actors based on their stylometric traits. However, AA solutions assume that the author of a binary is within a fixed candidate author set. However, real-world malware binaries may be created by a new unknown threat actor.
To address this research gap, we propose VeriBin for the Binary Authorship Verification (BAV) problem. VeriBin is a novel adversarial neural network that extracts functionality-agnostic style representations from assembly code for the AV task. The extracted style representations can be visualized and are explainable with VeriBin’s multi-head attention mechanism. We benchmark VeriBin with state-of-the-art coding style representations on a standard dataset and a recent malware-APT dataset. Given two anonymous binaries of out-of-sample authors, VeriBin can accurately determine whether they belong to the same author or not. VeriBin is resilient to compiler optimizations and robust against malware family variants.


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Index Terms

  1. VeriBin: A Malware Authorship Verification Approach for APT Tracking through Explainable and Functionality-Debiasing Adversarial Representation Learning



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          Published In

          cover image ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security
          ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security  Volume 27, Issue 3
          August 2024
          193 pages
          Issue’s Table of Contents


          Association for Computing Machinery

          New York, NY, United States

          Publication History

          Published: 16 August 2024
          Online AM: 20 July 2024
          Accepted: 23 April 2024
          Revised: 26 November 2023
          Received: 22 May 2022
          Published in TOPS Volume 27, Issue 3

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          Author Tags

          1. Cyber threat intelligence
          2. representation learning
          3. adversarial learning
          4. authorship analysis
          5. reverse engineering


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