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10.1145/3660853.3660883acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesaicconfConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Intelligent Food Recommendation Framework Based on Social Media Behavioral Data

Published: 23 June 2024 Publication History


This research introduces an Intelligent Food Recommendation Framework leveraging social media Behavioral Data, explicitly focusing on Instagram. It posits that users' engagements with food-related content on Instagram offer insights into their food preferences, thereby enhancing the precision of food type recommendations. The investigation aims to substantiate this assertion through a thorough literature review, data source selection, comparison of food assessment surveys, exploration of image recognition methodologies, and deployment and validation of the proposed solution framework utilizing deep learning models. Through interdisciplinary efforts, the study seeks to advance personalized recommendation systems in the context of food consumption.

Supplemental Material

Presentation slides detailing an innovative Intelligent Food Recommendation Framework leveraging Social Media Behavioral Data. The framework employs advanced algorithms to analyze user interactions on social platforms, offering personalized food recommendations. Exploring the intersection of AI and social data, this research enhances culinary experiences by providing tailored suggestions, promising improved user engagement and satisfaction in food consumption.


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AICCONF '24: Proceedings of the Cognitive Models and Artificial Intelligence Conference
May 2024
367 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 23 June 2024


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Author Tags

  1. Recommender system
  2. behavioral data
  3. deep learning
  4. food analysis
  5. image classification


  • Short-paper
  • Research
  • Refereed limited

Data Availability

Presentation slides detailing an innovative Intelligent Food Recommendation Framework leveraging Social Media Behavioral Data. The framework employs advanced algorithms to analyze user interactions on social platforms, offering personalized food recommendations. Exploring the intersection of AI and social data, this research enhances culinary experiences by providing tailored suggestions, promising improved user engagement and satisfaction in food consumption. https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3660853.3660883#Intelligent Food Recommendation Framework Based on Social Media Behavioral Data_AICCONF24.pptx




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