Cited By
View all- Georges APeters BElbeheiry LWhite LDolan SEisenberg RCasinghino CPottier FDreyer D(2025)Data Race Freedom à la ModeProceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages10.1145/37048599:POPL(656-686)Online publication date: 9-Jan-2025
We propose a type system to guarantee safe resource deallocation for shared-memory concurrent programs by extending the previous type system based on fractional ownerships. Here, safe resource deallocation means that memory cells, locks, or threads are ...
We propose a type system to guarantee safe resource deallocation for shared-memory concurrent programs by extending the previous type system based on fractional ownerships. Here, safe resource deallocation means that memory cells, locks, or threads are ...
Today's widely-used concurrent programming models either provide weak safety guarantees, making it easy to write code with subtle errors, or are limited in the class of programs that they can express. We propose a new concurrent programming model based ...
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