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Poster: P4DME: DNS Threat Mitigation with P4 In-Network Machine Learning Offload

Published: 06 December 2023 Publication History


The ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape demands innovative solutions to safeguard critical network infrastructure such as the Domain Name System (DNS). This paper presents P4DME, a novel approach that harnesses the potential of Machine Learning (ML) in conjunction with P4 programmable switches to tackle DNS threats efficiently. P4DME's primary benefit lies in offloading filtering from resource-intensive ML processing tasks on dedicated servers. This offloading boosts the overall traffic throughput that can be inspected or achieves the same throughput with reduced resource consumption while preserving the servers' capabilities for high-performance threat identification. This work uses P4-based in-network elements to handle crucial DNS threats, dynamic white- and blacklisting, and an online popularity-based anomaly detection heuristic. The latter serves as a trigger for dedicated ML-based inspection. Furthermore, we introduce in-network mitigation filters updated through the control plane to provide adaptable and responsive threat mitigation. Preliminary simulation results show more than 99.9% offload ratio at 5% increased False Negative Ratio.


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Cited By

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  • (2024)An Empirical Analysis of DDoS Attack Detection and Mitigation Techniques: A Comparative Review of Tools and MethodsInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology10.32628/CSEIT241046210:6(1099-1108)Online publication date: 30-Nov-2024

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  1. Poster: P4DME: DNS Threat Mitigation with P4 In-Network Machine Learning Offload



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      Published In

      cover image ACM Conferences
      EuroP4 '23: Proceedings of the 6th on European P4 Workshop
      December 2023
      74 pages
      This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 License.



      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 06 December 2023

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      Author Tags

      1. DNS security
      2. P4
      3. in-network computation
      4. machine learning
      5. offloading
      6. programmable networks


      • Short-paper

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      CoNEXT 2023


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      • (2024)An Empirical Analysis of DDoS Attack Detection and Mitigation Techniques: A Comparative Review of Tools and MethodsInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology10.32628/CSEIT241046210:6(1099-1108)Online publication date: 30-Nov-2024

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