Identifying shortest paths between nodes in a network is a common graph analysis problem that is important for many applications involving routing of resources. An adversary that can manipulate the graph structure could alter traffic patterns to gain some benefit (e.g., make more money by directing traffic to a toll road). This article presents the Force Path Cut problem, in which an adversary removes edges from a graph to make a particular path the shortest between its terminal nodes. We prove that the optimization version of this problem is APX-hard but introduce PATHATTACK, a polynomial-time approximation algorithm that guarantees a solution within a logarithmic factor of the optimal value. In addition, we introduce the Force Edge Cut and Force Node Cut problems, in which the adversary targets a particular edge or node, respectively, rather than an entire path. We derive a nonconvex optimization formulation for these problems and derive a heuristic algorithm that uses PATHATTACK as a subroutine. We demonstrate all of these algorithms on a diverse set of real and synthetic networks, illustrating where the proposed algorithms provide the greatest improvement over baseline methods.
1 Introduction
Finding the shortest paths between interconnected entities is an important task in a wide variety of applications. When routing resources—such as traffic on roads, ships among ports, or packets among routers—identifying the shortest path between two nodes is key to making efficient use of the network. Given that traffic prefers to take the shortest route, a malicious adversary with the ability to alter the graph topology could manipulate the paths to gain an advantage. For example, a road network could be manipulated to direct traffic between two popular locations across a toll road the adversary owns. A computer network could be altered to encourage packets to flow through an adversary’s subnetwork. Undermining connections in a social network may enable the adversary to become a “gatekeeper” to an important individual. Countering such behavior is important, and understanding vulnerability to such manipulation is a step toward more robust graph mining.
In this article, we present the Force Path Cut problem, in which an adversary wants the shortest path between a source node and a target node in an edge-weighted network to follow a preferred path. The adversary achieves this goal by cutting edges, each of which has a known cost for removal. We show that the optimization version of this problem is APX-hard via a reduction from the 3-Terminal Cut problem [18]. To optimize Force Path Cut, we recast it as a Weighed Set Cover problem, which allows us to use well-established approximation algorithms to minimize the total edge removal cost. We propose the PATHATTACK algorithm, which combines these algorithms with a constraint generation method to efficiently identify a subset of paths to target for disruption. While these algorithms only guarantee an approximately optimal solution in general, PATHATTACK yields the lowest-cost solution in a large majority of our experiments.
We also introduce the Force Edge Cut and Force Node Cut problems, where a specific edge (or node) is targeted rather than an entire path. The optimization versions of these problems are also APX-hard, and we use PATHATTACK as part of a heuristic search algorithm to solve them. The three problems are defined formally in the following section.
1.1 Problem Statement
We consider a graph \(G=(V, E)\), where the vertex set \(V\) contains \(N\) entities and \(E\) consists of \(M\) edges, which may be directed or undirected. Each edge has a weight \(w:E\rightarrow \mathbb {R}_{\ge 0}\) denoting the expense of traversal (e.g., distance or time). In addition, each edge has a removal cost \(c:E\rightarrow \mathbb {R}_{\ge 0}\). We are also given a source node \(s\in V\), a target node \(t\in V\), and a budget \(b \gt 0\) for edge removal. Within this context, there are three problems we address:
Force Edge Cut: Given an edge \(e^*\in E\), find \(E^\prime \subset E\) where \(\sum _{e\in E^\prime }{c(e)}\le b\) and all shortest paths from \(s\) to \(t\) in \(G^\prime =(V, E\setminus E^\prime)\) use \(e^*\).
Force Node Cut: Given a node \(v^*\in V\), find \(E^\prime \subset E\) where \(\sum _{e\in E^\prime }{c(e)}\le b\) and all shortest paths from \(s\) to \(t\) in \(G^\prime =(V, E\setminus E^\prime)\) use \(v^*\).
Force Path Cut: Given a path \(p^*\) from \(s\) to \(t\) in \(G\), find \(E^\prime \subset E\) where \(\sum _{e\in E^\prime }{c(e)}\le b\) and \(p^*\) is the unique shortest path from \(s\) to \(t\) in \(G^\prime =(V, E\setminus E^\prime)\).
Each variation of the problem addresses a different adversarial objective: there is a particular edge (e.g., a toll road), a particular node (e.g., a router in a network), or an entire path (e.g., a sequence of surveillance points) where increased traffic would benefit the adversary. The attack vector in all cases is removal of edges, and the adversary has access to the entire graph. We also consider the corresponding optimization problems for each decision problem defined above. In the optimization version, the objective is to find \(E^\prime\) with the smallest cost \(\sum _{e\in E^\prime }{c(e)}\) that satisfies the decision problem’s conditions. We refer to each optimization counterpart of the corresponding decision problem as Optimal Force Edge Cut, Optimal Force Node Cut, and Optimal Force Path Cut, respectively.
1.2 Contributions
The main contributions of this article are as follows:
We define the Force Edge Cut, Force Node Cut, and Force Path Cut problems and prove that their corresponding optimization problems are APX-hard.
We introduce the PATHATTACK algorithm, which provides a logarithmic approximation for Optimal Force Path Cut with high probability (greater than \(1-(1/|E|)\)) in polynomial time.
We provide a non-convex optimization formulation for Optimal Force Edge Cut and Optimal Force Node Cut, as well as polynomial-time heuristic algorithms.
We present the results of over 16,000 experiments on a variety of synthetic and real networks, demonstrating where these algorithms perform best with respect to baseline methods.
1.3 Article Organization
The remainder of this article is organized as follows. In Section 2, we briefly summarize related work on inverse optimization and adversarial graph analysis. In Section 3, we provide a sketch of the proof that all three optimization problems are APX-hard. (Details are presented in Appendix A.) Section 4 introduces the PATHATTACK algorithm, which guarantees a logarithmic approximation of the optimal solution to Force Path Cut. In Section 5, we show how PATHATTACK can be used as a heuristic for the optimization versions of Force Edge Cut and Force Node Cut. Section 6 documents the results of experiments on diverse real and synthetic networks, demonstrating where PATHATTACK provides a benefit over baseline methods. In Section 7, we conclude with a summary and discussion of open problems.
2 Related Work
Early work on attacking networks focused on disconnecting them [2]. This work demonstrated that targeted removal of high-degree nodes was highly effective against networks with power law degree distributions (e.g., Barabási–Albert networks), but far less so against random networks. This is due to the prevalence of hubs in networks with such degree distributions. Other work has focused on disrupting shortest paths via edge removal, but in a narrower context than ours. Work on the most vital edge problem (e.g., [44]) attempts to efficiently find the single edge whose removal most increases the distance between two nodes. (The similarly defined most vital node seeks the node whose removal does the same [45].) Our present work, in contrast, considers a devious adversary that wishes a particular path to be shortest, or to target a specific node or edge for routing, rather than to maximize the distance.
There are several other adversarial contexts in which path finding is highly relevant. Some work is focused on traversing hostile territory, such as surreptitiously planning the path of an unmanned aerial vehicle [29]. The complement of this is network interdiction, where the goal is to intercept an adversary who is attempting to traverse the graph while remaining hidden. Bertsimas et al. formulate an optimization problem similar to Optimal Force Path Cut, where the goal is overall disruption of flows rather than targeting a specific shortest path [6]. Network interdiction has been studied in a game theoretic context for many years [52] and has expanded into work on disrupting attacks, with the graph representing an attack plan [36]. In that work, as in ours, oracles can be used to avoid enumerating an exponentially large number of possible strategies [26].
As with many graph problems, finding a shortest path can be formulated as an optimization problem: over all paths from \(s\) to \(t\), find the one that minimizes the sum of edge weights. Finding the weights for two nodes to have a particular shortest path is an example of inverse optimization [1]. From this perspective, the shortest path is a function mapping edge weights to a path, and the inverse shortest path problem is to find the inverse function: input a path and output a set of weights. This typically involves finding a new set of weights given a baseline that should change as little as possible, with respect to some distance metric (though it is shown in [56] that solving the problem without baseline weights solves the minimum cut problem). To solve inverse shortest path while minimizing the \(L_1\) norm between the weights, Zhang et al. propose a column generation algorithm [59], similar to the constraint generation method we describe in Section 4.3. Such a constraint generation procedure is also used in the context of navigation meshes in [9]. The instance of inverse shortest path that is closest to Force Path Cut uses the weighted Hamming distance between the weight vectors, where changing the weight of an edge has a fixed cost, regardless of the size of the change.1 This case was previously shown to be NP-hard [57]. In this article, we show that Optimal Force Path Cut, which is less flexible, is also not just NP-hard, but APX-hard.
In addition to inverse shortest path, authors have considered the inverse shortest path length problem (sometimes called reverse shortest path) [47], where only the length of the shortest path is specified. This problem has been shown to be NP-hard except when only considering a single source and destination [16, 58]. There is also the notion of inverse shortest path routing, in which edge weights are manipulated so that edges from one specified subset are used for shortest paths, while edges from a second, disjoint subset are never used [10]. Other graph-based optimization problems, such as maximum flow and minimum cut, have also been topics in the inverse optimization literature (see, e.g., [20, 27, 38]). Also on the topic of altering a graph to change the routing pattern is work on altering node delays within a given budget [21, 39], including cases where the improvement must be noticeable to users [40]. Others have considered the problem of altering shortest paths by adding edges, rather than removing them or changing weights [41].
There has recently been a great deal of work on attacking machine learning methods where graphs are part of the input. Finding shortest paths is another common graph problem that attackers could exploit. Attacks against vertex classification [14, 19, 54, 55, 60] and node embeddings [8, 11] consider attackers that can manipulate edges, node attributes, or both in order to affect the outcome of the learning method. In addition, attacks against community detection have been proposed where a node can create new edges to alter its group assignment from a community detection algorithm [13, 28, 30], or to reduce the efficacy of community detection overall [12, 23, 37, 43, 51]. Our work complements these efforts, expanding the space of adversarial graph analysis into another important graph mining task.
3 Computational Complexity
We first consider the complexity of Force Path Cut. Like inverse shortest path under Hamming distance [57], this problem is NP-hard, as shown in our prior work [42]. A novel result of our present work is that Optimal Force Path Cut is not merely NP-hard; there is no possible polynomial-time approximation scheme—i.e., no polynomial-time algorithm can find a solution within a factor of \((1+\epsilon)\) of the optimal (minimal) budget unless P = NP. This applies to the optimization version of the problem. Using a linear reduction from another APX-hard problem, we prove the following theorem.
3.1 Proof Sketch
The following is a sketch of the proof of Theorem 3.1, with a detailed proof provided in Appendix A. First, consider the case for undirected graphs, where all edges weights are equal to their removal costs. We prove this is APX-hard via reduction from 3-Terminal Cut [18]. In 3-Terminal Cut, we are given a graph \(G=(V, E)\); three terminal nodes \(s_1,s_2,s_3\in V\); and a budget \(b\ge 0\). For the purpose of this proof, we only consider the case where all edge weights are equal. The goal is to determine whether there exists \(E^\prime \subset E\), with \(|E^\prime |\le b\), where \(s_1\), \(s_2\), and \(s_3\) are disconnected in \(G^\prime =(V, E\setminus E^\prime)\); i.e., after the edges \(E^\prime\) are removed, no path exists between any of the terminal nodes.
We reduce 3-Terminal Cut to Force Path Cut via the following process, illustrated in Figure 1. Create \(M+1\) new disjoint paths, each \(N\) hops long, from \(s_1\) to \(s_2\). This introduces \((M+1)(N-1)\) new nodes and \((M+1)N\) new edges. Do the same for \(s_2\) and \(s_3\) (another \((M+1)(N-1)\) nodes and \((M+1)N\) edges). Create a new \((2N-1)\)-hop path from \(s_1\) to \(s_3\) (\(2N-2\) new nodes, \(2N-2\) new edges). Make the new path from \(s_1\) to \(s_3\) the target path \(p^*\), with \(s=s_1\) and \(t=s_3\). Call the resulting graph \(\hat{G}\). Solve Force Path Cut on \(\hat{G}\), obtaining a set of edges \(E^\prime\) to be removed.
Fig. 1.
If \(E^\prime\) is a solution to Force Path Cut, it is also a solution to 3-Terminal Cut. If any of the terminal nodes could be reached from another using edges in the original graph, \(p^*\) would not be the shortest path. If a path from \(s_2\) to \(s_3\) from the original graph remained, for example, this path would be at most \(N-1\) hops long. There would exist a path from \(s_1\) to \(s_3\) using one of the new \((N+1)\)-hop paths from \(s_1\) to \(s_2\), followed by the remaining path from \(s_2\) to \(s_3\). This path would be less than \(2N+1\) hops, so \(p^*\) would not be the shortest path.
In the optimization version of the problem, the goal is to find the \(E^\prime\) that solves 3-Terminal Cut with the smallest budget. Let \(E^\prime _{\mathrm{OPT}}\) be this edge set. Since this set disconnects the terminals, it also solves Force Path Cut on \(\hat{G}\). In the full proof, we show that there is no way to solve Force Path Cut on \(\hat{G}\) with fewer edges. Thus, the solution for Optimal Force Path Cut is the same as the optimal solution to 3-Terminal Cut. In addition, if we consider any solution \(\hat{E}^\prime\) to Force Path Cut on \(\hat{G}\), we show that there is a solution to 3-Terminal Cut that is no larger than \(\hat{E}^\prime\). As we discuss in the appendix, this means that the reduction is linear, and thus preserves approximation. Since 3-Terminal Cut is APX-hard, a linear reduction implies that Optimal Force Path Cut is also APX-hard.
To prove that Optimal Force Path Cut is APX-hard for directed graphs as well, we reduce Force Path Cut for undirected graphs to the same problem for directed graphs. Given an undirected graph \(G=(V,E)\) and the path \(p^*\) from source node \(s\) to destination node \(t\), create a new graph \(\hat{G}=(V, \hat{E})\) on the same vertex set, with two directed edges for each undirected edge from \(G\); i.e., \(\hat{E}\) contains the directed edges \((u,v)\) and \((v, u)\) if and only if \(E\) contains the undirected edge \(\lbrace u,v\rbrace\). We again consider the case where all weights and all costs are equal. Solve Optimal Force Path Cut on \(\hat{G}\), obtaining the solution \(\hat{E}^\prime\). For each directed edge in \((u, v)\in \hat{E}^\prime\), remove the undirected edge \(\lbrace u,v\rbrace\) from \(G\). In the resulting graph, \(p^*\) will be the shortest path from \(s\) to \(t\). As we show in Appendix A.2, if the optimal solution includes \((u,v)\), it cannot also include \((v,u)\); i.e., if \((u,v)\in \hat{E}^\prime\), then \((v,u)\notin \hat{E}^\prime\). This implies that the optimal solution size for Force Path Cut in directed graphs is equal to the optimal solution size for Force Path Cut in undirected graphs. By the same argument that we used for undirected graphs, Optimal Force Path Cut is therefore APX-hard for directed graphs.
3.2 Extension to Force Edge Cut and Force Node Cut
The same reduction used to prove that Optimal Force Path Cut is APX-hard can show the same for Optimal Force Edge Cut. The difference is that, rather than letting \(p^*\) be the new path from \(s_1\) to \(s_3\), we let \(e^*\) be one of the edges along this new path. This will still force the new path from \(s_1\) to \(s_3\) to be the shortest, so the optimal solution will be exactly the same. Like Optimal Force Path Cut, the directed and undirected cases have the same solution, resulting in the following theorem.
By selecting a node along the new path from \(s_1\) to \(s_3\) to act as \(v^*\), we can make the same argument for Optimal Force Node Cut.
While Optimal Force Path Cut is APX-hard, its solution can be approximated within a logarithmic factor in polynomial time. This section describes an algorithm to achieve such an approximation.
4.1 Cutting Paths via Set Cover
We first note that Optimal Force Path Cut can be recast as an instance of Weighted Set Cover. In Weighted Set Cover, there is a discrete universe \(U\) of elements and a set \(\mathcal {S}\) of subsets of \(U\), where each subset \(S\in \mathcal {S}\) has an associated cost \(c(S)\ge 0\). The objective is to find the subset of \(\mathcal {S}\) with the lowest total cost where the union of the elements comprises \(U\), i.e., to find
When we solve Optimal Force Path Cut, the goal is to cut all paths from \(s\) to \(t\) that are not longer than \(p^*\), and to do so by selecting edges for removal. This is a set cover problem. The universe \(U\) is the set of all paths competing to be shortest. This set must be “covered” by removing all such paths from the graph. If any of these paths remains, \(p^*\) will not be the shortest path. The subsets in \(\mathcal {S}\) are edges: each edge represents the set of paths that use that edge. Cutting the edge is selecting that set for inclusion in the union, i.e., removing all paths that include the edge. Figure 2 illustrates the connection between the two problems.
Fig. 2.
Weighted Set Cover not only is APX-hard but also cannot be approximated within less than a logarithmic factor [46]. There are, however, well-known approximation algorithms that enable us to efficiently reach this asymptotic lower bound. The challenge for Force Path Cut is that the universe of competing paths may be extremely large. We address this challenge in the remainder of this section.
4.2 Approximation Algorithms for Fixed Path Sets
We consider two approximation algorithms for Weighted Set Cover, both of which achieve a logarithmic factor approximation for the optimal solution [49]. The first is a greedy method that iteratively selects the most cost-effective set and includes it in the solution; i.e., it selects the set where the number of uncovered elements divided by the cost is the lowest. We likewise iteratively remove the edge that cuts the most uncut paths in \(P\) for the lowest cost. We refer to this procedure as GreedyPathCover, and we provide its pseudocode in Algorithm 1. We have a fixed set of paths \(P\subset P_{p^*}\). Note that this algorithm only uses costs, not weights: the paths of interest have already been determined and we only need to determine the cost of breaking them. GreedyPathCover performs a constant amount of work (in expectation, under the simple uniform hashing assumption [15]) at each edge in each path in the initialization loop and the edge and path removal. We use lazy initialization to avoid initializing entries in the tables associated with edges that do not appear in any paths. Thus, populating the tables and removing paths takes time that is linear in the sum of the number of edges over all paths, which we define as
where \(E_p\) is the set of edges along path \(p\). Finding the most cost-effective edge takes \(O(M_P)\) time with a naïve implementation, and this portion is run at most once per path, leading to an overall running time as follows.
Note that the running time is output sensitive: it is dependent on which paths are selected as constraints over the course of the algorithm. This is the case for all algorithms we propose in this article. Using a more sophisticated data structure, like a Fibonacci heap, to hold the number of paths for each edge would enable finding the most cost-effective edge in constant time, but updating the counts when edges are removed would take \(O(\log {M_P})\) time, for an overall running time of \(O(M_P\log {M_P})\). The worst-case approximation factor is the harmonic function of the size of the universe [49], i.e., \(H_{|U|}=\sum _{n=1}^{|U|}{1/n}\), which implies that the GreedyPathCover algorithm has a worst-case approximation factor of \(H_{|P|}\).
For the second approximation algorithm, we introduce the integer program formulation of Optimal Force Path Cut, modeled after the formulation for Weighted Set Cover. The objective is to minimize the cost of the edges that are cut. Let \(\mathbf {c}\in \mathbb {R}_{\ge 0}^M\) be a vector of edge removal costs, where each entry corresponds to an edge. The binary vector \(\mathbf {x}_{\textrm {cut}}\in \lbrace 0,1\rbrace ^M\) indicates the edges to be removed. In the integer program formulation of Weighted Set Cover, each dimension corresponds to a set, and each constraint corresponds to an element. Each element forms a linear constraint, forcing at least one of the sets containing that element to be selected. Let \(P_{p^*}\) be the set of paths that must be cut. For each path \(p\in P_{p^*}\), let \(\mathbf {x}_p\in \lbrace 0,1\rbrace ^M\) be the indicator vector for \(E_p\). We solve Optimal Force Path Cut via the integer program
Equation (7) prevents any edges in the set \(E_\mathrm{keep}\) from being cut.2 With target paths, we set \(E_\mathrm{keep}=E_{p^*}\), but we allow greater flexibility for the methods outlined in Section 5, which target nodes or edges.
The second algorithm is a randomized algorithm that uses this formulation. As with the greedy approach, we focus on a subset of paths \(P\subset P_{p^*}\). This algorithm relaxes the integer program (Equations (4)–(7)) by replacing the binary constraint \(\mathbf {x}_{\textrm {cut}}\in \lbrace 0,1\rbrace ^M\) with a continuous constraint \(\mathbf {x}_{\textrm {cut}}\in [0,1]^M\). When we find the optimal solution \(\hat{\mathbf {x}}_\mathrm{cut}\) to the relaxed problem, we perform the following randomized rounding procedure for each edge \(e\):
Treat the corresponding entry \(\hat{\mathbf {x}}_\mathrm{cut}(e)\) as a probability.
Draw \(\lceil \ln {(4|P|)}\rceil\) i.i.d. Bernoulli random variables with probability \(\hat{\mathbf {x}}_\mathrm{cut}(e)\).
Cut \(e\) only if at least one random variable from step 2 is 1.
The resulting graph must be checked against two criteria. First, the constraints must all be satisfied; i.e., all paths in \(P\) must be cut. In addition, the cost of cutting the edges must not exceed \(\ln {(4|P|)}\) times the fractional optimum, i.e., the optimal objective of the relaxed linear program (LP). If one of these criteria is not satisfied, the randomized rounding procedure is run again. As shown in detail by Vazirani, each criterion is satisfied with probability at least \(3/4\) [50]: the probability that any path in \(P\) remains uncut is at most \(1/4\), as is the probability of the solution exceeding \(\ln {(4|P|)}\). Combining these probabilities, the probability of any randomized rounding trial being unsatisfactory is at most 1/2; i.e., the probability of success is greater than or equal to 1/2. This results in the expected number of randomized rounding trials being at most 2. We present pseudocode for this procedure, which we call RandPathCover, in Algorithm 2. Its running time is dominated by solving the linear program, which results in the following proposition:
4.3 Constraint Generation
Algorithms 1 and 2 work with a fixed set of paths \(P\), but to solve Optimal Force Path Cut, enumeration of the full set of relevant paths may be intractable. Consider, for example, the case where \(G\) is a clique (i.e., a complete graph) and all edges have weight 1 except the edge joining \(s\) and \(t\), which has weight \(N\). Among all simple paths from \(s\) to \(t\), the longest path is the direct path \((s, t)\) that only uses one edge; all other simple paths are shorter, including \((N-2)!\) paths of length \(N-1\). Setting \(p^*=(s,t)\) makes the full set of constraints (i.e., one for each path that needs to be cut) extremely large. However, if \(P\) were to include only those paths of length 2 and 3, we would obtain the optimal solution with only \((N-2)^2+(N-2)\) constraints. In general, we can solve linear programming problems—even those with infinitely many constraints—as long as we have a polynomial-time method to identify a constraint that a candidate solution violates. In a constraint generation procedure, we iteratively solve a relaxed optimization problem that only considers a subset of the constraints [4]. After solving the relaxed problem, we consult the polynomial-time oracle to determine if any constraint is unsatisfied. If so, this constraint is added and the optimization is run again. The process terminates when the oracle finds that no constraint has been violated.
In our case, the oracle that provides a violated constraint, if one exists, is the shortest path algorithm. After applying a candidate solution, we see if \(p^*\) is the shortest path from \(s\) to \(t\) in the resulting graph. If so, the procedure terminates. If not, the shortest path is added as a new constraint. This procedure works in an iterative process with the approximation algorithms to expand \(P\) as new constraints are discovered. We refer to the resulting algorithm as PATHATTACK and provide pseudocode in Algorithm 3. Depending on whether we use GreedyPathCover or RandPathCover, we refer to the algorithm as PATHATTACK-Greedy or PATHATTACK-Rand, respectively.
The running time of PATHATTACK is computed as follows. The initialization takes \(O(M)\) time. Within the constraint generation loop, a path is added to \(P\) (time proportional to its length), the Set Cover approximation algorithm is run (given by Propositions 4.1 and 4.2), edges are removed (at most \(M_P\)), and a new shortest path is computed. We may have to compute the second shortest path, but we use Eppstein’s algorithm for \(k\) shortest paths, even though it allows loopy paths: if the second shortest path has a cycle, then \(p^*\) is the unique shortest path. This runs in \(O(M+N\log {N})\) time [22]. Checking path lengths costs at most \(O(N)\) time. The constraint generation loop is run \(|P|\) times. Combining all terms, we have the following asymptotic running times.
4.4 PATHATTACK Convergence and Approximation Guarantees
While the approximation factor for Set Cover is a function of the size of the universe (all paths that need to be cut), this is not the fundamental factor in the approximation in our case. The approximation factor for PATHATTACK-Greedy is based only on the paths we consider explicitly. Using only a subset of constraints, the worst-case approximation factor is determined by the size of that subset. By the final iteration of PATHATTACK, however, we have a solution to Force Path Cut with a budget within a factor of \(H_{|P|}\) of the minimum, using \(|P|\) from the final iteration. This yields the following proposition:
The worst-case approximation factor for PATHATTACK-Rand is logarithmic by construction:
There is also a variation of PATHATTACK-Rand that can guarantee polynomial-time convergence. While the number of implicit constraints may be extremely large, each one is a standard linear inequality constraint, which implies that the feasible region is convex. Given a polynomial-time oracle that returns a constraint violated by a proposed solution \(\hat{\mathbf {x}}_\mathrm{cut}\in [0,1]^M\) to the relaxed LP, we could use Khachiyan’s ellipsoid algorithm (see [24]), which can solve a linear program with an arbitrary (or infinite) number of linear constraints in a polynomial number of iterations [25]. We use the randomized rounding procedure from Algorithm 2 to achieve such an oracle. In Appendix B, we prove that this oracle terminates in polynomial time with high probability. This results in the following theorem.
While this demonstrates that it is not NP-hard to solve Optimal Force Path Cut within a logarithmic approximation and shows that there is a version of PATHATTACK that is guaranteed to run in polynomial time, we do not use the ellipsoid algorithm in our experiments, as other methods converge much faster in practice. As discussed in Section 6, we use the Gurobi optimization package to solve all optimization problems, and this software uses a combination of simplex and barrier methods for continuous linear programs. These methods do not, however, guarantee polynomial-time convergence when using constraint generation with a set of constraints that is nonpolynomial in size.
4.5 PATHATTACK for Node Removal
This article is focused on the case where edges are removed from a graph, but there are applications in which removing nodes is more appropriate. In a computer network, for example, it may be more likely for a node to be taken offline (e.g., via a denial-of-service attack) rather than to have particular connections disallowed. Force Path Cut via node removal is a more complicated problem; for a given \(p^*\), there is not always a solution, regardless of the budget constraint. Consider, for example, a triangle of nodes \(u\), \(v\), and \(w\), where all weights are equal, and \(p^*=(u, v, w)\): none of the three nodes can be removed because it would destroy \(p^*\), so \(p^*\) cannot be made the shortest path due to the existence of the edge connecting \(u\) to \(w\).
In cases where it is possible, however, we can still use PATHATTACK. The mapping to Weighted Set Cover is analogous: a path is an element and a node corresponds to the set of paths from \(s\) to \(t\) using that node. Given a graph and \(p^*\), we can check if it is possible to make \(p^*\) the shortest path from \(s\) to \(t\) via node removal: if \(p^*\) is the shortest path from \(s\) to \(t\) in the induced subgraph of the nodes on \(p^*\), then there is a solution. If not, there is none; the method to check has demonstrated that, even if all other nodes are removed, \(p^*\) is not the shortest path. If there is a possible solution, we can run PATHATTACK for node removal and achieve the same convergence and approximation guarantees as we have for edge removal. As this is ancillary to the main focus of the article, we relegate further discussion of node removal to Appendix 4.5.
4.6 Limited Attacker Capability
In practice, it is likely that there will be some edges the attacker will not be able to remove. We can simply integrate this into the optimization formulation by setting the removal costs of these edges to infinity. In the linear program formulation, this can be accomplished by omitting the columns associated with the infinite-cost edges in Equations (4) through (7). As with the node removal case, this will require a check to ensure a solution exists, which can be achieved by removing all edges available to the attacker—other than those that are part of \(p^*\)—and observing whether \(p^*\) becomes the shortest path between its endpoints. If so, PATHATTACK can be used within the restricted edge set to find an approximately optimal solution.
5 Heuristics for Force Edge Cut and Force Node Cut
Solving Optimal Force Edge Cut or Optimal Force Node Cut requires an additional layer of optimization. Since these problems do not consider a fixed path, there is the possibility that a candidate solution could be improved by cutting the current shortest path through the target. Take, for example, the graph in Figure 3. The shortest path from \(s\) to \(t\) via \(e^*\)—i.e., \((s, v_1, v_2, v_3, t)\)—is four hops and uses the sole low-cost edge. If we solve Optimal Force Path Cut with this path as \(p^*\), all of the \(k\) paths along the top of the figure have to be cut. If we remove the low-cost edge, all these paths would be cut and the shortest path from \(s\) to \(t\) will go through \(e^*\). Since that edge is being preserved as part of \(p^*\), however, each of the \(k\) parallel two-hop paths has to be cut individually and incur a cost of \(c_{\textrm {max}}\): if any of these paths remains, it is shorter than \((s, v_1, v_2, v_3, t)\), so \(e^*\) is not on the shortest path. For large \(k\), we see that this cost is within a constant factor of removing all edges in the graph, when a low-cost solution was available. More concretely, note that \(M=2k+7\). The cost of the solution that preserves \(p^*\) is
Without the requirement to preserve \(p^*\), we could remove \(\lbrace v_3, t\rbrace\) and incur a cost of \(c_{\textrm {min}}\), which is the minimum possible cost for an attack that removes more than zero edges. The existence of this scenario proves the following theorem.
To both minimize cost and allow the flexibility to alter the target path, we formulate a nonconvex optimization problem. We start with a formulation of a linear program to obtain the shortest path through \(e^*\) (or \(v^*\)). Recall the linear program formulation of the shortest path problem (see, e.g., [3]). Using a graph’s incidence matrix, finding the shortest path can be formulated as a linear program. In the incidence matrix, denoted by \(\mathbf {C}\), each row corresponds to a node and each column corresponds to an edge. The column representing the edge from node \(u\) to node \(v\) contains \(-1\) in the row for \(u\), 1 in the row for \(v\), and zeros elsewhere. If the graph is undirected, the edge orientation is arbitrary. To identify the shortest path from \(s\) to \(t\), define the vector \(\mathbf {d}\in \lbrace -1,0,1\rbrace ^N\), which is \(-1\) in the row corresponding to \(s\), 1 in the row for \(t\), and zeros elsewhere. The shortest path is the solution to the integer linear program
The resulting vector \(\hat{\mathbf {x}}\) is an indicator for the edges in the shortest path.4 Equation (12) ensures that \(\hat{\mathbf {x}}\) is a path, and the objective guarantees that the result has minimum weight. Due to the structure of the incidence matrix, we can relax Equation (11) into the continuous interval \(\mathbf {x}\in [0,1]^M\). If the shortest path from \(s\) to \(t\) is unique, \(\hat{\mathbf {x}}\) will be an indicator vector for the shortest path despite this relaxation. If there are multiple shortest paths, \(\hat{\mathbf {x}}\) will be a convex combination of the vectors for these paths.
Recall that the goal of the attacker is to force travelers from \(s\) to \(t\) to traverse the edge \(e^*\), so we alter the formulation to find such a path. To obtain the shortest path through \(e^*\), we perform a similar optimization over two paths: the path from \(s\) to \(e^*\) and the path from \(e^*\) to \(t\).5 Let \(e^*=(u,v)\) be the target edge. (In the undirected setting, we consider both \((u, v)\) and \((v, u)\) independently and choose the lower-cost solution.) Since we consider two paths, we have two vectors \(\mathbf {d}_1\) and \(\mathbf {d}_2\), analogous to \(\mathbf {d}\) in Equation (12). Assuming that \(s\ne u\) and \(t\ne v\), \(\mathbf {d}_1\) is \(-1\) in the row of \(s\) and 1 in the row of \(u\), with zeros elsewhere, and \(\mathbf {d}_2\) similarly has \(-1\) in the row for \(v\) and 1 in the row for \(t\). (If \(s=u\), \(\mathbf {d}_1\) is all zeros, as is \(\mathbf {d}_2\) if \(t=v\).) Since we are optimizing two paths, we use two path vectors, \(\mathbf {x}_1\in [0,1]^M\) and \(\mathbf {x}_2\in [0,1]^M\).
It is not, however, sufficient to obtain a path from \(s\) to \(u\) and one from \(v\) to \(t\): the concatenation must also be a simple (acyclic) path. (Otherwise a shortest path algorithm would excise the cycle.) To ensure the resulting path has no cycles, we add a constraint to ensure any node is visited at most once. Since the path vectors are optimized over edges, we ensure any node occurs at most twice in the set of edges, aside from the terminal nodes, which occur at most once. To obtain this constraint, we use the matrix \(\mathbf {C}_{\textrm {abs}}\), which contains the absolute values of the incidence matrix; i.e., the \(i\)th row and \(j\)th column of \(\mathbf {C}_{\textrm {abs}}\) contains \(|\mathbf {C}_{ij}|\). We also define \(\mathbf {d}_{\textrm {abs}}\in \lbrace 1,2\rbrace ^N\) to be 1 in the rows associated with \(s\), \(t\), \(u\), and \(v\), and 2 elsewhere. This yields the linear program
To solve Force Edge Cut, we use the same constraint generation technique as in PATHATTACK, plus a nonlinear constraint to ensure the returned path does not contain any removed edges. As in PATHATTACK, we use a vector \(\mathbf {x}_{\textrm {cut}}\in [0, 1]\). In addition to constraining \(\mathbf {x}_{\textrm {cut}}\) to not cut \(e^*\), we add the nonconvex bilinear constraint that \(\mathbf {x}_{\textrm {cut}}\) is 0 anywhere \(\mathbf {x}_1\) or \(\mathbf {x}_2\) is nonzero. Finally, we again consider a subset of paths \(P\) we want to ensure are cut. The resulting nonconvex program
\begin{align} &~\mathbf {x}_{\textrm {cut}}^\top \mathbf {c}\le b \end{align}
\begin{align} &~\mathbf {x}_{\textrm {cut}}^\top \mathbf {x}_p\ge 1~\forall p\in P \end{align}
provides a partial solution (i.e., a solution for a subset of competing paths).
The constraint generation mechanism differs slightly from the Force Path Cut case. When solving Force Path Cut, there is a specific target path whose length does not change. For Force Edge Cut, when a new path is added to the constraint set \(P\), it may change the shortest uncut path through \(e^*\), and thus change the length threshold for inclusion. Thus, we want \(P\) to include all paths that are not longer than the shortest path in the solution, which is not available until the problem has been solved. As in PATHATTACK, each time we solve the optimization problem, we find the shortest path after removing the edges indicated by \(\hat{\mathbf {x}}_{\mathrm{cut}}\) as well as \(e^*\). If this path is not longer than the shortest uncut path through \(e^*\)—the path indicated by \(\hat{\mathbf {x}}_1\), \(\hat{\mathbf {x}}_2\), and \(e^*\)—then this alternative path must also be cut, and we add a constraint to achieve this. Algorithm 4 provides psuedocode for this modified constraint generation procedure.
We note that solving for Equation (18) is a nonconvex mixed-integer optimization that is solved using branch and cut, which has exponential running time in the worst case. We therefore set a maximum running time \(t_\mathrm{max}\) after which we choose the best solution found so far. We express the algorithm running times in terms of this quantity, with the understanding that it stands in for the truncated running time of an algorithm that has worst-case exponential running time. The constraint generation procedure has a running time as follows.
To minimize the cost of the attack, we perform a binary search with respect to the budget \(b\). We obtain upper and lower bounds for the budget by running PATHATTACK targeting the shortest path through \(e^*\). We run the standard PATHATTACK to get the upper bound, and remove the constraint that the target path is uncut for the lower bound, instead only constraining that \(e^*\) is not cut. If, during the search, a new upper bound is discovered (i.e., a path through \(e^*\) is discovered that requires a budget smaller than the one under consideration), we create new upper and lower bounds based on the new satisfactory path. Algorithm 5 outlines this procedure.
The binary search procedure in Algorithm 5 will terminate in a number of iterations that is logarithmic in the cost \(c_\mathrm{total}=\sum _{e\in E}{c(e)}\). Within the loop, we run Algorithm 4, which by Proposition 5.2 runs in \(O(|P|(t_\mathrm{max}+M+N\log {N}))\) time. In the case that Algorithm 4 cannot be solved, we remove constraints, which takes \(O(M_P)=O(|P|N)\) time. Otherwise, we create a new graph (\(O(N+M)\) time), find the shortest path (\(O(M+N\log {N})\) time), run PATHATTACK twice (\(\tilde{O}((M_P+|P|^2)|P|^{3/2}+|P|M)\) time, by Proposition 4.3), and compute new budgets (\(O(M)\) time). Combining all terms within the loop, we have a running time of
with logarithmic factors being dropped due to the \(\tilde{O}\) notation. The number of iterations in the loop adds a logarithmic factor to the running time, which is also omitted within the notation, yielding the following proposition.
In addition to the combinatorial optimization method, we consider a heuristic algorithm that seeks to identify the bottlenecks that prevent an optimal solution, as illustrated in Figure 3, and that is guaranteed to run in polynomial time. As in the combinatorial optimization, we leverage PATHATTACK with and without constraints to avoid cutting the target path. In this case, after running PATHATTACK while only preventing \(e^*\) from being cut, we consider the edges on the target path that are cut by PATHATTACK. For each of these edges, we consider the possibility of either (1) removing the edge from the graph entirely or (2) marking it to never be removed. If removal of any of these edges causes \(t\) to become unreachable from \(s\), we add that edge to a list of uncuttable edges. Otherwise, we consider the case in which each of these edges is removed, each time finding the shortest path through \(e^*\). We run PATHATTACK in each case and find the edge whose removal results in the lowest upper bound on the removal budget. This edge is added to a list of edges that will always be removed. This procedure terminates when the upper and lower bounds converge. A pseudocode description of this heuristic search is provided in Algorithm 6.
In each iteration of Algorithm 6, PATHATTACK is run as many as \(N\) times (once for every edge in \(p\), the shortest path from \(s\) to \(t\) through \(e^*\)), yielding a total running time of \(\tilde{O}(N((M_P+|P|^2)|P|^{3/2}+|P|M))\). This dominates the interior of the loop, with the exception of finding \(p\): this also involves solving a sparse linear program with \(O(M)\) nonzeros and \(O(N)\) constraints. Following the same formula as we used for PATHATTACK, this results in a running time of \(\tilde{O}((M+N^2)N^{1/2})\). The overall number of iterations in the loop is bounded by \(M\) (an edge is removed every iteration that a solution is not found), which results in an overall running time as follows.
As with PATHATTACK, this guarantees a polynomial running time if the ellipsoid algorithm is used, but in our experiments we use other methods that are faster in practice.
6 Experiments
This section presents baselines, datasets, experimental setup, and results.
6.1 Baseline Methods
We consider two simple greedy methods as baselines for assessing performance of PATHATTACK. Each of these algorithms iteratively computes the shortest path \(p\) between \(s\) and \(t\); if \(p\) is not longer than \(p^*\), it uses some criterion to cut an edge from \(p\). When we cut the edge with minimum cost, we refer to the algorithm as GreedyCost. We also consider a version based on the most vital edge of the current shortest path [44], which is the edge that, if removed, results in the greatest distance between the endpoints. If \(p\) is the current shortest path from \(s\) to \(t\), the score of edge \(e\) is the distance from \(s\) to \(t\) if \(e\) were removed divided by the cost of \(e\). We iteratively remove the edge with the highest score until \(p^*\) is the shortest path. This version of the algorithm is called GreedyMVE. In either case, edges from \(p^*\) are not allowed to be cut. (In prior work [42], we also considered using the eigenscore of each edge [48], but this consistently underperformed GreedyCost.) We provide pseudocode that encompasses both baselines in Algorithm 7. The baseline method to solve Optimal Force Edge Cut (or Optimal Force Node Cut) is to identify the shortest path through \(e^*\) (or \(v^*\)), use this path as \(p^*\), and solve PATHATTACK.
In each iteration of outer loop in Algorithm 7, we find up to two shortest paths, with a running time of \(O(M+N\log {N})\). For each edge in the shortest path, we either do a constant amount of work (in the case of GreedyCost) or find a new distance from \(s\) to \(t\) (for GreedyMVE), which requires \(O(M+N\log {N})\). In the case of GreedyMVE, this occurs once for each edge on all paths we identify as constraints, defined as \(M_P\) in Equation (3). This results in the following asymptotic running times.
6.2 Synthetic and Real Networks
We use both synthetic and real networks in our experiments. For the synthetic networks, we run seven different graph models to generate 100 synthetic networks of each model. We pick parameters to yield networks with similar numbers of edges (\(\approx 160\)K). We use 16,000-node Erdős–Rényi graphs, both undirected (ER) and directed (DER), with edge probability 0.00125; 16,000-node Barabási–Albert (BA) graphs with average degree 20; 16,000-node Watts–Strogatz (WS) graphs with average degree 20 and rewiring probability 0.02; \(2^{14}\)-node stochastic Kronecker (KR) graphs; \(285\times 285\)lattices (LAT); and 565-node complete (COMP) graphs.
We use seven weighted and unweighted networks. The unweighted networks are the Wikispeedia (WIKI) graph [53], an Oregon autonomous system (AS) network [34], and a Pennsylvania road network (PA-ROAD) [35]. The weighted networks are Central Chilean Power Grid (GRID) [32], Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory network data (LBL), the Northeast US Road Network (NEUS), and the DBLP coauthorship graph (DBLP) [5]. All real networks are undirected except for WIKI and LBL. The networks range from 444 edges on 347 nodes to over 8.3M edges on over 1.8M nodes, with average degree ranging from 2.5 to 46.5 and triangle count ranging from 40 to nearly 27M. Further details on the real and synthetic networks—including URLs to the real data—are provided in Appendix D.
For the synthetic networks and unweighted real networks, we consider three different edge-weight assignment schemes with different levels of entropy: uniform random weights (high entropy), Poisson random weights (lower entropy), or equal weights (no entropy). For Poisson weights, each edge \(e\) has an independently random weight \(w_e=1+w_e^\prime\), where \(w_e^\prime\) is drawn from a Poisson distribution with rate parameter 20. For uniform weights, each weight is drawn from a discrete uniform distribution of integers from 1 to 41. This yields the same average weight as Poisson weights.
6.3 Experimental Setup
For each graph—considering graphs with different edge-weighting schemes as distinct—we run 100 experiments. In each experiment, we select \(s\) and \(t\) uniformly at random among all nodes, with the exception of LAT, PA-ROAD, and NEUS, where we select \(s\) uniformly at random and select \(t\) at random among nodes 30 to 50 hops away from \(s\), where the distance is selected uniformly at random from within the range.6 Given \(s\) and \(t\), we identify the shortest simple paths and use the 100th, 200th, 400th, and 800th shortest as \(p^*\) in four experiments. For the large grid-like networks (LAT, PA-ROAD, and NEUS), this procedure is run using only the 60-hop neighborhood of \(s\). We focus on the case where the edge removal cost is equal to the weight (distance). For Force Edge Cut and Force Node Cut, we consider consecutive shortest paths from \(s\) to \(t\) until we see five edges (or nodes) not on the initial shortest path. The fifth edge (or node) we see that was not on the original shortest path is used as \(e^*\) (or \(v^*\)).
When running Algorithm 4, we let the nonconvex optimization (18) run for no more than 10 minutes. If a feasible point is not found in that time, we assume the model is infeasible and increase the budget. We stop the procedure every 30 seconds to check the best candidate solution and see if it satisfies our criteria. In addition, we stop the optimization if the objective matches the length of our best incumbent solution. If we consider a budget for over 8 hours, we consider it infeasible and increase the lower bound. The entire procedure is terminated, and the lowest upper bound returned, if it is still running after 24 hours.
The experiments were run on Linux machines with 32 cores and 192 GB of memory. The LP in PATHATTACK-Rand was implemented using Gurobi 9.1.1, and shortest paths were computed using shortest_simple_paths in NetworkX.7 The combinatorial search method is set to use four threads.
6.4 Pathattack Results
We treat the result of GreedyCost as our baseline cost and report the cost of other algorithms’ solutions as a reduction from that baseline. In all experiments, we set edge removal costs equal to the weights. Figure 4 shows the results on both synthetic and real unweighted graphs, which have had synthetic weights added to the edges. Figure 5 shows the results on real weighted networks. In these figures, the 800th shortest path is used as \(p^*\); other results were similar and omitted for brevity.
Fig. 4.
Fig. 5.
Considering the difference between the two baselines, we see rather similar performance in terms of cost in most cases. While using the most vital edge-based baseline often provides some improvement over cost alone, it never yields better than a 10% improvement over GreedyCost. This is true despite having considerably greater running time. It is important to note that our GreedyMVE implementation is not optimized: it is implemented in NetworkX and uses a brute-force technique to find the most vital edge (i.e., find the shortest path after removing each candidate edge from the graph). The cost results, however, suggest that even an optimized version would provide relatively little improvement over greedily removing the least costly edge.
Comparing the cost achieved by PATHATTACK to those obtained by the greedy baseline, we observe some interesting phenomena. Lattices and road networks, for example, have a similar tradeoff: PATHATTACK provides a mild improvement in cost at the expense of an order of magnitude additional processing time. Considering that PATHATTACK-Rand usually results in the optimal solution (over 86% of the time), this means that the baselines often achieve near-optimal cost with a naïve algorithm. On the other hand, ER, BA, and KR graphs follow a trend more similar to the AS and WIKI networks, particularly in the randomly weighted cases: the cost is cut by a substantial fraction—enabling the attack with a smaller budget—for a similar or smaller time increase. This suggests that the time/cost tradeoff is much less favorable for less clustered, grid-like networks (note the clustering coefficients in Appendix D).
Cliques (COMP) are particularly interesting in this case, showing a phase transition as the entropy of the weights increases. When edge weights are equal, cliques behave like an extreme version of the road networks: an order of magnitude increase in runtime with no decrease in cost. With Poisson weights, PATHATTACK yields a slight improvement in cost, whereas when uniform random weights are used, the clique behaves much more like an ER or BA graph. In the unweighted case, \(p^*\) is a three-hop path, so all other two- and three-hop paths from \(s\) to \(t\) must be cut, which the baseline does efficiently. Adding Poisson weights creates some randomness, but most edges have a weight that is about average, so it is still similar to the unweighted scenario. With uniform random weights, we get the potential for much different behavior (e.g., short paths with many edges) for which the greedy baseline’s performance suffers.
There is an opposite, but milder, phenomenon with PA-ROAD and LAT: using higher-entropy weights narrows the cost difference between the baseline and PATHATTACK. This may be due to the source and destination being many hops away. With the terminal nodes many hops apart, many shortest paths between them could go through a few low-weight (thus low-cost) edges. A very low-weight edge between two nodes would be very likely to occur on many of the shortest paths, and would be found in an early iteration of the greedy algorithm and removed, while considering more shortest paths at once would yield a similar result. We also note that, in the weighted graph data, LBL and GRID behave similarly to road networks. Among our real datasets, these have a low clustering coefficient (see Appendix D). This lack of overlap in nodes’ neighborhoods may lead to better relative performance with the baseline, since there may not be a great deal of overlap between candidate paths. With the real datasets, we also see near-optimal performance with the baseline method. Take the LBL dataset for example. In 60 out of 100 trials aggregated for this dataset in Figure 5, PATHATTACK-Rand yields the optimal solution. Among these trials, the GreedyCost baseline yields, on average, about a 9.3% increase in cost. This is very similar to the 7.1% increase in cost that the baseline yields among all trials. This demonstrates that, in many real-world networks, greedy methods are highly effective.
6.5 Results Targeting a Node
In this section, we present results for the case where the adversary targets a node \(v^*\). The baseline in these experiments is to run PATHATTACK using the shortest path from \(s\) to \(t\) through \(v^*\) as \(p^*\). We call this method PATHATTACK-\(v^*\). We present results using this method along with results for the heuristic search method (Algorithm 6) and combinatorial optimization.
In most cases, all three methods yield a solution of the same cost. To clarify the performance differences, we separate these cases from those where the costs differ between methods. For the case where all methods result in the same cost, we show running time results on unweighted graphs in Figure 6. As when targeting paths, lattices and road networks are similar: they are the only graphs where the heuristic methods do not match the result of the combinatorial optimization a majority of the time, largely due to the equal-weight case. Watts–Strogtaz graphs, which have a lattice-like component, also frequently have different results across methods. Figure 7 illustrates cases where not all algorithms yield the same cost. Again, lattices and roads are distinct: here they see a much more substantial improvement from the combinatorial optimization than heuristics, with Watts–Strogatz graphs also sometimes being similar. There are many cases where the heuristic search yields the same result as the PATHATTACK-\(v^*\) baseline. Upon inspection, many of these cases result from multiple shortest paths using \(v^*\): the heuristic overlooks one solution because it does not cut the current \(p^*\), which results in no edges to consider in the inner loop of Algorithm 6.
Fig. 6.
Fig. 7.
For weighted networks, running time in cases where all methods yield the same cost is plotted in Figure 8. In all cases, the three algorithms usually find equal-cost solutions, though the combinatorial method frequently times out. The power grid network has a particularly large increase in running time when using the combinatorial method. In cases where not all methods yield the same cost, shown in Figure 9, the heuristic search achieves the same cost as the combinatorial search more often than in the unweighted graphs. In fact, on DBLP, the combinatorial search typically times out and the heuristic search outperforms it.
Fig. 8.
Fig. 9.
7 Conclusion
In this article, we introduce the Force Path Cut, Force Edge Cut, and Force Node Cut problems, in which edges are removed from a graph in order to make the shortest path from one node to another, respectively, be a specific path, use a specific edge, or use a specific node. We show that the optimization versions of all three problems are hard to approximate, but that a logarithmic approximation exists for Optimal Force Path Cut via existing approximation algorithms for Set Cover. We leverage these methods to develop a new algorithm called PATHATTACK and demonstrate its efficacy in solving Optimal Force Path Cut using a thorough set of experiments on real and synthetic networks. We also use PATHATTACK as part of a heuristic search method to solve Optimal Force Edge Cut and Optimal Force Node Cut, which yields performance similar to a much more computationally intensive combinatorial search.
There is a gap between the approximation factor of PATHATTACK and the lower bound implied by APX-hardness; it remains an open problem whether Optimal Force Path Cut is APX-complete or if there is no constant-factor approximation. The best possible polynomial-time approximation factor for 3-Terminal Cut is \(12/11\) [17], and our results imply that the best such approximation for Optimal Force Path Cut is between \(12/11\) and logarithmic. Other approximation algorithms, such as those for hypergraph vertex cover [31], may be useful in some scenarios, such as very small-diameter graphs. In addition, while we provide upper bounds for the running times of all algorithms, the experimental results suggest these are pessimistic and could be tightened. In particular, in the cases where we solve sparse linear programs, the structure of the sparse matrices could potentially be exploitable to achieve tighter bounds. Future work will include defenses against PATHATTACK to make networks more robust against adversarial manipulation.
Edge removal can be simulated by significantly increasing weights. Inverse shortest path using weighted Hamming distance also allows for reducing edge weights, which is not allowed in Force Path Cut.
This could also be achieved by removing these variables from the optimization.
The notation \(\tilde{O}\) omits polylogarithmic factors from the \(O\) notation.
In the undirected case, to denote traversal of an edge in the opposite direction of its arbitrary orientation, we consider \(\mathbf {x}_\textrm {pos}\) and \(\mathbf {x}_\textrm {neg}\), with Equation (12) replaced with \(\mathbf {C}(\mathbf {x}_\textrm {pos}-\mathbf {x}_\textrm {neg})=\mathbf {d}\) and the objective replaced with \((\mathbf {x}_\textrm {pos}+\mathbf {x}_\textrm {neg})^\top \mathbf {w}\). To restrict traversing an edge in both directions, we add the constraint \(\mathbf {x}_\textrm {pos}+\mathbf {x}_\textrm {neg}\le \mathbf {1}\)
For brevity, we focus on the solution to Optimal Force Edge Cut. The formulation for Optimal Force Node Cut is similar.
This alternative method of selecting the destination was used due to the computational expense of identifying successive shortest paths in large grid-like networks.
More specifically, it is proved in [18] that the problem is MAX SNP-hard, but this implies APX-hardness: if a problem is MAX SNP-hard, it has no polynomial-time approximation scheme unless P = NP.
As noted in Section 3.1, to prove Theorem 3.1, we first prove that Optimal Force Path Cut is APX-hard for undirected graphs.
To prove Lemma A.1, we reduce 3-Terminal Cut to Force Path Cut via a linear reduction. Let \(G=(V,E)\) be an undirected graph, where all weights are equal. We also have three terminal nodes \(s_1\), \(s_2\), and \(s_3\in V\). Since we are proving the problem is APX-hard, we consider the optimization versions of both problems, where the goal is to minimize the budget. Thus, the goal of 3-Terminal Cut is to find the smallest set \(E^\prime\) such that \(s_1\), \(s_2\), and \(s_3\) are disconnected in \(G^\prime =(V, E\setminus E^\prime)\). Dahlhaus et al. show in [18] that 3-Terminal Cut is APX-hard, even when all weights are equal.8
We propose a linear reduction from 3-Terminal Cut to Force Path Cut. As discussed in [18], a linear reduction from problem \(A\) to problem \(B\) consists of two functions \(f\) and \(g\), where \(f\) maps an instance of \(A\) to an instance of \(B\), and \(g\) maps a solution of \(B\) to a solution of \(A\). To be a linear reduction, the following conditions must hold:
The functions \(f\) and \(g\) can be computed in polynomial time.
Given \(\mathcal {A}\), an instance of problem \(A\), the optimal solution to \(\mathcal {B}=f(\mathcal {A})\) must be at most \(\alpha\) times the optimal solution for \(\mathcal {A}\), for a constant \(\alpha \gt 0\), i.e., \(\mathrm{opt}(\mathcal {B})\le \alpha \cdot \mathrm{opt}(\mathcal {A})\).
Given a solution \(y\) to \(\mathcal {B}=f(\mathcal {A})\), \(x=g(y)\) is a solution to \(\mathcal {A}\) such that
We start by defining \(f\), the function from an instance of 3-Terminal Cut to an instance of Optimal Force Path Cut. We are given an instance of 3-Terminal Cut as described above. Let \(N=|V|\) and \(M=|E|\). As shown in Figure 1, we add \(M+1\) new paths of length \(N\) from \(s_1\) to \(s_2\), and the same from \(s_2\) to \(s_3\). We add a single path of length \(2N-1\) from \(s_1\) to \(s_3\) and make this path \(p^*\). Algorithm 8 provides pseudocode for this procedure.
Applying Algorithm 8 to an optimization instance of 3-Terminal Cut \((G, s_1, s_2, s_3)\), we get \((G^\prime , s_1, s_3, p^*)\), an instance of Optimal Force Path Cut. Note that, in these instances, all edge weights and removal costs are equal to 1. From the instance of Optimal Force Path Cut, we get a solution \(E^\prime\) consisting of edges whose removal results in \(p^*\) being the shortest path from \(s_1\) to \(s_3\). We also have a function that maps a solution to Optimal Force Path Cut to a solution to 3-Terminal Cut: include all edges in \(E^\prime\) that existed in the original graph, i.e.,
where \(E^\prime\) is the solution to Optimal Force Path Cut and \(E\) is the original edge set from the 3-Terminal Cut instance. (The edge set \(E\) is not a parameter of \(g\), as it is fixed within the context of the problem.)
We can see that both functions satisfy condition (1): the function \(g\) simply removes up to \(M\) edges from a set, and the body of each loop takes constant time in Algorithm 8, and there are two nested loops taking \(O(MN)\) time and a final loop taking \(O(N)\) time. To show that this reduction satisfies condition (2), we first prove the following Lemma.
An immediate consequence of Lemma A.2 is that condition (2) is satisfied, as stated formally below.
While the above corollary is sufficient to satisfy condition (2), we can make a stronger statement that is useful to prove condition (3): the optimal solutions of the two problems are the same.
To show that the reduction also satisfies condition (3), we first prove the following lemma.
With this result, we can show that the reduction meets the final criterion.
These intermediate results show that the proposed reduction is a linear reduction of 3-Terminal Cut to Force Path Cut, implying that Optimal Force Path Cut is APX-hard.
A.2 Proof for Directed Graphs
To prove that Optimal Force Path Cut is APX-hard for directed graphs, we formulate a linear reduction from Force Path Cut for undirected graphs to the directed case. The linear reduction in this case is simple. The function \(f\) that maps an undirected instance of Force Path Cut to a directed one simply takes each edge from the former and includes the two directed edges between the associated nodes (one in each direction). The values of \(p^*\), \(s\), and \(t\) remain the same. Formally, \(f\) replaces \(E\) with
The graph \(\hat{G}=(V, \hat{E})\) can be constructed in \(O(N+M)\) time.
If we have a solution to Force Path Cut on the directed graph \(\hat{G}\), there is a similarly simple mapping to a solution to undirected Force Path Cut: include the undirected version of each edge in the solution. This takes \(O(M)\) time. We show that this mapping provides a solution to the original problem in the following lemma.
This lemma has an immediate consequence that is important for proving the reduction is linear.
In addition, we obtain the optimal solution to the undirected problem if we find the optimal solution to the directed problem via the reduction.
Combining these intermediate results, we show that the reduction from undirected Force Path Cut to the directed version is linear, and the directed version of the optimization problem is also APX-hard.
Theorem 3.1 is a direct consequence of Lemma A.1 and Lemma A.11.
B PATHATTACK Convergence
We consider the case where the ellipsoid algorithm is used to optimize the relaxed version of the integer program. At each iteration, we consider the center of an ellipsoid and determine whether this point violates any constraints. Call this point \(\mathbf {x}_{\textrm {cut}}^f\in [0,1]^M\). In addition, let \(P\) be the current set of explicit path constraints and \(P_f\) be the set of path constraints—both implicit and explicit—that \(\mathbf {x}_{\textrm {cut}}^f\) does not violate.
Given \(\mathbf {x}_{\textrm {cut}}^f\), we perform the randomized rounding routine used in Algorithm 2. With probability at least \(1/2\), this procedure will yield a result that is within the guaranteed approximation margin (i.e., the objective of the integer solution is within \(\ln {(4|P|)}\) of the fractional solution) and satisfying all explicit constraints. Thus, with probability at least \(1-\frac{1}{|E|}\), it will yield such a solution in \(O(\log {|E|})\) trials. More specifically, the probability of failing all of \(\log _2{|E|}\) randomized rounding trials is bounded by
Note that this holds for the full set \(P_f\) if \(|P_f|\le \frac{1}{4}e^{\lceil \ln {(4|P|)}\rceil }\), since the two set sizes result in the same success bounds. If we attempt for \(O(\log {|E|})\) trials and never find a violated constraint, we increment the number of Bernoulli random variables used in the randomized rounding procedure and the approximation factor. With probability at least \(1-\frac{1}{|E|}\), this will yield a valid solution in \(O(\log {|E|})\) trials if \(|P_f|\le e^{\lceil \ln {(4|P|)}\rceil +1}\). We continue until we find a path that needs to be cut that is not (fractionally) cut by the solution of the relaxed problem or we obtain a solution that satisfies all constraints, implicit and explicit. Algorithm 9 provides pseudocode for this procedure. The algorithm will complete in polynomial time: There are at most \(N\ln {N}\) iterations of the outer loop, at most \(\lceil \log _2{|E|}\rceil\) iterations of the second loop, inside of which:
At most \(O(|E|N\log {N})\) Bernoulli random variables are instantiated and aggregated.
An \(O(|E|)\)-length vector is created.
Edges are removed from a graph (at most \(O(|E|)\) time).
In the worst case, the second shortest path is found, which takes \(O(N^3)\) time.
The constraints are checked (\(O(N)\) time).
Each item takes polynomial time to complete, so the overall algorithm takes polynomial time.
C PATHATTACK for Node Removal
As discussed in Section 4.5, PATHATTACK can be used for node removal in addition to edge removal. We refer to the associated optimization problem as Optimal Force Path Remove: given a weighted graph \(G=(V,E)\), \(w:E\rightarrow \mathbb {R}_{\ge 0}\), where each node has a cost of removal, \(c:V\rightarrow \mathbb {R}_{\ge 0}\), a path \(p^*\) from \(s\in V\) to \(t\in V\), and a budget \(b\), is there a subset of nodes \(V^\prime \subset V\) such that \(\sum _{v\in V^\prime }{c(v)}\le b\) and \(p^*\) is the shortest path from \(s\) to \(t\) in \(G^\prime =(V\setminus V^\prime , E\setminus E_{V^\prime })\), where \(E_{V^\prime }\subset E\) is the set of edges with at least one node in \(V^\prime\)? In this section, we prove that this problem is also APX-hard and provide empirical results on the same datasets as shown in Section 6.
C.1 Computational Complexity
We propose the following reduction from Optimal Force Path Cut to Optimal Force Path Remove for unweighted, undirected graphs:
Take the input graph \(G=(V,E)\) and create its line graph \(\hat{G}=(\hat{V},\hat{E}).\)
Create new nodes \(\hat{s}\) and \(\hat{t}\) and add these to \(\hat{V}\).
For all edges \(e\in E\) incident to \(s\), create a new edge in \(\hat{E}\) connecting \(\hat{s}\) to the corresponding node \(v_e\in \hat{V}\).
For all edges \(e\in E\) incident to \(t\), create a new edge in \(\hat{E}\) connecting \(\hat{t}\) to the corresponding node \(v_e\in \hat{V}\).
Let \(\hat{p}^*\) be the path from \(\hat{s}\) to \(\hat{t}\) where all intermediate nodes are those that correspond to the edges in \(p^*\), in the same order.
Solve Optimal Force Path Remove on \(\hat{G}\) targeting \(\hat{p}^*\).
This procedure is the function \(f\) that maps an instance of Optimal Force Path Cut to an instance of Optimal Force Path Remove. When we solve Optimal Force Path Remove, we obtain a set of nodes \(\hat{V}^\prime\) to remove. Since all nodes in \(\hat{G}\) other than \(\hat{s}\) and \(\hat{t}\) correspond to edges in \(E\)—and \(\hat{s}\) and \(\hat{t}\) cannot be in \(\hat{V}^\prime\)—the function \(g\) mapping a solution to Optimal Force Path Remove to a solution to Optimal Force Path Cut is to make \(E^\prime\) the set of edges in \(E\) corresponding to the nodes in \(\hat{V}^\prime\).
We first prove that the reduction yields a solution to Optimal Force Path Cut in the following lemma.
In addition, the optimal solution to Force Path Cut is also the optimal solution to the derived Force Path Remove instance.
Using these results, we now prove APX-hardness in the undirected case.
We can trivially reduce from the undirected case to the directed case by creating a directed edge set that includes edges in both directions for each undirected edge in the original graph. Solving Optimal Force Path Remove on the resulting directed graph yields the same solution as solving the Optimal Force Path Remove on the original graph; thus, corresponding solutions in the directed and undirected cases are always equally costly. The formal proof of the following lemma is straightforward, and we omit it for brevity.
The following theorem is a direct consequence of Lemmas C.3 and C.4.
C.2 Experiments
We use the same experimental setup as in Section 6.3, in this case only considering the 200th shortest path between the source and target. The baseline method is analogous to the edge removal case: the lowest-cost node along the shortest path is removed until \(p^*\) is the shortest path. In all cases, the cost of edge removal is the edge weight, while the cost of node removal is degree. For node removal, we only consider values of \(p^*\) that have viable solutions (i.e., \(p^*\) is the shortest path from \(s\) to \(t\) in the subgraph induced on the nodes used by \(p^*\)).
Figure 10 shows results on unweighted graphs. We consider the equal-weighted case, without random weights added, as this case highlights the greatest difference between edge cuts and node removal. We did not consider cliques, since there is never a viable solution when \(p^*\) is more than one hop. Results for edge removal are shown for comparison. There are a few substantial differences between relative performance using edge removal and node removal. For example, PATHATTACK provides a much more significant cost reduction with node removal rather than edge removal for Erdős–Rényi graphs. In the vast majority of these cases (\(99/100\) for edge removal, \(97/100\) for node removal), randomized PATHATTACK finds the optimal solution. This suggests that targeting the low-degree nodes—as the baseline does for node removal—is not an effective strategy in this context; i.e., the increased cost of removing higher-degree nodes pays off by removing more competing paths. Another major difference is that the baseline outperforms PATHATTACK for lattices with equal weights. In this case, while PATHATTACK finds the optimal solution with edge removal in \(94\%\) of cases, it is only optimal \(20\%\) of the time with node removal. Since degrees are equal, GreedyCost simply removes the first node that deviates from \(p^*\), which works well for unweighted lattices, while the analogous strategy for edge removal is suboptimal. We see a similar phenomenon with the autonomous system graph: the baseline method of removing low-degree nodes yields a near-optimal solution, suggesting that focusing on disrupting the intermediate low-degree nodes between the endpoints and the hubs is a cost-effective strategy. While attacking high-degree nodes is useful for disconnecting networks with skewed degree distributions [2], the degree-based cost and focus on making a particular path shortest make a different strategy ideal here.
Fig. 10.
Figure 11 illustrates results on real weighted graphs. Unlike the autonomous system graph, here the power grid and road networks outperform the baseline more significantly using node removal. Here, the diversity of edge weights among the real graphs—and their contribution to path length—makes greedily selecting low-cost edges a more effective heuristic than selecting low-degree nodes.
Fig. 11.
D Dataset Features
Our experiments were run on several synthetic and real networks across different edge-weight distributions. All networks are undirected except DER, WIKI, and LBL. We described the edge-weight distributions in Section 6 of the article. Table 1 provides summary statistics of the synthetic networks. Modularity is computed after performing community detection with the Louvain method [7]. Betweenness centrality is estimated based on the shortest paths between 100 randomly selected source-destination pairs.
Table 1.
We ran experiments on both weighted and unweighted real networks. In cases of unweighted networks, we added edge weights from the same distributions as the synthetic networks. Below is a brief description of each network used. Table 2 summarizes the properties of each network.
Table 2.
The unweighted networks are:
Wikispeedia graph (WIKI): The network consists of web pages (nodes) and connections (edges) created from the user-generated paths in the Wikispeedia game [53]. Available at
Oregon autonomous system network (AS): Nodes represent autonomous systems of routers and edges denote communication between the systems [34]. The dataset was collected at the University of Oregon on March 31, 2001. Available at
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory network data (LBL): A graph of computer network traffic, which includes counts of the number of connections between machines over time. Counts are inverted for use as distances. Available at
Northeast US Road Network (NEUS): Nodes are intersections in the northeastern part of the United States, interconnected by roads (edges), with weights corresponding to distance in kilometers. Available at
DBLP coauthorship graph (DBLP): This is a coauthorship network [5]. We invert the number of coauthored papers to create a distance (rather than similarity) between the associated authors. Available at
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Miller BChan KEliassi-Rad T(2024)Complex network effects on the robustness of graph convolutional networksApplied Network Science10.1007/s41109-024-00611-99:1Online publication date: 21-Feb-2024
Special issue: papers from the 32nd and 34th annual symposia on foundations of computer science, Oct. 2–4, 1991 and Nov. 3–5, 1993
The authors have solved the all pairs shortest distances (APSD) problem for graphs with integer edge lengths. Our algorithm is subcubic for edge lengths of small ( M) absolute value. In this paper we show how to transform these algorithms to solve the ...
SODA '03: Proceedings of the fourteenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms
We present a hierarchical scheme for efficiently maintaining all-pairs approximate shortest paths in undirected unweighted graphs under deletions of edges.An α-approximate shortest-path between two vertices is a path of length at-most α times the length ...
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Miller BChan KEliassi-Rad T(2024)Complex network effects on the robustness of graph convolutional networksApplied Network Science10.1007/s41109-024-00611-99:1Online publication date: 21-Feb-2024