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Writes hurt: lessons in cache design for optane NVRAM

Published: 07 November 2022 Publication History


Intel® Optane DC Persistent Memory resides on the memory bus and approaches DRAM in access latency. One avenue for its adoption is to employ it in place of persistent storage; another is to use it as a cheaper and denser extension of DRAM. In pursuit of the latter goal, we present the design of a volatile Optane NVRAM cache as a component in a storage engine underlying MongoDB. The primary innovation in our design is a new cache admission policy. We discover that on Optane NVRAM, known for its limited write throughput, the presence of writes disproportionately affects the throughput of reads, much more so than on DRAM. Therefore, an admission policy that indiscriminately admits new data (and thus generates writes), severely limits the rate of data retrieval and results in exceedingly poor performance for the cache overall. We design an admission policy that balances the rate of admission with the rate of lookups using dynamically observed characteristics of the workload. Our implementation outperforms OpenCAS (an off-the-shelf Optane-based block cache) in all cases, and Intel Memory Mode in cases where the database size exceeds the available NVRAM. Our cache is decoupled from the rest of the storage engine and uses generic metrics to guide its admission policy; this design can be easily adopted in other systems.


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SoCC '22: Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on Cloud Computing
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