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Personal Space in Human-Robot Interaction at Work: Effect of Room Size and Working Memory Load

Published: 08 September 2022 Publication History


A recent literature review on personal space in human-robot interaction identified a research gap for the influence of contextual factors. At the same time, psychological research on interpersonal distancing and theoretical considerations based on compensatory control models suggest the importance of considering these factors in robot path planning. To address this gap, we tested the effect of room size and working memory load on participants’ comfort distance toward an approaching robot. In a preregistered 3 × 2 within-subject design, N = 72 participants were approached by a mobile manufacturing robot in a corridor with varying room size and with and without a cognitive secondary task. As dependent variables, comfort distance, arousal, and perceived control were measured. While room size and working memory load had no significant direct effect on comfort distance, participants felt higher arousal and lower control in smaller rooms and in conditions with high working memory load, which in turn caused larger comfort distances (indirect effect). With experience, comfort distances decreased. Based on the indirect effects, future studies should test the effect of more extreme manipulations on comfort distances. Robots should adapt their path planning by keeping larger distances toward human workers in stressful environments to avoid discomfort.

1 Introduction

Safe and socially acceptable navigation is a basic requirement for mobile robots. Spatial invasion, that is, when a robot comes too close to a human, could lead to a feeling of discomfort and behavior of avoidance or withdrawal [1]. Thus, one important concept that needs to be considered in designing human-friendly robot movement is personal space. Gifford [15] defines personal space as “the dynamic spatial component of interpersonal relations ...represented in the changing distance and angle of orientation between individuals as they interact” [15, p. 125].
A recent literature review and meta-analysis by Leichtmann and Nitsch [29] summarized the state of the literature on personal space in human-robot interaction (HRI) and the influence of different human and robot-related factors such as gender [24, 26, 34], age [37], robot appearance [23], and others. The review found that contextual factors had been neglected so far. Contextual factors are transitory factors involved in the setting of interaction including environmental (e.g., room size) or task-related factors (e.g., different levels of working memory load caused by different levels of task demands). Especially in industrial work situations, the intensity of environmental stressors and the amount of working memory load evoked by work tasks vary (e.g., [27, 30]). For example, Leichtmann and colleagues [30] found in in-depth qualitative work system analyses in four work systems of manufacturing companies (which planned to use mobile robots in the near future) that workplaces differed markedly in the amount of space available or in the amount of working memory load required to fulfill the work tasks. That means that while some workplaces were characterized by narrow aisles or were further constricted by obstacles (i.e., movable transport trolleys), others had more space, or while some work was described as monotonous (i.e., the mounting of motors on a steel ring), others involved more complex cognitive processes such as planning work steps ahead [30]. It is conceivable that such a variance in contexts causes variance in users’ comfort distance—that is, the distance at which one is beginning to feel uncomfortable—and needs to be considered in robot path planning.
While there are many factors affecting human comfort distance toward a mobile robot, not all factors can be considered by robot path planning easily because they are not easy to measure by robot sensors (e.g., human-related factors such as prior experience). In contrast, many contextual factors that relate to the environment, such as the width of a hallway, can be detected by appropriate sensors and are therefore also of special interest for path planning. Mobile robots have a variety of different sensors to detect their environment and navigate in space. Frequently used sensors are cameras, e.g., depth or RGB cameras or laser sensors. There exists a number of different approaches for the tracking of humans using these cameras [e.g., 40] or laser sensors [e.g., 5]. These technologies and algorithms can identify detected “objects” as humans, track their movements, and determine their relative position to other objects, thus facilitating the integration of such environmental factors in the programming of human-robot interactions. That means that contextual factors such as the width of hallways are not just important factors that vary in real-world settings and are expected to influence comfort distance but can also be detected by robot technology and therefore can be considered in path planning when approaching a human (worker). That is, they are also relevant for designing path planning algorithms. This article presents the results of a laboratory experiment on the influence of room size and working memory load (caused by different levels of task demands) on personal space. Based on the literature review by Leichtmann and Nitsch [29], the impact of this work is fourfold:
By describing the effect of contextual influences of room size and working memory load, we address a research gap in the HRI literature [29].
To get a deeper understanding of processes that lead to differences in comfort distances, perceived control and emotional arousal are measured as additional mediating factors. In doing so, we expect to describe why differences in contextual factors would lead to differences in comfort distance. The literature review by Leichtmann and Nitsch [29] showed the high need in grounding research on more solid theories and the exploration of “carrier mechanisms” of effects as there has been a lack in the HRI literature so far. Rather than just testing the main effect within a certain situation, this exploration of underlying mechanisms will allow to draw conclusions beyond this specific case.
Beyond theoretical insights, this study aims to derive practical recommendations. If room size and higher working memory load have an effect on personal space, this information can be used in path planning algorithms. For example, the robot could adapt its distance toward users depending on room size or keep different distances in workplaces with different task demands. We thus aim to give empirically justified recommendations to practitioners who plan to implement a new manufacturing robot in their company [30].
The literature review on personal space research in HRI by Leichtmann and Nitsch [29] has revealed that, in summary, it was hardly possible to derive reliable conclusions from the existing literature in the sense of a cumulative knowledge base, since many individual studies have a number of theoretical, methodological, and statistical weaknesses. These weaknesses include small sample sizes and thus low statistical power and a potentially increased false-positive rate due to flexibility in data analysis. We therefore used several methods that have been proposed by reformers to increase the reliability of results [35, 36, 54] but have not been widely used in HRI research so far. These methods, preregistration, sample size justification, and sharing of the analysis code are expected to improve the reliability of research results in the long run.

2 Theoretical Background

In order to clarify the research purpose, this section starts with a short overview of past research on personal space in HRI settings showing the need to explore the effects of contextual factors. In the second subsection, we then describe theoretical models from the psychological personal space literature that are used to explain effects of contextual factors on personal space and that allow to derive mediating constructs for a deeper understanding of underlying mechanisms. Third, we describe past related empirical studies on the factors of room size and working memory load from the psychological literature as initial empirical evidence that further supports our assumptions based on theoretical models.

2.1 Personal Space in Human-Robot Interaction: Where We Stand

For HRI scientists, personal space represents an important variable especially in the field of mobile robotics [29]. As mentioned in the introduction, it is important that robots maintain a socially acceptable distance from humans to avoid negative consequences such as errors or discomfort [1]. Therefore, researchers tried to include the personal space of users when designing navigation algorithms and work environments with the goal that robots maintain a certain comfort distance toward humans [25, 33]. In this respect, several studies tried to investigate the influence of a variety of factors. A recent literature review and meta-analysis by Leichtmann and Nitsch [29] summarized the findings for each of the factors and added new insights by meta-analytic moderation analysis and theoretical considerations on theoretical transfer of psychological theories to HRI settings. However, the meta-analysis mostly revealed only mixed results, not allowing for clear conclusions. This was especially found for the effects of human-related factors such as gender, age, and personality. For example, while some studies reported larger distances by persons identifying as female compared to participants identifying as male (e.g., [26]), other studies reported opposite effects (e.g., [34]) or null-results (e.g., [24]), and thus the meta-analytical 95% confidence interval showed a wide range from negative to positive effects. Amongst several factors, only experience seemed to have a robust effect on comfort distance toward a robot (e.g., [19]). Robot-related factors such as robot anthropomorphism were theoretically argued to possibly influence the effects; however, to date there exist only a few studies on robot appearance [23] and a meta-analytical moderator analysis based on the current literature showed no significant effect [29]. Additionally, empirical investigation of other factors such as environmental factors is still missing.
There are multiple reasons for the variance in effects. For example, the analysis showed various methodological and statistical problems in original studies such as small sample size and thus low statistical power, as well as questionable research practices leading to higher false-positive rates and overestimation of effect sizes. Furthermore, variances could be explained by (hidden) moderators that are not known yet. Theoretical models could potentially explain such effects; however, many studies so far had not been based on solid theoretical models. In contrast, psychologists have proposed several theories and models throughout history in order to explain variances in human distancing behavior, which had been summarized in different reviews [1, 16, 20, 46]. In these theoretical frameworks variance in personal space may be explained by socialization processes and reflect socio-cultural norms, by social arrangements including effects of social status, or by a function of internal psychological states, just to name a few (an extensive overview is beyond the scope of this article and can be found elsewhere; see, for example, [1, 16] as a general overview, or [29] with an HRI focus).
As Leichtmann and Nitsch [29] argue, not all models or the estimated values of model parameters used to explain human-human distancing behavior may also be suitable to explain differences in distances for HRI scenarios, but may differ in effects of key factors or boundary conditions—thus, they may need to be adapted. Therefore, HRI research needs to test such models and theories and explore boundary conditions or the interaction of factors that might be unique to HRI situations. However, only a few studies in HRI have tested certain theories such as equilibrium models (e.g., [34]) or expectation violation theory (e.g., [4]), parameter ranges, and boundary conditions in empirical user studies. To sum up, the literature on personal space had been criticized for its lack of theory [16, 29]. However, theories are essential frameworks that connect different variables, as they help to identify the most impactful mechanisms and factors that lead to differences in human distancing behavior. Such theories can explain the effects of higher-order factors (e.g., room size) by explaining the variance in these effects through underlying mediating (e.g., arousal) and moderating (e.g., threat potential) factors. Future work on personal space in HRI thus needs to put more emphasis on theory and model development and testing. In the next section, we therefore describe theories especially useful in order to explain the effects of contextual factors on comfort distances.

2.2 Contextual Effects Explained by Internal States Models

To understand why one would expect differences in distance in the first place (ultimate explanation), Uzzell and Horne [51] describe three basic functions. As a protection function, larger distances serve as a buffer zone to avoid harm in a potentially threatening situation. As an arousal regulation function, distance to others is used to regulate the amount of incoming information and keep it on a level within a certain acceptable range to avoid overload. A third function is the communication function, for which distances are used to indicate information about the nature of the relationship within a social setting.
Based on these ultimate explanations, the following might be speculated: Especially in industrial work settings, a manufacturing robot can be perceived as a potential threat, causing a human to keep distance for protection. Simultaneously, it can also be understood as an additional source of information through its movement and interfaces. In mentally demanding work situations, a robot could thus lead to overstimulation of the human. Keeping larger distances might thus serve to reduce arousal.
In contrast to these ultimate explanations, proximate explanations describe how these functions lead to differences in distances. Widely used models to explain differences in comfort distances are conflict or intimacy equilibrium models [1, 2, 3]. According to these models, approach and avoidance forces exist in every situation and individuals have developed an “equilibrium point” of intimacy and a range surrounding this point within which changes are accepted. If situational changes result in levels higher than desired, “a reciprocal change occurs in one or more ...behaviors in order to restore the desired level” [2, p. 66].
This principle of equilibrium restoration is a realization of the more general principle of homeostasis, which can be defined as “a self-regulating process by which ...systems maintain stability while adjusting to changing external conditions” [7, p. 2]. Similarly, in Hockey’s [22] compensatory control model, “behavior is modified by reference to internal standards or set points (through negative feedback) so that currently active goals may be maintained, and purposive behavior promoted” [22, p. 75]. This regulatory activity may be experienced as mental effort or subjective strain as it attracts costs especially “under conditions of chronic perturbation from stress and environmental load” [22, p. 75]. Thus, to avoid strain and save costs (e.g., avoid an expenditure of mental resources or energetical costs due to sympathetic activation [22]), an internal control system strives to keep effort within a certain range defined by “internal standards.”
These principles can be used to explain the effect of contextual variables such as room size or working memory load on comfort distances in human-robot interaction situations. Contextual factors can be interpreted as factors potentially causing perturbations of inner variables. As suggested by Aiello [1], such inner variables can be a person’s arousal level and its perceived control within the situation. In situations in which arousal is already raised to a certain level or perceived control is lowered, an approaching robot can be an additional perturbation leading to a level of arousal or perceived control outside the acceptable range. A difference in distance toward that robot could be one behavioral adjustment to restore the desired level.

2.3 The Influence of Room Size and Working Memory Load on Personal Space

Past research on human-human distancing behavior has demonstrated the effect of room size on personal space [9, 10, 41, 48, 50, 56]. For example, people felt less comfortable and held larger distances toward confederates in smaller rooms compared to larger rooms [48, 56]. These effects can be explained by the protection function as a smaller room offers fewer possibilities to escape a potential threat (protection function).
Another contextual factor that can become especially important at work is the variance in cognitive task demands causing different levels of working memory load. Working memory is a “hypothetical cognitive system responsible for providing access to information required for ongoing cognitive processes” [55, p. 1] and is limited in its capacity. When already processing information, additional information (i.e., in situations with more demanding tasks) can lead to an overload, resulting in either performance impairment [12] or alternative strategies to avoid overload [57]. In human-robot interaction, an approaching robot could increase information processing, leading to overstimulation. Larger comfort distances would thus serve an arousal-regulation function. While there are not many studies on the effect of working memory load on personal space directly [18], the effect of information overload can be ascertained from studies on crowding [53] that leads to discomfort [13, 48] and lower perceived control [43, 44].

3 Research Questions and A Priori Hypotheses

This article reports the results of a laboratory experiment on the effect of two contextual variables—room size and working memory load—on humans’ comfort distance toward an approaching mobile manufacturing robot. Based on the literature on room size and crowding, as well as theoretical considerations (see [2, 22]), a smaller room surrounding a person as well as higher working memory load is expected to cause a larger comfort distance toward robots; that is, participants want the robot to keep larger distances in order to feel comfortable when the room size gets smaller or in situations with higher working memory load.
H 1: The smaller the room surrounding a person, the larger the comfort distance (= the greater the just acceptable distance between human and robot) toward an approaching robot.
H 2: Comfort distance toward an approaching robot is larger (= just acceptable distance between human and robot is wider) in situations with higher working memory load.
Based on homeostasis principles [2, 22], larger comfort distances are a strategy to maintain a certain level of equilibrium of inner states. According to Aiello [1], a person’s (emotional) arousal and perceived control are key variables in this process.
H 3: The narrower the room surrounding a person (= smaller room size), the higher a person’s arousal and the lower a person’s perceived control.
H 4: In situations with high working memory load, a person’s arousal is higher, and a person’s perceived control is lower, compared to situations with no working memory load.
As we expect larger distances as a strategy to maintain arousal and perceived control within a certain range, and therefore larger distance being a cause of these internal states, we expect a mediation effect.
H 5: When controlling for perceived control/arousal, the effect of room size/working memory load on the preferred distance toward the robot is decreased, which means the explained variance in distances (explained by variance in room size and working memory load) is lowered due to the variance in perceived control and arousal.
The literature review of Leichtmann and Nitsch [29] highlights the consistent effect of users’ experience with robots across studies. We therefore additionally predict:
H 6: With increasing number of encounters (number of trials), comfort distance decreases (= the just acceptable distance between human confederate and robot becomes shorter).

4 Methods

This study was preregistered (that is, a description of study details was uploaded to a public repository prior to data collection) including a priori hypotheses, data collection procedures, and study design plan (see uploaded pdf-file in the files-section under osf.io/m8qac [28]). Data had not been looked at or analyzed in any form prior to preregistration. We justified the sample size by conducting a priori power analysis ensuring a high probability in finding an effect if there is a true effect of a certain size. Additionally, we recognize the importance of the Open Science movement and publish the analysis code as a supplement to this article.
This research complied with the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the Ethics Committee at the RWTH Aachen Faculty of Medicine. Informed consent was obtained from each participant.

4.1 Study Design and Sample Description

The laboratory experiment manipulated the room size surrounding a person and the working memory load in a 3 \(\times\) 2 within-subject design, while a mobile robot approached participants until they signaled the robot to stop. To achieve high mundane realism and thus high ecological validity and better transferability of these (artificial) laboratory results to practical application scenarios in manufacturing companies, the room was manipulated by the variance in storage corridors spanning a partly fenced-in area that is available to the people as an activity space. “Room” is defined here as a certain area, which is defined by corresponding boundaries in length, width, and height. The room size was manipulated on three levels by narrowing down the storage corridor. The working memory load was manipulated on two levels with and without a cognitive secondary task to simulate the variance in working memory load imposed by different cognitively demanding work tasks in manufacturing workplaces.
Based on the study design, sample size was calculated in a power analysis using G*Power for the two main effects of room size and working memory load on distance [14]. A medium effect size was assumed (\(f = .22\)) and the global \(\alpha\)-error probability was set to .05. To achieve a minimum statistical power of 80%, a sample size of \(N = 66\) would be needed.
As preregistered, participants were recruited through social media, advertisement posters in the city, and email lists of the local university (for detailed information of exclusion criteria see the preregistration document [28]). A total of \(N = 72\) participants took part in the experiment at the Augsburg Innovations Park in Germany. Thirty-nine participants were university students (54%); the other participants varied widely in job descriptions such as research assistant from different disciplines (~8%), school teacher, aircraft mechanic, bank assistant, police officer, home keeper, and others. Participants were rather unexperienced with robots, as 57 participants have never interacted with robots or only a few times, and almost no one (96%) had participated in a user study before. Thirty-six persons identified as female, thirty-six as male, and no person of any other gender. The mean age of the subjects was \(M = 30.42\) (\(SD = 12.22\)) years.

4.2 Dependent, Mediating, and Control Variables

As a dependent variable, comfort distance was measured in centimeters from the participants’ tip of the toe to the front of the robot vehicle in each trial after the participants signaled the robot to stop (that is the just acceptable distance; for an exact description of the measurement see Appendix A). The mediating variable perceived as emotional arousal was measured using eight items of the calm-nervous subscale of the German original version of the Multidimensional Mood State Questionnaire by Steyer et al. [47] (\(\omega = .96\)). Perceived control was measured using four self-developed items (\(\omega = .96\), e.g., “How much did you feel you had an influence on what happened in the situation?”). For manipulation check, perceived narrowness of the room was measured using five self-developed items (\(\omega = .93\), e.g., “How oppressive was the situation for you?”), and safety perception was assessed with four items of the job safety subscale by Hayes et al. [21] (\(\omega = .91\)). All response scales were 5-point Likert-type scales. All self-developed items are listed in Table 1 in Appendix B. Additional variables were assessed with the purpose of exploratory analysis but are beyond the scope of this article. Only preregistered, confirmatory analyses are reported here.

4.3 Procedure

The experiment consisted of three parts. In a first introductory part, participants were informed about the course of the experiment, the security concept, participation requirements, and data protection regulations. After giving informed consent, demographic information and information on previous experience with robots was collected.
The second part of the experiment consisted of interactions with a robot. In six different trials under different experimental conditions, participants were approached by a mobile manufacturing robot. The robot consisted of a mobile automated guided vehicle and a robotic arm attached to it (see Figure 1). In each trial, the robot started from 262 cm distance to the participant and approached the participant with a speed of 0.1 m/s. Participants were instructed to stand at a fixed point in the experimental setup during the approach. The experimental setup consisted of a corridor (3 m in length) of movable storage racks filled with cardboard boxes to simulate a warehouse situation (height range: 176–202 cm) (see Figure 1). For each approach, the participants were instructed to say “stop” when the robot reaches a distance at which point the participant is beginning to feel uncomfortable, and that is the point of the just acceptable distance (= comfort distance). The robot then stopped immediately and the distance between participant and robot was measured by the experimenter (stop-distance-procedure). If the participants did not signal the robot to stop, the robot automatically stopped at a minimum distance of 10 cm in front of them. After each run, the subject filled out questionnaires on perceived control, perceived narrowness, perceived safety, and emotional arousal, while the robot returned to its starting position for the next run. For filling out the questionnaires, participants were seated at a table nearby the experimental setup with one of the experimenters next to the table in case of questions (the experimenter did not watch participants answering the questionnaires to avoid social desirability biases). Meanwhile, another experimenter prepared the experimental setup for the next run (e.g., moving storage racks). In sum, each participant had a total of six such runs, which corresponded to the conditions resulting from the 2 \(\times\) 3 design (within-subject design). The order of the conditions was randomized using a random number generator to control for order effects. Care was taken to ensure that no sequence was run disproportionately often by chance (so that participants were about equally distributed across the possible order combinations). During all six approach trials, the robot was operated via a Wizard-of-Oz (WoZ) setup. That means the robot’s movements were remotely controlled by a human operator without awareness of the participants (they were told the robot moves autonomously and can be stopped by language control, as a cover story).
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Overview of the experimental setup (left) and the mobile industrial robot (right).
The trials differed according to the independent variables of room size and working memory load. Room size was manipulated using (1) a corridor with a 190 cm width and no obstacle in the participants’ back for the “large” room size condition (with potential escape routes to the side and backwards), (2) a corridor with a 110 cm width and no obstacle in the participants’ back for the “medium” room size condition (with potential escape backwards), and (3) a corridor with 110 cm width and an obstacle in the participants’ back for the “small” room size condition (without possibilities to escape). The manipulation of room size is depicted in Figure 2.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Manipulation of room size in three levels. From left to right: Large room size condition, medium room size condition, and small room size condition.
The two levels of the working memory load conditions were manipulated by running the approaches with or without a backwards counting task (counting backwards in three steps starting from a four-digit number). It was assumed that such an additional cognitively demanding task would result in different levels of working memory load.
After running all six trials, participants filled out additional questionnaires in the last part of the experiment. The study took about an hour. At the end of the experiment, the subjects were informed about the cover story (see WoZ) and were rewarded with €15.

5 Results

For data analysis, the open source statistic software RStudio [39] was used. The R-code including all packages used for analysis is available in the supplements. In this study, an average comfort distance of \(M = 51.62\) cm (\(SD = 34.44\)) was measured across all participants and all conditions.

5.1 Manipulation Checks

While backwards counting is a widely used manipulation of working memory load in human factors research (e.g., [6, 52]), the manipulation of room size had been used for this study specifically. As a manipulation check, the non-parametric ANOVA-type statistic [8]1 indicates that the perceived narrowness of the room significantly differed between room size conditions (\(F(1.82,\infty) = 95.47, p \lt .001\)), confirming that the manipulation of room size indeed affected the perception of those rooms (narrowness).

5.2 Confirmatory Analysis: Difference in Distance

As preregistered, the effect of room size and working memory load on distance was tested using the non-parametric, rank-based ANOVA-type statistic [8]. Against our expectations (H1 and H2), neither room size (\(F(1.98,\infty) = 0.31, p = .73\)) nor working memory load (\(F(1,\infty) = 0.16, p = .69\)) had a significant effect on participants’ comfort distance. Comfort distance was thus about the same in the large (\(M = 50.56\), \(SD = 33.12\)), medium (\(M = 52.25\), \(SD = 34.89\)), and small (\(M = 52.05\), \(SD = 35.47\)) room size conditions, as well as in conditions with (\(M = 51.52\), \(SD = 34.49\)) or without (\(M = 51.72\), \(SD = 34.46\)) a secondary task. Boxplots can be obtained in Figure 3.
Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Boxplots of comfort distances depending on room size or working memory load.

5.3 Confirmatory Analysis: Mediation

Although the direct effect of the independent variables on comfort distance was not statistically significant, we calculated the indirect path of the mediation. We tested the effect of the independent variables on arousal and perceived control (H3 and H4) as well as the effect of these on distance. For the mediation analysis, three regression equations were built according to MacKinnon et al. [31]. First, the effect of an independent variable (X; room size or working memory load) on the dependent variable (Y; comfort distance) is calculated (\(Y = i_1 + cX + e_1\)). Second, the effect of the independent variable on the mediation variable (M; perceived control or emotional arousal) is calculated (\(M = i_2 + aX + e_2\)). In a third equation, both the independent variable and the mediation variable are included as predictors (\(Y = i_3 + c^{\prime } X + bM + e_3\)). The mediated effect may then be calculated as \(\hat{a}\hat{b}\) or \(\hat{c} - \hat{c^{\prime }}\) . Note that \(i_1\), \(i_2\), and \(i_3\) represent the intercepts of the regression equations; a, b, c, and \(c^{\prime }\) represent the estimated parameters; and \(e_1\), \(e_2\), and \(e_3\), represent the error terms. The estimated parameters a, b, c, \(c^{\prime }\), and \(\hat{a}\hat{b}\) are reported as beta weights.
For the calculation of 95% confidence intervals (CIs) bootstrapping (700 simulations) was used. Since the study was a repeated-measurement design, it is assumed that individual differences affect the intercepts. Therefore, multi-level models were calculated. Room size was dummy coded with the large room condition as reference. All models are depicted in Figure 4.
Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Mediation models with room size (a, b) and working memory load (c, d) as independent variables, comfort distance as the dependent variable, and arousal (a, c) and perceived control (b, d) as mediators. The weights named with a, b, c, and c’ describe beta-coefficients of the different regressions; CIs are the 95% confidence intervals of the beta weights.
While no significant direct effects of room size and working memory load on distance were found, models show significant indirect effects. Smaller compared to larger room size significantly led to higher emotional arousal (\(\beta _{medium} = .08, \beta _{small} = .35\)) and lower perceived control (\(\beta _{medium} = -.17, \beta _{small} = -.31\)). Higher levels of emotional arousal (\(\beta = .18\)) and lower levels of perceived control (\(\beta = -.19\)) in turn led to a significant increase in comfort distance (\(p \lt .001\)). Similarly, in situations with higher levels of working memory load, participants felt significantly more aroused (\(\beta = .44, p \lt .001\)) and felt significantly less in control (\(\beta = -.27, p \lt .001\)), leading in turn to an increase in comfort distance. The results confirm hypotheses 3 and 4. However, these indirect effects (\(\hat{a}\hat{b}\)) are small (ranging from .05 to .09).

5.4 Confirmatory Analysis: Effect of Trials

As predicted, a regression analysis showed that participants kept shorter comfort distances toward the robot with increasing numbers of encounters (\(distance = 58.08\, cm \mathbin {-} 1.85\, cm * encounter\)). According to the model, comfort distance was reduced by \(b = 1.85\) cm (\(SE = .37, p \lt .001\)) in each of the six rounds (note that b is the unstandardized parameter here, not a beta weight, for better interpretation).

6 Discussion

The goal of this work was (1) to address a research gap in the HRI literature as contextual factors of room size and working memory load had not been studied so far, (2) to get a deeper understanding of the underlying processes that can explain why the variance in certain factors leads to a variance in comfort distances by additionally exploring the mediating role of arousal and perceived control, (3) to give practical recommendations for the design of human-aware robot navigation and environmental design by researching these mechanisms in a laboratory setting close to real-world manufacturing workplaces, and (4) to improve reliability in results by using methods recommended by a recent reform movement in the behavioral sciences including preregistration, a priori power analysis, and open science practices. In the following, we thus summarize the research results for the main effects of room size and working memory load on personal space in HRI; infer implication for future research in order to conduct more informed experiments; highlight the methodological advancements of preregistration, power analysis, and open science for the use of future HRI studies; and derive practical recommendations based on our findings of indirect effects.

6.1 Summary and Discussion of Mediation Results

In this study, the effects of the contextual factors room size and working memory load on human comfort distance toward an approaching mobile manufacturing robot were tested. The variation in the size of a corridor and a mental secondary task did not affect the participants’ comfort distance (hypotheses 1, 2, and 5 rejected). However, indirect effects were significant, albeit small. Conditions with smaller room size and higher working memory load resulted in higher emotional arousal and lower perceived control (hypotheses 3 and 4 accepted). This increase was associated with larger comfort distances.
While the results clearly contradict our expectations in terms of the direct effects, the indirect effects confirm what was predicted based on equilibrium models (e.g., see [22]). Certain configurations of contextual factors during an approach by a robot can lead to a perturbation of inner standards. That means a smaller room with fewer opportunities to escape can be interpreted as a situation with higher threat potential (triggering a protection function), and higher workload can lead to overstimulation (triggering an arousal regulation function). This perturbation is realized as a certain level of emotional arousal and perceived control, outside an accepted range. However, according to equilibrium models [22], such a perturbation would lead to regulatory activity to keep inner states within a certain range (homeostasis). Our prediction that this regulatory activity would be expressed as a variation in comfort distance was not confirmed.
However, there are other possible regulatory activities. Hockey [22] describes four types of latent decrement caused by the motivation to restore equilibrium. Besides (1) strategic adjustments of comfort distance, another possibility is the allowance of (2) subsidiary task failures such as a larger amount of errors in the secondary task. Participants could have accepted higher (3) compensatory costs, that is, to mobilize additional resources, or (4) fatigue after-effects, that is, to shift to a “low effort mode” when demands change. However, the large number of possible alternative explanations is one of the main points of criticism [16]. This means that one can come up with many post hoc explanations derived from the model.
Besides these theoretical explanations, null results may also occur because of limitations of the experimental setup. Room size was manipulated using movable storage racks to form corridors. However, while the manipulation affected perceived narrowness as well as emotional arousal and perceived control, the manipulation might not have been effective enough to evoke the need of a behavioral response. That means the disturbance might not have been high enough for participants to take action.
As for every laboratory experiment, criticism on the artificiality of laboratory settings and thus limited validity also applies to this study [17]. The simulated situations differ from real-world situations. In laboratory experiments, people know that they are participating in an experiment and know about the high safety of such studies. For example, for safety reasons, participants had been told in advance that the storage racks were movable and that experimenters monitored the robot. The experimental situation itself thus influences the phenomenon [17], as an experiment itself is a special social situation.

6.2 Findings in Context of the Broader Literature

The average comfort distance toward the robot in this study was 51.62 cm with a wide variation between participants and situations (\(SD = 34.44\) cm). In comparison to results of a recent meta-analysis by Leichtmann and Nitsch [29], this distance was smaller than the average distance of 81.61 cm including both humanoid and mechanic-looking robots [29]. However, it falls within the confidence interval of slightly smaller distances for mechanic-looking robots of 45.24 cm to 92.52 cm. In line with the findings of the review results on robot experience effects on distance [29], the results of this study show that comfort distance toward the approaching robot decreased across encounters (H6).

6.3 Implications for Future Research

While we did not find the effects we would have expected based on the model, these null effects should not necessarily be seen as a limitation as it allows for further development of the theories and conclusions about parameter ranges in which the theory holds—or does not hold. The results of this study are valuable for further research for different reasons.
First, psychology had a replicability crisis recently; that is, a large amount of studies did not replicate the effects of the original studies, and thus the confidence in psychological research findings was questioned [35, 38, 54]. There are many reasons for that. For example, the use of questionable research practices as well as underpowered studies led to many false positives and overestimation of effect sizes [32, 45, 49]. This problem was even worsened by publication bias; that is, statistically significant results have higher probability of getting published, meaning that the outcome of studies rather than their quality led to publication [54]. This also led to higher false-positive rates in the literature and thus overestimation of effects. It is thus important to publish and consider null results as they will lead to a more accurate estimation of effects in future meta-analysis.
Second, theoretical work by Scheel et al. [42] argued that a major cause of unreliable results is the flexibility in data analysis because a priori hypotheses still had too much room for interpretation, not allowing for precise predictions. This flexibility, arbitrary defaults, and random heuristics led to weak tests that do not inform theory and do not lead to cumulative knowledge. A lot of model parameters, the strength of manipulations, the variance of measures, or the range of values that led to a certain effect of a parameter are often unknown. Researchers thus need to strengthen the link between the test and the tested theory. According to Scheel et al. [42] this could be done, for example, by parameter range estimation or the exploration of boundary conditions (that is, the regions of the parameter space in which the theory applies). The results of this study can inform the literature on personal space in this way. Although we did not find a direct effect in this study, indirect effects indicate that contextual conditions led to a stronger perturbation of inner states. Thus, differences in comfort distance might occur at some point. Smaller rooms led to higher arousal and lower perceived control, and higher arousal and lower perceived control in turn led to larger comfort distances. Effects had just been very small. However, it is conceivable that effects are significant at some point in the parameter range when the perturbation gets stronger. The manipulation might just have been too weak in this case. Based on this learning from this study, future studies could test other configurations of contextual factors that lead to stronger perturbations—that is, testing out the range of the arousal or perceived control parameter and determining at which point larger comfort distances occur. This could be achieved by more extreme levels of room size (e.g., even smaller rooms by additionally lowering the ceiling height) and working memory load (e.g., even more mentally demanding tasks) or other contextual factors not tested yet (e.g., crowding or noise). Additionally, future studies should control for alternative explanations derived from compensatory control models (see [22]). As mediating factors, participants’ arousal and perceived control seem promising. This study is therefore a start for testing internal state models in the context of HRI, and for exploring the effects of contextual factors. Future research could thus build on the results by exploring other configurations and parameter ranges. Furthermore, moderator effects are conceivable as HRI also varies highly depending on context. For example, while this study focused on HRI in a manufacturing setting with a mechanic-looking robot, future studies could test such effects in other, maybe more social contexts with humanoid robots.
Finally, it was pointed out by Leichtmann and Nitsch [29] that HRI research on personal space showed many methodological problems. This article thus also tried to tackle these problems by applying methods recommended by a recent reform movement [35, 54]. (1) The study was preregistered on OSF to restrict the degrees of freedom in data analysis and thus to prevent p-hacking. (2) Sample size was justified by a priori power analysis to ensure a minimum of 80% probability of actually finding an effect if this effect is true. (3) We adhere to the value of transparency and shared our analysis code for other researchers so that other scientists can follow our data analysis in more detail and thus better reproduce results and check robustness. In doing so we hope that future meta-analyses of personal space in HRI will achieve more reliable estimates and hope that other research projects will follow these reforms.

6.4 Practical Implications for Robot Programming

While the meta-analysis by Leichtmann and Nitsch [29] recommends an average comfort distance of 81.61 cm, the recommendation for this specific mobile manufacturing robot might be shorter (\(M = 51.62\) cm). However, comfort distance varies between persons and situations and thus—for safety reasons—a wider default distance is recommended. As we find shorter comfort distances toward the robot with more encounters, interaction designers might also set larger comfort distances at the beginning and shorten the comfort distance after a while when the workers have more experience with the new robot.
Although the study did not find a direct effect of contextual factors on comfort distance, the indirect effects of emotional arousal or perceived control on comfort distance can be used to derive recommendations. As such, situations that are expected to cause high emotional arousal or lower workers’ possibilities of control might also require a robot to keep a larger distance. For example, as configurations similar to those of the experiment (but without an experimenter observing the situation with the possibility to stop the robot remotely) could be more stressful in real-world situations, it might be conceivable that these situations require larger comfort distances. These effects need to be tested in field trials. To be on the safe side, a path-planning algorithm could keep larger distances toward human workers when entering small corridors or when entering certain “high workload areas.” Either the “high workload areas” could be predefined (for example, in assembly areas) or the robot needs to be enabled to identify the situation of the worker. This, however, is currently the subject of research. A different possibility is the control of the robot’s velocity when approaching a human. Within smaller corridors or high workload areas, it might be useful to reduce the robot’s velocity earlier. In addition, it would be an advantage if the robot visually displays its current safety zone. This would provide a transparent indication to humans of the distance to which the robot is approaching before it stops.

6.5 Outlook

Past research on personal space in HRI has studied the effect of different factors on human comfort distance toward robots—however, contextual factors had not been considered. The experimental study in this article tried to address this gap. Although the study did not find a direct effect of room size and working memory load on comfort distance, the study showed indirect effects based on internal state models of human distancing behavior; that is, smaller rooms and tasks with higher working memory load led to higher emotional arousal and lower perceived control, which in turn led to larger comfort distances in general. Future research can build upon these results by exploring boundary conditions, that is, exploring whether more extreme or other contextual factors such as noise would lead to a certain level of emotional arousal, perceived control, and significant direct effects on comfort distance. In the study, moreover, methodological problems that studies of personal space in HRI revealed were avoided by a priori power analysis, preregistration, and open code and may lead to more robust results overall if widely applied in the future.


The authors would like to thank Lena Tikovsky for her help in conducting the study, our industry partners who provided us with material and resources, and all the people who helped us recruit participants.


As ANOVAs and t-tests have strong assumptions such as normality and homogeneity of variance, some statisticians call for the use of other tests that do not have such strong assumptions by default [11]. We thus used non-parametric tests that also take into account the repeated-measures design as proposed by Brunner et al. [8].

A Measurement of Comfort Distance

Comfort distance was measured in centimeters and was measured from the bottom end of the robot’s automatic guided vehicle platform to the front end of the subjects’ feet. Since all test subjects were instructed to stand in such a way that their front foot end is at a fixed line, distance to the robot is thus measured to this fixed line within the experimental setting. It was ensured by research staff that participants are staying in the right position before each trial started. An illustration of this measurement can be seen in Figure 5.
Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Measurement of comfort distance from the front of the robot vehicle to participants’ tip of the toe in centimeters.

B Self-developed Scales

All items of the self-developed scales on perceived control and perceived narrowness are listed in Table 1 in German original and English translation.
Table 1.
German OriginalEnglish Translation
Perceived Control
Wie sehr hatten Sie das Gefühl, Einfluss auf das zu haben was in der Situation geschah?How much did you feel you had an influence on what happened in the situation?
Wie sehr hatten Sie das Gefühl, die Situation kontrollieren zu können?How much did you feel you could control the situation?
Wie sehr hatten Sie das Gefühl, dass die Kontrolle über die Situation bei Ihnen liegt?How much did you feel that the control over the situation was with you?
Wie sehr hatten Sie das Gefühl, die Situation steuern zu können?How much did you feel you could direct the situation?
Perceived Narrowness
Wie sehr war die Situation für Sie beklemmend?How oppressive was the situation for you?
Wie sehr hatten Sie ein Engegefühl?How much did you have a feeling of tightness?
Wie sehr fühlten Sie sich in der Situation eingeschränkt?How much did you feel restricted in the situation?
Wie frei fühlten Sie sich in der Situation?How free did you feel in the situation?
Wie sehr hatten Sie das Gefühl, aus der Situation entfliehen zu wollen?How much did you feel like escaping from the situation?
Table 1. Items of the Self-developed Perceived Control and Perceived Narrowness Scales in German Original and English Translation
Note: Answers were assessed using a 5-point Likert scale.


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ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction  Volume 11, Issue 4
December 2022
321 pages
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Published: 08 September 2022
Online AM: 11 May 2022
Accepted: 01 April 2022
Revised: 01 December 2021
Received: 01 March 2021
Published in THRI Volume 11, Issue 4


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  1. Proxemics
  2. interpersonal distance
  3. arousal
  4. perceived control
  5. equilibrium models


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